Ef themes 0.6.0 for GNU Emacs

The ef-themes is a collection of light and dark themes for GNU Emacs whose goal is to provide colourful (“pretty”) yet legible options for users who want something with a bit more flair than the modus-themes (also designed by me). Watch the presentation of the original version, which demonstrates the first eight themes in the collection and explains a few technical points: https://protesilaos.com/codelog/2022-08-18-ef-themes-demo/.

New tri-chrome themes

The collection now includes two themes which apply shades of magenta, blue, and teal in most contexts. They are named ef-trio-dark and ef-trio-light. I think some of you will like their aesthetics.

The announcement includes screenshots (and it also links to the page with all the pictures of the themes): https://protesilaos.com/codelog/2022-09-16-ef-themes-trio/.

As part of the development, I initially forgot to register the “trio” themes as part of the collection. Thanks to Sven Seebeck for informing me about it. (This is shared with permission, as it was done via a private channel.)

Changes to faces or face groups

  • Removed the override for the org-modern-label face. We used to affect its properties, which had the unintended effect of breaking the functionality of the user option org-modern-label-border. Users of the org-modern package may thus notice a difference in the effective typography that org-modern-mode produces.

    For the alignment of tables with timestamps (e.g. clocktables), it is recommended to set the user option org-modern-timestamp to nil. The manual covers this information in the section titled “Tweak org-modern timestamps”.

    Users who still need help with this are welcome to contact me in private or via the development channels of the Ef themes (mailing list or GitHub/GitLab mirrors).

    Thanks to Daniel Mendler (the org-modern developer) for explaining the technicalities and correcting errors I made in the previous version of that entry in the manual: https://github.com/protesilaos/ef-themes/commit/79bb1436f2fd8ab07e850c247c5616490f619f52.

  • Refined the backgrounds of regexp groupings. Commands such as re-builder and isearch-forward-regexp apply distinct colours to matching regexp groups. Those are now optimised to stand out more when seen side-by-side.

    Part of this work involved a thorough review of the applicable hues used by the ef-deuteranopia-dark and ef-deuteranopia-light (the two themes which are designed for users with red-green colour deficiency). The announcement on my website shows screenshots, including those which simulate deuteranopia: https://protesilaos.com/codelog/2022-09-18-ef-themes-deuteranopia-regexp/.

  • Added support for display-fill-column-indicator-mode. Thanks to Daniel Mendler for informing me about it (this is shared with permission, as it was done via a private channel).

  • Covered two faces that are available on Emacs 29 (current development target) for Version Control: vc-git-log-edit-summary-max-warning, and vc-git-log-edit-summary-target-warning.

Making use of ef-themes-select in init files

The manual includes improved language on how to use the function ef-themes-select in user init files. This is for users who need to leverage the ef-themes-post-load-hook at startup (using that hook is also explained in the manual). Basically, one loads a theme in their init file with something like:

;; like `load-theme' but also call `ef-themes-post-load-hook'
(ef-themes-select 'ef-summer)

Miscellaneous refinements

  • Simplified how the variable ef-themes-collection gets its value. Thanks to Philip Kaludercic for suggesting the use of seq-union over at the emacs-devel mailing list: https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-devel/2022-09/msg01053.html.

    I could not use seq-union because it introduces a dependency on Emacs 28, whereas we support Emacs 27. I went with append instead.

  • Ensured that the background colour of matching delimiters in show-paren-mode is no longer red-tinted. We thus avoid the potential problem of mistaking those highlights for errors of some sort. This affects the themes ef-autumn, ~ef-light, and ef-night.

  • Recorded the colour distance and colour contrast between the base background values across all themes. The data is incorporated in the file contrast-ratios.org, which is part of the Git repository and is basically intended for my own use as part of this project’s development (though you are welcome to consult it).

What you do not see but still need to know about

I worked on two major changes but refrained from implementing them in this version. Whether I will do so in the future remains to be determined. The first is an option to apply “intense” colouration to the region face. The second pertains to a review of the base backgrounds across all dark themes in order to improve their contrast relative to the main background.

The following sections delve into the specifics. To cut the long story short: changing colours is not trivial work.

Considerations for the “intense” region

The following patch is deceptively simple. It defines some new colour values, adds a tiny function, and a user option. Why not add this to the themes, then? The reason is that colours are never that simple. Any new value for the region must (i) work with hl-line-mode, (ii) respect the highlights of show-paren-mode, (iii) complement or otherwise not interfere with isearch and its lazy highlights or any other search utility that can extend the active region highlight, (iv) keep the cursor visible, and (v) remain thematically consistent with the rest of the theme. Running those checks for 14 themes is no mean feat and there is always the chance that the new colours will still have a negative effect in places that are not expected. Furthermore, there is no guarantee that the number of Ef themes will stay at 14 (I have some more ideas, yes).

It is for such reasons that one of the principles of this project is to NOT offer customisation options that influence colours. They do not scale and will make things unmaintainable.

From 30506843a9692c6539de79d819b63f328dbb5638 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
Message-Id: <30506843a9692c6539de79d819b63f328dbb5638.1663662345.git.info@protesilaos.com>
From: Protesilaos Stavrou <info@protesilaos.com>
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2022 11:25:15 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] Add user option for intense region

 ef-autumn-theme.el             |  1 +
 ef-dark-theme.el               |  1 +
 ef-day-theme.el                |  1 +
 ef-deuteranopia-dark-theme.el  |  1 +
 ef-deuteranopia-light-theme.el |  1 +
 ef-duo-dark-theme.el           |  1 +
 ef-duo-light-theme.el          |  1 +
 ef-light-theme.el              |  1 +
 ef-night-theme.el              |  1 +
 ef-spring-theme.el             |  1 +
 ef-summer-theme.el             |  1 +
 ef-themes.el                   | 20 +++++++++++++++++++-
 ef-trio-dark-theme.el          |  1 +
 ef-trio-light-theme.el         |  1 +
 ef-winter-theme.el             |  1 +
 15 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/ef-autumn-theme.el b/ef-autumn-theme.el
index e4b6e02..cd18137 100644
--- a/ef-autumn-theme.el
+++ b/ef-autumn-theme.el
@@ -127,6 +127,7 @@ (eval-and-compile
       (bg-hover-alt  "#6f345a")
       (bg-hl-line    "#302a3a")
       (bg-region     "#3f1020")
+      (bg-region-intense "#3f5030")
       (bg-paren      "#7f2d40")
       (bg-err        "#361400") ; check with err
       (bg-warning    "#332800") ; check with warning
diff --git a/ef-dark-theme.el b/ef-dark-theme.el
index 2377178..3ff49aa 100644
--- a/ef-dark-theme.el
+++ b/ef-dark-theme.el
@@ -127,6 +127,7 @@ (eval-and-compile
       (bg-hover-alt  "#551f5a")
       (bg-hl-line    "#002435")
       (bg-region     "#25164a")
+      (bg-region-intense "#4f3f3f")
       (bg-paren      "#20577a")
       (bg-err        "#330d09") ; check with err
       (bg-warning    "#332600") ; check with warning
diff --git a/ef-day-theme.el b/ef-day-theme.el
index c27fd63..7faecb9 100644
--- a/ef-day-theme.el
+++ b/ef-day-theme.el
@@ -127,6 +127,7 @@ (eval-and-compile
       (bg-hover-alt  "#febcaf")
       (bg-hl-line    "#f9e2b2")
       (bg-region     "#f0d2df")
+      (bg-region-intense "#d2aaaf")
       (bg-paren      "#8fcfdf")
       (bg-err        "#ffddee") ; check with err
       (bg-warning    "#ffe0aa") ; check with warning
diff --git a/ef-deuteranopia-dark-theme.el b/ef-deuteranopia-dark-theme.el
index 084b11c..816019a 100644
--- a/ef-deuteranopia-dark-theme.el
+++ b/ef-deuteranopia-dark-theme.el
@@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ (eval-and-compile
       (bg-hover-alt  "#003a7f")
       (bg-hl-line    "#2e2e1b")
       (bg-region     "#202d3f")
+      (bg-region-intense "#50557f")
       (bg-paren      "#0f4f9a")
       (bg-err        "#232d09") ; check with err
       (bg-warning    "#332600") ; check with warning
diff --git a/ef-deuteranopia-light-theme.el b/ef-deuteranopia-light-theme.el
index 06d091a..fac544f 100644
--- a/ef-deuteranopia-light-theme.el
+++ b/ef-deuteranopia-light-theme.el
@@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ (eval-and-compile
       (bg-hover-alt  "#afafff")
       (bg-hl-line    "#f3e0d5")
       (bg-region     "#dadadf")
+      (bg-region-intense "#bbaacf")
       (bg-paren      "#8fc0cf")
       (bg-err        "#f0e0aa") ; check with err
       (bg-warning    "#ffe0aa") ; check with warning
diff --git a/ef-duo-dark-theme.el b/ef-duo-dark-theme.el
index bbb25be..148c668 100644
--- a/ef-duo-dark-theme.el
+++ b/ef-duo-dark-theme.el
@@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ (eval-and-compile
       (bg-hover-alt  "#265f4a")
       (bg-hl-line    "#301a4f")
       (bg-region     "#042a50")
+      (bg-region-intense "#4f423f")
       (bg-paren      "#2f608e")
       (bg-err        "#330d09") ; check with err
       (bg-warning    "#332600") ; check with warning
diff --git a/ef-duo-light-theme.el b/ef-duo-light-theme.el
index 423f803..ceaba92 100644
--- a/ef-duo-light-theme.el
+++ b/ef-duo-light-theme.el
@@ -131,6 +131,7 @@ (eval-and-compile
       (bg-hover-alt  "#aaeccf")
       (bg-hl-line    "#f9e8c0")
       (bg-region     "#caeafa")
+      (bg-region-intense "#d0a99f")
       (bg-paren      "#afbfef")
       (bg-err        "#ffdfe6") ; check with err
       (bg-warning    "#ffe5ba") ; check with warning
diff --git a/ef-light-theme.el b/ef-light-theme.el
index 8cf425a..8389dba 100644
--- a/ef-light-theme.el
+++ b/ef-light-theme.el
@@ -127,6 +127,7 @@ (eval-and-compile
       (bg-hover-alt  "#b4cfff")
       (bg-hl-line    "#e4efd8")
       (bg-region     "#bfefff")
+      (bg-region-intense "#c0c0ef")
       (bg-paren      "#efa09f")
       (bg-err        "#ffd5ea") ; check with err
       (bg-warning    "#ffeabb") ; check with warning
diff --git a/ef-night-theme.el b/ef-night-theme.el
index f54689c..f17330c 100644
--- a/ef-night-theme.el
+++ b/ef-night-theme.el
@@ -127,6 +127,7 @@ (eval-and-compile
       (bg-hover-alt  "#664f4a")
       (bg-hl-line    "#002255")
       (bg-region     "#222f40")
+      (bg-region-intense "#2f4b4f")
       (bg-paren      "#703350")
       (bg-err        "#331419") ; check with err
       (bg-warning    "#332613") ; check with warning
diff --git a/ef-spring-theme.el b/ef-spring-theme.el
index 63927a2..3c77ebc 100644
--- a/ef-spring-theme.el
+++ b/ef-spring-theme.el
@@ -127,6 +127,7 @@ (eval-and-compile
       (bg-hover-alt  "#feb5ff")
       (bg-hl-line    "#f9e0e5")
       (bg-region     "#d0e6ff")
+      (bg-region-intense "#cabaef")
       (bg-paren      "#7fddd0")
       (bg-err        "#ffe8e0") ; check with err
       (bg-warning    "#ffecba") ; check with warning
diff --git a/ef-summer-theme.el b/ef-summer-theme.el
index f8d6a7a..664046d 100644
--- a/ef-summer-theme.el
+++ b/ef-summer-theme.el
@@ -127,6 +127,7 @@ (eval-and-compile
       (bg-hover-alt  "#aaeccf")
       (bg-hl-line    "#ffd6e5")
       (bg-region     "#eecfff")
+      (bg-region-intense "#e0b29f")
       (bg-paren      "#9fc0ef")
       (bg-err        "#ffd0e6") ; check with err
       (bg-warning    "#ffe5ba") ; check with warning
diff --git a/ef-themes.el b/ef-themes.el
index 53ae1c6..8eb90dc 100644
--- a/ef-themes.el
+++ b/ef-themes.el
@@ -230,6 +230,18 @@ (defcustom ef-themes-variable-pitch-ui nil
   :type 'boolean
   :link '(info-link "(ef-themes) UI typeface"))

+(defcustom ef-themes-intense-region nil
+  "When non-nil, make the `region' more intense.
+Increase the overall coloration of the `region' background and
+make it override any foreground colors within its boundaries.
+If nil (the default), use a more subtle background for the region
+and refrain from overriding foregrounds."
+  :group 'ef-themes
+  :package-version '(ef-themes . "0.6.0")
+  :type 'boolean
+  :link '(info-link "(ef-themes) Intense region"))
 ;;; Helpers for user options

 (defun ef-themes--fixed-pitch ()
@@ -242,6 +254,12 @@ (defun ef-themes--variable-pitch-ui ()
   (when ef-themes-variable-pitch-ui
     (list :inherit 'variable-pitch)))

+(defun ef-themes--region (bg bg-intense fg-intense)
+  "Conditional application of `ef-themes-intense-region'."
+  (if ef-themes-intense-region
+      (list :background bg-intense :foreground fg-intense)
+    (list :background bg)))
 (defun ef-themes--key-cdr (key alist)
   "Get cdr of KEY in ALIST."
   (cdr (assoc key alist)))
@@ -535,7 +553,7 @@ ;;;;; absolute essentials
     `(cursor ((,c :background ,cursor)))
     `(default ((,c :background ,bg-main :foreground ,fg-main)))
     `(italic ((,c :slant italic)))
-    `(region ((,c :background ,bg-region)))
+    `(region ((,c ,@(ef-themes--region bg-region bg-region-intense fg-intense))))
     `(vertical-border ((,c :foreground ,border)))
 ;;;;; all other basic faces
     `(button ((,c :foreground ,link :underline ,border)))
diff --git a/ef-trio-dark-theme.el b/ef-trio-dark-theme.el
index 0a1b5f4..76df54e 100644
--- a/ef-trio-dark-theme.el
+++ b/ef-trio-dark-theme.el
@@ -127,6 +127,7 @@ (eval-and-compile
       (bg-hover-alt  "#551f5a")
       (bg-hl-line    "#34223f")
       (bg-region     "#16304f")
+      (bg-region-intense "#514438")
       (bg-paren      "#2f605e")
       (bg-err        "#300f06") ; check with err
       (bg-warning    "#332910") ; check with warning
diff --git a/ef-trio-light-theme.el b/ef-trio-light-theme.el
index 015188d..37fb6ae 100644
--- a/ef-trio-light-theme.el
+++ b/ef-trio-light-theme.el
@@ -127,6 +127,7 @@ (eval-and-compile
       (bg-hover-alt  "#b4cfff")
       (bg-hl-line    "#cfe6ff")
       (bg-region     "#eed0ff")
+      (bg-region-intense "#d2b6ff")
       (bg-paren      "#dfadaf")
       (bg-err        "#ffdfe6") ; check with err
       (bg-warning    "#ffe5bf") ; check with warning
diff --git a/ef-winter-theme.el b/ef-winter-theme.el
index e552471..b68275b 100644
--- a/ef-winter-theme.el
+++ b/ef-winter-theme.el
@@ -127,6 +127,7 @@ (eval-and-compile
       (bg-hover-alt  "#600f5a")
       (bg-hl-line    "#003045")
       (bg-region     "#342464")
+      (bg-region-intense "#54363f")
       (bg-paren      "#2f608e")
       (bg-err        "#330d06") ; check with err
       (bg-warning    "#332610") ; check with warning

Revising the dark backgrounds

As with the “intense” region, any change to the base backgrounds has far-reaching implications. The following patch is, again, a matter of making small tweaks to colours values whose effect is far greater than what meets the eye. I mean, what can possibly go wrong by changing the colour #1a1a1a to #232323, right? This marginal adjustment requires, among others, that we also adjust (i) the foregrounds in header lines, (ii) the background colours of added and removed lines in Magit focused diff hunks as well as the backgrounds of word-wise, aka “refined”, diff highlights, (iii) the foregrounds of inactive mode lines, (iv) the legibility of inactive tabs in tab-bar-mode, tab-line-mode, (v) the legibility of elements such as the #+begin_src line in Org buffers, and probably many others. A change to one background necessarily needs a change to all others.

This topic is discussed with Alan Schmitt who has one monitor that does not reproduce black properly: https://lists.sr.ht/~protesilaos/ef-themes/%3C87leqe2tji.fsf%40m4x.org%3E.

My suggestion is to calibrate hardware, if possible, such as by relying on those resources:

  1. http://www.lagom.nl/lcd-test/black.php
  2. http://www.lagom.nl/lcd-test/white.php

[ Yes, I once did spend 8 hours calibrating my monitor. It was crazy. ]

From 35f3ee6b9c5a8f15615be1ef75e58c8b27e3b633 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
Message-Id: <35f3ee6b9c5a8f15615be1ef75e58c8b27e3b633.1663904476.git.info@protesilaos.com>
From: Protesilaos Stavrou <info@protesilaos.com>
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2022 06:07:12 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] Revise base backgrounds in all dark themes (DRAFT)

 contrast-ratios.org           | 420 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
 ef-autumn-theme.el            |   8 +-
 ef-dark-theme.el              |   8 +-
 ef-deuteranopia-dark-theme.el |   8 +-
 ef-duo-dark-theme.el          |   8 +-
 ef-night-theme.el             |   8 +-
 ef-trio-dark-theme.el         |   8 +-
 ef-winter-theme.el            |   8 +-
 8 files changed, 238 insertions(+), 238 deletions(-)

diff --git a/contrast-ratios.org b/contrast-ratios.org
index 0860495..bef9817 100644
--- a/contrast-ratios.org
+++ b/contrast-ratios.org
@@ -47,35 +47,35 @@ ** Base colours
 :CUSTOM_ID: h:85f29c2d-ae5c-4bb8-94bf-ac43543c8539

-| Name           |         | #0f0e06 | #1f1b19 | #36322f | #14130a |
+| Name           |         | #0f0e06 | #262422 | #342e2a | #17150f |
-| fg-main        | #cfbcba |   10.64 |    9.40 |    6.99 |   10.25 |
-| fg-dim         | #887c8a |    4.88 |    4.31 |    3.20 |    4.70 |
-| fg-alt         | #70a89f |    7.18 |    6.34 |    4.71 |    6.91 |
-| red            | #ef656a |    6.21 |    5.48 |    4.07 |    5.98 |
-| red-warmer     | #f26f25 |    6.52 |    5.76 |    4.28 |    6.28 |
-| red-cooler     | #f07f7f |    7.41 |    6.55 |    4.86 |    7.14 |
-| red-faint      | #d08f72 |    7.23 |    6.39 |    4.75 |    6.97 |
-| green          | #2fa526 |    6.02 |    5.31 |    3.95 |    5.79 |
-| green-warmer   | #64aa0f |    6.72 |    5.94 |    4.41 |    6.47 |
-| green-cooler   | #00b066 |    6.82 |    6.02 |    4.47 |    6.57 |
-| green-faint    | #5f9f6f |    6.15 |    5.43 |    4.04 |    5.92 |
-| yellow         | #c48702 |    6.28 |    5.54 |    4.12 |    6.04 |
-| yellow-warmer  | #d0730f |    5.66 |    5.00 |    3.71 |    5.45 |
-| yellow-cooler  | #df8f6f |    7.64 |    6.75 |    5.02 |    7.36 |
-| yellow-faint   | #cf9f7f |    8.21 |    7.26 |    5.39 |    7.91 |
-| blue           | #379cf6 |    6.68 |    5.90 |    4.38 |    6.43 |
-| blue-warmer    | #6a88ff |    6.06 |    5.35 |    3.98 |    5.84 |
-| blue-cooler    | #029fff |    6.82 |    6.03 |    4.48 |    6.57 |
-| blue-faint     | #6a84af |    5.10 |    4.50 |    3.34 |    4.91 |
-| magenta        | #d570af |    6.23 |    5.50 |    4.09 |    6.00 |
-| magenta-warmer | #e580ea |    7.93 |    7.00 |    5.20 |    7.64 |
-| magenta-cooler | #af8aff |    7.28 |    6.43 |    4.78 |    7.01 |
-| magenta-faint  | #c590af |    7.35 |    6.49 |    4.83 |    7.08 |
-| cyan           | #4fb0cf |    7.78 |    6.87 |    5.10 |    7.49 |
-| cyan-warmer    | #6fafff |    8.52 |    7.53 |    5.59 |    8.21 |
-| cyan-cooler    | #3dbbb0 |    8.23 |    7.27 |    5.40 |    7.92 |
-| cyan-faint     | #82a0af |    7.00 |    6.18 |    4.59 |    6.74 |
+| fg-main        | #cfbcba |   10.64 |    8.51 |    7.36 |   10.04 |
+| fg-dim         | #887c8a |    4.88 |    3.90 |    3.37 |    4.60 |
+| fg-alt         | #70a89f |    7.18 |    5.74 |    4.96 |    6.77 |
+| red            | #ef656a |    6.21 |    4.96 |    4.29 |    5.86 |
+| red-warmer     | #f26f25 |    6.52 |    5.21 |    4.51 |    6.15 |
+| red-cooler     | #f07f7f |    7.41 |    5.93 |    5.12 |    6.99 |
+| red-faint      | #d08f72 |    7.23 |    5.78 |    5.00 |    6.83 |
+| green          | #2fa526 |    6.02 |    4.81 |    4.16 |    5.68 |
+| green-warmer   | #64aa0f |    6.72 |    5.38 |    4.65 |    6.34 |
+| green-cooler   | #00b066 |    6.82 |    5.45 |    4.71 |    6.43 |
+| green-faint    | #5f9f6f |    6.15 |    4.92 |    4.25 |    5.80 |
+| yellow         | #c48702 |    6.28 |    5.02 |    4.34 |    5.92 |
+| yellow-warmer  | #d0730f |    5.66 |    4.52 |    3.91 |    5.34 |
+| yellow-cooler  | #df8f6f |    7.64 |    6.11 |    5.28 |    7.21 |
+| yellow-faint   | #cf9f7f |    8.21 |    6.57 |    5.68 |    7.75 |
+| blue           | #379cf6 |    6.68 |    5.34 |    4.62 |    6.30 |
+| blue-warmer    | #6a88ff |    6.06 |    4.84 |    4.19 |    5.72 |
+| blue-cooler    | #029fff |    6.82 |    5.45 |    4.72 |    6.44 |
+| blue-faint     | #6a84af |    5.10 |    4.07 |    3.52 |    4.81 |
+| magenta        | #d570af |    6.23 |    4.98 |    4.31 |    5.88 |
+| magenta-warmer | #e580ea |    7.93 |    6.34 |    5.48 |    7.48 |
+| magenta-cooler | #af8aff |    7.28 |    5.82 |    5.03 |    6.87 |
+| magenta-faint  | #c590af |    7.35 |    5.88 |    5.08 |    6.94 |
+| cyan           | #4fb0cf |    7.78 |    6.22 |    5.38 |    7.34 |
+| cyan-warmer    | #6fafff |    8.52 |    6.81 |    5.89 |    8.04 |
+| cyan-cooler    | #3dbbb0 |    8.23 |    6.58 |    5.69 |    7.76 |
+| cyan-faint     | #82a0af |    7.00 |    5.59 |    4.84 |    6.60 |
 #+TBLFM: $3='(Λ $2 @1$3);%.2f :: $4='(Λ $2 @1$4);%.2f :: $5='(Λ $2 @1$5);%.2f :: $6='(Λ $2 @1$6);%.2f

 ** Special colours against the modeline
@@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ ** Distance and contrast between main backgrounds
 # bg-main / bg-dim, bg-main / bg-alt
 | #0f0e06 | distance | contrast |
-| #1f1b19 |     2279 |     1.13 |
-| #36322f |    13351 |     1.52 |
+| #262422 |     5361 |     1.25 |
+| #342e2a |    10815 |     1.45 |
 #+TBLFM: $2='(Δ $1 @1$1) :: $3='(Λ $1 @1$1);%.2f

 * ef-dark
@@ -109,35 +109,35 @@ ** Base colours
 :CUSTOM_ID: h:bdc5d5b7-4d1a-4e3d-8333-01a96164f4d8

-| Name           |         | #000000 | #1a1a1a | #2b2b2b | #0c0c0c |
+| Name           |         | #000000 | #232323 | #2e2e2e | #101010 |
-| fg-main        | #d0d0d0 |   13.62 |   11.28 |    9.18 |   12.68 |
-| fg-dim         | #807f9f |    5.45 |    4.52 |    3.68 |    5.08 |
-| fg-alt         | #89afef |    9.44 |    7.83 |    6.37 |    8.80 |
-| red            | #ef6560 |    6.70 |    5.55 |    4.52 |    6.24 |
-| red-warmer     | #f47360 |    7.47 |    6.19 |    5.04 |    6.96 |
-| red-cooler     | #ff5a7a |    7.00 |    5.80 |    4.72 |    6.52 |
-| red-faint      | #d56f72 |    6.35 |    5.26 |    4.28 |    5.91 |
-| green          | #0faa26 |    6.80 |    5.63 |    4.58 |    6.33 |
-| green-warmer   | #6aad0f |    7.60 |    6.30 |    5.12 |    7.08 |
-| green-cooler   | #00a692 |    6.87 |    5.69 |    4.63 |    6.40 |
-| green-faint    | #61a06c |    6.75 |    5.60 |    4.55 |    6.29 |
-| yellow         | #c48032 |    6.48 |    5.37 |    4.37 |    6.04 |
-| yellow-warmer  | #d1843f |    7.08 |    5.87 |    4.78 |    6.60 |
-| yellow-cooler  | #df8f5a |    8.21 |    6.81 |    5.54 |    7.65 |
-| yellow-faint   | #cf9f8f |    9.01 |    7.47 |    6.07 |    8.39 |
-| blue           | #3f95f6 |    6.84 |    5.67 |    4.61 |    6.37 |
-| blue-warmer    | #6a9fff |    8.02 |    6.64 |    5.40 |    7.47 |
-| blue-cooler    | #029fff |    7.41 |    6.14 |    4.99 |    6.90 |
-| blue-faint     | #7a94df |    7.13 |    5.91 |    4.81 |    6.64 |
-| magenta        | #d369af |    6.41 |    5.31 |    4.32 |    5.97 |
-| magenta-warmer | #e580ea |    8.61 |    7.13 |    5.80 |    8.02 |
-| magenta-cooler | #af85ff |    7.62 |    6.32 |    5.14 |    7.10 |
-| magenta-faint  | #c57faf |    7.03 |    5.83 |    4.74 |    6.55 |
-| cyan           | #4fbaef |    9.60 |    7.96 |    6.47 |    8.94 |
-| cyan-warmer    | #6fafff |    9.25 |    7.67 |    6.24 |    8.62 |
-| cyan-cooler    | #1dbfcf |    9.41 |    7.80 |    6.34 |    8.76 |
-| cyan-faint     | #8aa0df |    8.17 |    6.77 |    5.51 |    7.61 |
+| fg-main        | #d0d0d0 |   13.62 |   10.19 |    8.80 |   12.34 |
+| fg-dim         | #807f9f |    5.45 |    4.08 |    3.53 |    4.94 |
+| fg-alt         | #89afef |    9.44 |    7.07 |    6.11 |    8.56 |
+| red            | #ef6560 |    6.70 |    5.01 |    4.33 |    6.07 |
+| red-warmer     | #f47360 |    7.47 |    5.59 |    4.83 |    6.77 |
+| red-cooler     | #ff5a7a |    7.00 |    5.24 |    4.52 |    6.34 |
+| red-faint      | #d56f72 |    6.35 |    4.75 |    4.10 |    5.75 |
+| green          | #0faa26 |    6.80 |    5.09 |    4.40 |    6.16 |
+| green-warmer   | #6aad0f |    7.60 |    5.69 |    4.91 |    6.88 |
+| green-cooler   | #00a692 |    6.87 |    5.14 |    4.44 |    6.22 |
+| green-faint    | #61a06c |    6.75 |    5.05 |    4.37 |    6.12 |
+| yellow         | #c48032 |    6.48 |    4.85 |    4.19 |    5.87 |
+| yellow-warmer  | #d1843f |    7.08 |    5.30 |    4.58 |    6.42 |
+| yellow-cooler  | #df8f5a |    8.21 |    6.15 |    5.31 |    7.44 |
+| yellow-faint   | #cf9f8f |    9.01 |    6.74 |    5.83 |    8.16 |
+| blue           | #3f95f6 |    6.84 |    5.12 |    4.42 |    6.20 |
+| blue-warmer    | #6a9fff |    8.02 |    6.00 |    5.18 |    7.26 |
+| blue-cooler    | #029fff |    7.41 |    5.54 |    4.79 |    6.71 |
+| blue-faint     | #7a94df |    7.13 |    5.34 |    4.61 |    6.46 |
+| magenta        | #d369af |    6.41 |    4.80 |    4.14 |    5.81 |
+| magenta-warmer | #e580ea |    8.61 |    6.44 |    5.57 |    7.80 |
+| magenta-cooler | #af85ff |    7.62 |    5.70 |    4.93 |    6.91 |
+| magenta-faint  | #c57faf |    7.03 |    5.26 |    4.55 |    6.37 |
+| cyan           | #4fbaef |    9.60 |    7.19 |    6.21 |    8.70 |
+| cyan-warmer    | #6fafff |    9.25 |    6.92 |    5.98 |    8.38 |
+| cyan-cooler    | #1dbfcf |    9.41 |    7.04 |    6.08 |    8.52 |
+| cyan-faint     | #8aa0df |    8.17 |    6.12 |    5.29 |    7.41 |
 #+TBLFM: $3='(Λ $2 @1$3);%.2f :: $4='(Λ $2 @1$4);%.2f :: $5='(Λ $2 @1$5);%.2f :: $6='(Λ $2 @1$6);%.2f

 ** Special colours against the modeline
@@ -157,8 +157,8 @@ ** Distance and contrast between main backgrounds
 # bg-main / bg-dim, bg-main / bg-alt
 | #000000 | distance | contrast |
-| #1a1a1a |     6131 |     1.21 |
-| #2b2b2b |    16771 |     1.48 |
+| #232323 |    11111 |     1.34 |
+| #2e2e2e |    19193 |     1.55 |
 #+TBLFM: $2='(Δ $1 @1$1) :: $3='(Λ $1 @1$1);%.2f

 * ef-day
@@ -237,35 +237,35 @@ ** Base colours
 yellows.  We just define the entire palette to make it work with the
 overall design of the project.

-| Name           |         | #000a1f | #0f1c2d | #19263a | #071225 |
+| Name           |         | #000a1f | #1a2332 | #2c2c3f | #101625 |
-| fg-main        | #ddddee |   14.72 |   12.78 |   11.34 |   13.95 |
-| fg-dim         | #7f8797 |    5.47 |    4.75 |    4.21 |    5.18 |
-| fg-alt         | #90afef |    9.00 |    7.81 |    6.93 |    8.52 |
-| red            | #cf8560 |    6.75 |    5.86 |    5.20 |    6.40 |
-| red-warmer     | #e47360 |    6.51 |    5.65 |    5.02 |    6.17 |
-| red-cooler     | #cf7a7a |    6.32 |    5.49 |    4.87 |    5.99 |
-| red-faint      | #b57f82 |    5.95 |    5.16 |    4.58 |    5.63 |
-| green          | #3faa26 |    6.57 |    5.71 |    5.07 |    6.23 |
-| green-warmer   | #7aad0f |    7.35 |    6.38 |    5.66 |    6.96 |
-| green-cooler   | #3fa672 |    6.50 |    5.64 |    5.01 |    6.16 |
-| green-faint    | #61a06c |    6.35 |    5.52 |    4.89 |    6.02 |
-| yellow         | #aa9f32 |    7.26 |    6.30 |    5.59 |    6.87 |
-| yellow-warmer  | #cfaf00 |    9.20 |    7.99 |    7.09 |    8.72 |
-| yellow-cooler  | #bfaf7a |    9.06 |    7.86 |    6.98 |    8.58 |
-| yellow-faint   | #af9a6a |    7.20 |    6.25 |    5.55 |    6.82 |
-| blue           | #3f90f0 |    6.07 |    5.28 |    4.68 |    5.76 |
-| blue-warmer    | #6a9fff |    7.54 |    6.55 |    5.81 |    7.14 |
-| blue-cooler    | #009fff |    6.96 |    6.05 |    5.37 |    6.60 |
-| blue-faint     | #7a94df |    6.71 |    5.82 |    5.17 |    6.35 |
-| magenta        | #b379bf |    6.02 |    5.23 |    4.64 |    5.71 |
-| magenta-warmer | #af80ea |    6.68 |    5.80 |    5.15 |    6.33 |
-| magenta-cooler | #9f95ff |    7.73 |    6.71 |    5.96 |    7.32 |
-| magenta-faint  | #c59fcf |    8.69 |    7.54 |    6.69 |    8.23 |
-| cyan           | #5faaef |    7.98 |    6.93 |    6.15 |    7.56 |
-| cyan-warmer    | #7fafff |    8.91 |    7.74 |    6.87 |    8.45 |
-| cyan-cooler    | #0db0ff |    8.16 |    7.08 |    6.28 |    7.73 |
-| cyan-faint     | #8aa0df |    7.69 |    6.68 |    5.92 |    7.28 |
+| fg-main        | #ddddee |   14.72 |   11.76 |   10.17 |   13.45 |
+| fg-dim         | #7f8797 |    5.47 |    4.37 |    3.78 |    5.00 |
+| fg-alt         | #90afef |    9.00 |    7.19 |    6.21 |    8.22 |
+| red            | #cf8560 |    6.75 |    5.39 |    4.66 |    6.17 |
+| red-warmer     | #e47360 |    6.51 |    5.20 |    4.50 |    5.95 |
+| red-cooler     | #cf7a7a |    6.32 |    5.05 |    4.36 |    5.77 |
+| red-faint      | #b57f82 |    5.95 |    4.75 |    4.11 |    5.43 |
+| green          | #3faa26 |    6.57 |    5.25 |    4.54 |    6.01 |
+| green-warmer   | #7aad0f |    7.35 |    5.87 |    5.08 |    6.71 |
+| green-cooler   | #3fa672 |    6.50 |    5.19 |    4.49 |    5.94 |
+| green-faint    | #61a06c |    6.35 |    5.08 |    4.39 |    5.80 |
+| yellow         | #aa9f32 |    7.26 |    5.80 |    5.01 |    6.63 |
+| yellow-warmer  | #cfaf00 |    9.20 |    7.36 |    6.36 |    8.41 |
+| yellow-cooler  | #bfaf7a |    9.06 |    7.24 |    6.26 |    8.28 |
+| yellow-faint   | #af9a6a |    7.20 |    5.75 |    4.97 |    6.58 |
+| blue           | #3f90f0 |    6.07 |    4.85 |    4.20 |    5.55 |
+| blue-warmer    | #6a9fff |    7.54 |    6.03 |    5.21 |    6.89 |
+| blue-cooler    | #009fff |    6.96 |    5.56 |    4.81 |    6.36 |
+| blue-faint     | #7a94df |    6.71 |    5.36 |    4.63 |    6.13 |
+| magenta        | #b379bf |    6.02 |    4.81 |    4.16 |    5.50 |
+| magenta-warmer | #af80ea |    6.68 |    5.34 |    4.61 |    6.10 |
+| magenta-cooler | #9f95ff |    7.73 |    6.18 |    5.34 |    7.06 |
+| magenta-faint  | #c59fcf |    8.69 |    6.94 |    6.00 |    7.94 |
+| cyan           | #5faaef |    7.98 |    6.38 |    5.51 |    7.29 |
+| cyan-warmer    | #7fafff |    8.91 |    7.12 |    6.16 |    8.15 |
+| cyan-cooler    | #0db0ff |    8.16 |    6.52 |    5.63 |    7.45 |
+| cyan-faint     | #8aa0df |    7.69 |    6.14 |    5.31 |    7.03 |
 #+TBLFM: $3='(Λ $2 @1$3);%.2f :: $4='(Λ $2 @1$4);%.2f :: $5='(Λ $2 @1$5);%.2f :: $6='(Λ $2 @1$6);%.2f

 ** Special colours against the modeline
@@ -285,8 +285,8 @@ ** Distance and contrast between main backgrounds
 # bg-main / bg-dim, bg-main / bg-alt
 | #000a1f | distance | contrast |
-| #0f1c2d |     2353 |     1.15 |
-| #19263a |     6619 |     1.30 |
+| #1a2332 |     4989 |     1.25 |
+| #2c2c3f |    11737 |     1.45 |
 #+TBLFM: $2='(Δ $1 @1$1) :: $3='(Λ $1 @1$1);%.2f

 * ef-deuteranopia-light
@@ -372,35 +372,35 @@ ** Base colours
 blue/cyan and yellow hues.  We just define the entire palette to make it
 work with the overall design of the project.

-| Name           |         | #070019 | #1c1926 | #262230 | #140e1c |
+| Name           |         | #070019 | #211c2b | #2c2836 | #181322 |
-| fg-main        | #d0d0d0 |   13.31 |   11.19 |   10.06 |   12.27 |
-| fg-dim         | #857f8f |    5.31 |    4.46 |    4.01 |    4.89 |
-| fg-alt         | #89afef |    9.23 |    7.76 |    6.97 |    8.51 |
-| red            | #ef656a |    6.59 |    5.54 |    4.98 |    6.08 |
-| red-warmer     | #f47360 |    7.30 |    6.14 |    5.52 |    6.73 |
-| red-cooler     | #ef798f |    7.63 |    6.41 |    5.76 |    7.03 |
-| red-faint      | #d08f72 |    7.68 |    6.46 |    5.80 |    7.08 |
-| green          | #1fa526 |    6.32 |    5.32 |    4.78 |    5.83 |
-| green-warmer   | #50a22f |    6.40 |    5.38 |    4.84 |    5.90 |
-| green-cooler   | #00b982 |    8.08 |    6.79 |    6.10 |    7.45 |
-| green-faint    | #61a06c |    6.60 |    5.55 |    4.99 |    6.09 |
-| yellow         | #c48702 |    6.66 |    5.60 |    5.03 |    6.14 |
-| yellow-warmer  | #d0730f |    6.00 |    5.05 |    4.54 |    5.54 |
-| yellow-cooler  | #df805f |    7.22 |    6.08 |    5.46 |    6.66 |
-| yellow-faint   | #9f8f6a |    6.46 |    5.44 |    4.88 |    5.96 |
-| blue           | #379cf6 |    7.09 |    5.96 |    5.35 |    6.53 |
-| blue-warmer    | #6f80ff |    6.07 |    5.10 |    4.58 |    5.60 |
-| blue-cooler    | #029fff |    7.24 |    6.09 |    5.47 |    6.68 |
-| blue-faint     | #8a9fdf |    7.92 |    6.66 |    5.99 |    7.31 |
-| magenta        | #d369af |    6.26 |    5.27 |    4.73 |    5.78 |
-| magenta-warmer | #e580ea |    8.41 |    7.08 |    6.36 |    7.76 |
-| magenta-cooler | #af85ff |    7.45 |    6.27 |    5.63 |    6.87 |
-| magenta-faint  | #c57faf |    6.87 |    5.78 |    5.19 |    6.34 |
-| cyan           | #5faaef |    8.29 |    6.97 |    6.27 |    7.65 |
-| cyan-warmer    | #7fafff |    9.26 |    7.79 |    7.00 |    8.54 |
-| cyan-cooler    | #0dafdf |    8.03 |    6.75 |    6.07 |    7.41 |
-| cyan-faint     | #8aa0df |    7.99 |    6.72 |    6.04 |    7.37 |
+| fg-main        | #d0d0d0 |   13.31 |   10.76 |    9.30 |   11.79 |
+| fg-dim         | #857f8f |    5.31 |    4.29 |    3.71 |    4.70 |
+| fg-alt         | #89afef |    9.23 |    7.46 |    6.45 |    8.17 |
+| red            | #ef656a |    6.59 |    5.33 |    4.60 |    5.83 |
+| red-warmer     | #f47360 |    7.30 |    5.90 |    5.10 |    6.47 |
+| red-cooler     | #ef798f |    7.63 |    6.16 |    5.33 |    6.75 |
+| red-faint      | #d08f72 |    7.68 |    6.21 |    5.37 |    6.80 |
+| green          | #1fa526 |    6.32 |    5.11 |    4.42 |    5.60 |
+| green-warmer   | #50a22f |    6.40 |    5.18 |    4.47 |    5.67 |
+| green-cooler   | #00b982 |    8.08 |    6.53 |    5.64 |    7.15 |
+| green-faint    | #61a06c |    6.60 |    5.34 |    4.61 |    5.85 |
+| yellow         | #c48702 |    6.66 |    5.38 |    4.65 |    5.90 |
+| yellow-warmer  | #d0730f |    6.00 |    4.85 |    4.20 |    5.32 |
+| yellow-cooler  | #df805f |    7.22 |    5.84 |    5.05 |    6.40 |
+| yellow-faint   | #9f8f6a |    6.46 |    5.22 |    4.52 |    5.72 |
+| blue           | #379cf6 |    7.09 |    5.73 |    4.95 |    6.28 |
+| blue-warmer    | #6f80ff |    6.07 |    4.90 |    4.24 |    5.37 |
+| blue-cooler    | #029fff |    7.24 |    5.85 |    5.06 |    6.41 |
+| blue-faint     | #8a9fdf |    7.92 |    6.40 |    5.54 |    7.02 |
+| magenta        | #d369af |    6.26 |    5.06 |    4.38 |    5.55 |
+| magenta-warmer | #e580ea |    8.41 |    6.80 |    5.88 |    7.45 |
+| magenta-cooler | #af85ff |    7.45 |    6.02 |    5.21 |    6.60 |
+| magenta-faint  | #c57faf |    6.87 |    5.55 |    4.80 |    6.09 |
+| cyan           | #5faaef |    8.29 |    6.70 |    5.79 |    7.34 |
+| cyan-warmer    | #7fafff |    9.26 |    7.49 |    6.47 |    8.21 |
+| cyan-cooler    | #0dafdf |    8.03 |    6.49 |    5.61 |    7.11 |
+| cyan-faint     | #8aa0df |    7.99 |    6.46 |    5.58 |    7.08 |
 #+TBLFM: $3='(Λ $2 @1$3);%.2f :: $4='(Λ $2 @1$4);%.2f :: $5='(Λ $2 @1$5);%.2f :: $6='(Λ $2 @1$6);%.2f

 ** Special colours against the modeline
@@ -420,8 +420,8 @@ ** Distance and contrast between main backgrounds
 # bg-main / bg-dim, bg-main / bg-alt
 | #070019 | distance | contrast |
-| #1c1926 |     3938 |     1.19 |
-| #262230 |     8235 |     1.32 |
+| #211c2b |     5530 |     1.24 |
+| #2c2836 |    11805 |     1.43 |
 #+TBLFM: $2='(Δ $1 @1$1) :: $3='(Λ $1 @1$1);%.2f

 * ef-duo-light
@@ -562,35 +562,35 @@ ** Base colours
 :CUSTOM_ID: h:2e0d0312-3984-48d8-9adc-1d132c1ab651

-| Name           |         | #000e17 | #0f1b29 | #1a2a2f | #0f121f |
+| Name           |         | #000e17 | #18242f | #262e36 | #121522 |
-| fg-main        | #afbcbf |   10.02 |    8.91 |    7.60 |    9.56 |
-| fg-dim         | #70819f |    4.96 |    4.41 |    3.76 |    4.73 |
-| fg-alt         | #b0a0a0 |    7.80 |    6.93 |    5.92 |    7.44 |
-| red            | #ef656a |    6.27 |    5.57 |    4.76 |    5.98 |
-| red-warmer     | #f47360 |    6.95 |    6.18 |    5.27 |    6.63 |
-| red-cooler     | #ef798f |    7.26 |    6.45 |    5.51 |    6.92 |
-| red-faint      | #d56f72 |    5.90 |    5.25 |    4.48 |    5.63 |
-| green          | #1fa526 |    6.02 |    5.35 |    4.57 |    5.74 |
-| green-warmer   | #50a22f |    6.09 |    5.42 |    4.63 |    5.81 |
-| green-cooler   | #00b672 |    7.38 |    6.56 |    5.60 |    7.04 |
-| green-faint    | #61a06c |    6.28 |    5.59 |    4.77 |    5.99 |
-| yellow         | #c48502 |    6.23 |    5.54 |    4.73 |    5.95 |
-| yellow-warmer  | #e6832f |    7.12 |    6.33 |    5.40 |    6.79 |
-| yellow-cooler  | #df8f6f |    7.72 |    6.86 |    5.86 |    7.36 |
-| yellow-faint   | #cf9f7f |    8.30 |    7.38 |    6.30 |    7.92 |
-| blue           | #379cf6 |    6.74 |    6.00 |    5.12 |    6.43 |
-| blue-warmer    | #6a88ff |    6.12 |    5.44 |    4.65 |    5.84 |
-| blue-cooler    | #029fff |    6.89 |    6.13 |    5.23 |    6.57 |
-| blue-faint     | #7a94df |    6.63 |    5.90 |    5.03 |    6.33 |
-| magenta        | #d570af |    6.29 |    5.60 |    4.78 |    6.01 |
-| magenta-warmer | #e580ea |    8.01 |    7.12 |    6.08 |    7.64 |
-| magenta-cooler | #af8aff |    7.35 |    6.54 |    5.58 |    7.01 |
-| magenta-faint  | #c59faf |    8.33 |    7.40 |    6.32 |    7.95 |
-| cyan           | #4fb0cf |    7.85 |    6.98 |    5.96 |    7.49 |
-| cyan-warmer    | #6fafff |    8.60 |    7.65 |    6.53 |    8.21 |
-| cyan-cooler    | #3dc0b0 |    8.71 |    7.75 |    6.61 |    8.31 |
-| cyan-faint     | #92b4df |    9.13 |    8.12 |    6.93 |    8.71 |
+| fg-main        | #afbcbf |   10.02 |    8.08 |    7.05 |    9.31 |
+| fg-dim         | #70819f |    4.96 |    4.00 |    3.49 |    4.61 |
+| fg-alt         | #b0a0a0 |    7.80 |    6.29 |    5.49 |    7.25 |
+| red            | #ef656a |    6.27 |    5.06 |    4.42 |    5.83 |
+| red-warmer     | #f47360 |    6.95 |    5.61 |    4.89 |    6.46 |
+| red-cooler     | #ef798f |    7.26 |    5.86 |    5.11 |    6.75 |
+| red-faint      | #d56f72 |    5.90 |    4.76 |    4.16 |    5.49 |
+| green          | #1fa526 |    6.02 |    4.86 |    4.24 |    5.60 |
+| green-warmer   | #50a22f |    6.09 |    4.92 |    4.29 |    5.67 |
+| green-cooler   | #00b672 |    7.38 |    5.96 |    5.20 |    6.86 |
+| green-faint    | #61a06c |    6.28 |    5.07 |    4.42 |    5.84 |
+| yellow         | #c48502 |    6.23 |    5.03 |    4.39 |    5.80 |
+| yellow-warmer  | #e6832f |    7.12 |    5.74 |    5.01 |    6.62 |
+| yellow-cooler  | #df8f6f |    7.72 |    6.23 |    5.43 |    7.18 |
+| yellow-faint   | #cf9f7f |    8.30 |    6.69 |    5.84 |    7.71 |
+| blue           | #379cf6 |    6.74 |    5.44 |    4.75 |    6.27 |
+| blue-warmer    | #6a88ff |    6.12 |    4.94 |    4.31 |    5.69 |
+| blue-cooler    | #029fff |    6.89 |    5.56 |    4.85 |    6.41 |
+| blue-faint     | #7a94df |    6.63 |    5.35 |    4.67 |    6.17 |
+| magenta        | #d570af |    6.29 |    5.08 |    4.43 |    5.85 |
+| magenta-warmer | #e580ea |    8.01 |    6.46 |    5.64 |    7.45 |
+| magenta-cooler | #af8aff |    7.35 |    5.93 |    5.18 |    6.84 |
+| magenta-faint  | #c59faf |    8.33 |    6.72 |    5.86 |    7.74 |
+| cyan           | #4fb0cf |    7.85 |    6.34 |    5.53 |    7.30 |
+| cyan-warmer    | #6fafff |    8.60 |    6.94 |    6.06 |    8.00 |
+| cyan-cooler    | #3dc0b0 |    8.71 |    7.03 |    6.14 |    8.10 |
+| cyan-faint     | #92b4df |    9.13 |    7.37 |    6.43 |    8.49 |
 #+TBLFM: $3='(Λ $2 @1$3);%.2f :: $4='(Λ $2 @1$4);%.2f :: $5='(Λ $2 @1$5);%.2f :: $6='(Λ $2 @1$6);%.2f

 ** Special colours against the modeline
@@ -610,8 +610,8 @@ ** Distance and contrast between main backgrounds
 # bg-main / bg-dim, bg-main / bg-alt
 | #000e17 | distance | contrast |
-| #0f1b29 |     2111 |     1.12 |
-| #1a2a2f |     6269 |     1.32 |
+| #18242f |     4853 |     1.24 |
+| #262e36 |     9980 |     1.42 |
 #+TBLFM: $2='(Δ $1 @1$1) :: $3='(Λ $1 @1$1);%.2f

 * ef-spring
@@ -748,35 +748,35 @@ ** Base colours
 :CUSTOM_ID: h:db8a51f5-a28f-422c-a046-b44bc0fdfb24

-| Name           |         | #160f0f | #251a23 | #33252d | #1c1416 |
+| Name           |         | #160f0f | #2b2328 | #3a2b35 | #1f171a |
-| fg-main        | #d8cfd5 |   12.44 |   11.04 |    9.57 |   11.89 |
-| fg-dim         | #908890 |    5.51 |    4.89 |    4.23 |    5.26 |
-| fg-alt         | #afdacf |   12.40 |   11.00 |    9.53 |   11.85 |
-| red            | #f48359 |    7.43 |    6.59 |    5.71 |    7.09 |
-| red-warmer     | #ff7560 |    7.18 |    6.37 |    5.52 |    6.86 |
-| red-cooler     | #ff85aa |    8.28 |    7.35 |    6.37 |    7.91 |
-| red-faint      | #e47f72 |    6.83 |    6.06 |    5.25 |    6.53 |
-| green          | #60b444 |    7.31 |    6.48 |    5.62 |    6.98 |
-| green-warmer   | #a0c27f |    9.48 |    8.41 |    7.29 |    9.06 |
-| green-cooler   | #60bf88 |    8.39 |    7.44 |    6.45 |    8.01 |
-| green-faint    | #61a06c |    6.09 |    5.40 |    4.68 |    5.82 |
-| yellow         | #d4a052 |    8.07 |    7.16 |    6.20 |    7.71 |
-| yellow-warmer  | #ef926f |    8.12 |    7.21 |    6.24 |    7.76 |
-| yellow-cooler  | #ef9680 |    8.42 |    7.47 |    6.47 |    8.05 |
-| yellow-faint   | #c7a07f |    7.90 |    7.01 |    6.07 |    7.55 |
-| blue           | #7fa5f6 |    7.77 |    6.89 |    5.97 |    7.42 |
-| blue-warmer    | #8895ff |    7.02 |    6.23 |    5.40 |    6.71 |
-| blue-cooler    | #72afff |    8.38 |    7.43 |    6.44 |    8.00 |
-| blue-faint     | #7a94df |    6.43 |    5.70 |    4.94 |    6.14 |
-| magenta        | #d37faf |    6.69 |    5.94 |    5.14 |    6.39 |
-| magenta-warmer | #e772df |    7.09 |    6.29 |    5.45 |    6.78 |
-| magenta-cooler | #a698ef |    7.54 |    6.68 |    5.79 |    7.20 |
-| magenta-faint  | #c9addf |    9.49 |    8.42 |    7.29 |    9.07 |
-| cyan           | #8fbaff |    9.59 |    8.50 |    7.37 |    9.16 |
-| cyan-warmer    | #9ac2ff |   10.40 |    9.22 |    7.99 |    9.93 |
-| cyan-cooler    | #8fcfdf |   10.96 |    9.72 |    8.42 |   10.47 |
-| cyan-faint     | #8ac0ef |    9.80 |    8.69 |    7.53 |    9.36 |
+| fg-main        | #d8cfd5 |   12.44 |   10.05 |    8.76 |   11.55 |
+| fg-dim         | #908890 |    5.51 |    4.45 |    3.87 |    5.11 |
+| fg-alt         | #afdacf |   12.40 |   10.01 |    8.72 |   11.50 |
+| red            | #f48359 |    7.43 |    6.00 |    5.22 |    6.89 |
+| red-warmer     | #ff7560 |    7.18 |    5.80 |    5.05 |    6.66 |
+| red-cooler     | #ff85aa |    8.28 |    6.69 |    5.83 |    7.68 |
+| red-faint      | #e47f72 |    6.83 |    5.52 |    4.81 |    6.34 |
+| green          | #60b444 |    7.31 |    5.90 |    5.14 |    6.78 |
+| green-warmer   | #a0c27f |    9.48 |    7.66 |    6.67 |    8.80 |
+| green-cooler   | #60bf88 |    8.39 |    6.77 |    5.90 |    7.78 |
+| green-faint    | #61a06c |    6.09 |    4.92 |    4.28 |    5.65 |
+| yellow         | #d4a052 |    8.07 |    6.51 |    5.68 |    7.48 |
+| yellow-warmer  | #ef926f |    8.12 |    6.56 |    5.71 |    7.54 |
+| yellow-cooler  | #ef9680 |    8.42 |    6.80 |    5.93 |    7.81 |
+| yellow-faint   | #c7a07f |    7.90 |    6.38 |    5.56 |    7.33 |
+| blue           | #7fa5f6 |    7.77 |    6.27 |    5.46 |    7.20 |
+| blue-warmer    | #8895ff |    7.02 |    5.67 |    4.94 |    6.51 |
+| blue-cooler    | #72afff |    8.38 |    6.76 |    5.89 |    7.77 |
+| blue-faint     | #7a94df |    6.43 |    5.19 |    4.52 |    5.96 |
+| magenta        | #d37faf |    6.69 |    5.40 |    4.71 |    6.21 |
+| magenta-warmer | #e772df |    7.09 |    5.73 |    4.99 |    6.58 |
+| magenta-cooler | #a698ef |    7.54 |    6.08 |    5.30 |    6.99 |
+| magenta-faint  | #c9addf |    9.49 |    7.66 |    6.68 |    8.80 |
+| cyan           | #8fbaff |    9.59 |    7.74 |    6.74 |    8.89 |
+| cyan-warmer    | #9ac2ff |   10.40 |    8.40 |    7.31 |    9.65 |
+| cyan-cooler    | #8fcfdf |   10.96 |    8.85 |    7.71 |   10.17 |
+| cyan-faint     | #8ac0ef |    9.80 |    7.91 |    6.89 |    9.09 |
 #+TBLFM: $3='(Λ $2 @1$3);%.2f :: $4='(Λ $2 @1$4);%.2f :: $5='(Λ $2 @1$5);%.2f :: $6='(Λ $2 @1$6);%.2f

 ** Special colours against the modeline
@@ -796,8 +796,8 @@ ** Distance and contrast between main backgrounds
 # bg-main / bg-dim, bg-main / bg-alt
 | #160f0f | distance | contrast |
-| #251a23 |     2130 |     1.13 |
-| #33252d |     6358 |     1.30 |
+| #2b2328 |     4367 |     1.24 |
+| #3a2b35 |    10115 |     1.42 |
 #+TBLFM: $2='(Δ $1 @1$1) :: $3='(Λ $1 @1$1);%.2f

 * ef-trio-light
@@ -872,35 +872,35 @@ ** Base colours
 :CUSTOM_ID: h:76e0b621-7872-4597-8bdc-6c007e43aff5

-| Name           |         | #0f0b15 | #161926 | #202234 | #14121a |
+| Name           |         | #0f0b15 | #1d2030 | #292b3d | #18151d |
-| fg-main        | #b8c6d5 |   11.19 |   10.05 |    9.01 |   10.68 |
-| fg-dim         | #807c9f |    4.91 |    4.41 |    3.96 |    4.69 |
-| fg-alt         | #bf8f8f |    6.99 |    6.28 |    5.63 |    6.67 |
-| red            | #f47359 |    6.90 |    6.20 |    5.56 |    6.58 |
-| red-warmer     | #ef6560 |    6.21 |    5.58 |    5.00 |    5.92 |
-| red-cooler     | #ff6a7a |    7.04 |    6.32 |    5.67 |    6.71 |
-| red-faint      | #d56f72 |    5.88 |    5.28 |    4.74 |    5.61 |
-| green          | #29a444 |    6.01 |    5.40 |    4.84 |    5.74 |
-| green-warmer   | #6aad0f |    7.04 |    6.32 |    5.67 |    6.72 |
-| green-cooler   | #00a392 |    6.17 |    5.54 |    4.97 |    5.88 |
-| green-faint    | #61a06c |    6.26 |    5.62 |    5.04 |    5.97 |
-| yellow         | #c48052 |    6.08 |    5.46 |    4.89 |    5.80 |
-| yellow-warmer  | #d1803f |    6.37 |    5.72 |    5.13 |    6.07 |
-| yellow-cooler  | #df8a88 |    7.53 |    6.77 |    6.07 |    7.19 |
-| yellow-faint   | #c0a38a |    8.20 |    7.37 |    6.60 |    7.82 |
-| blue           | #3f95f6 |    6.34 |    5.70 |    5.11 |    6.05 |
-| blue-warmer    | #6a9fff |    7.43 |    6.67 |    5.98 |    7.09 |
-| blue-cooler    | #029fff |    6.86 |    6.17 |    5.53 |    6.55 |
-| blue-faint     | #7a94df |    6.61 |    5.94 |    5.32 |    6.30 |
-| magenta        | #d369af |    5.94 |    5.34 |    4.78 |    5.67 |
-| magenta-warmer | #e580e0 |    7.87 |    7.07 |    6.34 |    7.51 |
-| magenta-cooler | #af85ea |    6.83 |    6.13 |    5.50 |    6.51 |
-| magenta-faint  | #c57faf |    6.51 |    5.85 |    5.25 |    6.21 |
-| cyan           | #4fbaef |    8.90 |    7.99 |    7.17 |    8.49 |
-| cyan-warmer    | #6fafdf |    8.22 |    7.39 |    6.62 |    7.84 |
-| cyan-cooler    | #35afbf |    7.45 |    6.69 |    6.00 |    7.10 |
-| cyan-faint     | #8aa0df |    7.58 |    6.81 |    6.10 |    7.23 |
+| fg-main        | #b8c6d5 |   11.19 |    9.28 |    8.01 |   10.38 |
+| fg-dim         | #807c9f |    4.91 |    4.07 |    3.52 |    4.56 |
+| fg-alt         | #bf8f8f |    6.99 |    5.79 |    5.00 |    6.48 |
+| red            | #f47359 |    6.90 |    5.72 |    4.94 |    6.40 |
+| red-warmer     | #ef6560 |    6.21 |    5.15 |    4.45 |    5.76 |
+| red-cooler     | #ff6a7a |    7.04 |    5.84 |    5.04 |    6.53 |
+| red-faint      | #d56f72 |    5.88 |    4.88 |    4.21 |    5.45 |
+| green          | #29a444 |    6.01 |    4.98 |    4.30 |    5.57 |
+| green-warmer   | #6aad0f |    7.04 |    5.84 |    5.04 |    6.53 |
+| green-cooler   | #00a392 |    6.17 |    5.11 |    4.41 |    5.72 |
+| green-faint    | #61a06c |    6.26 |    5.19 |    4.48 |    5.80 |
+| yellow         | #c48052 |    6.08 |    5.04 |    4.35 |    5.63 |
+| yellow-warmer  | #d1803f |    6.37 |    5.28 |    4.56 |    5.90 |
+| yellow-cooler  | #df8a88 |    7.53 |    6.25 |    5.39 |    6.98 |
+| yellow-faint   | #c0a38a |    8.20 |    6.80 |    5.87 |    7.60 |
+| blue           | #3f95f6 |    6.34 |    5.26 |    4.54 |    5.88 |
+| blue-warmer    | #6a9fff |    7.43 |    6.16 |    5.32 |    6.89 |
+| blue-cooler    | #029fff |    6.86 |    5.69 |    4.91 |    6.36 |
+| blue-faint     | #7a94df |    6.61 |    5.48 |    4.73 |    6.13 |
+| magenta        | #d369af |    5.94 |    4.92 |    4.25 |    5.51 |
+| magenta-warmer | #e580e0 |    7.87 |    6.53 |    5.64 |    7.30 |
+| magenta-cooler | #af85ea |    6.83 |    5.66 |    4.89 |    6.33 |
+| magenta-faint  | #c57faf |    6.51 |    5.40 |    4.66 |    6.04 |
+| cyan           | #4fbaef |    8.90 |    7.38 |    6.37 |    8.25 |
+| cyan-warmer    | #6fafdf |    8.22 |    6.82 |    5.89 |    7.62 |
+| cyan-cooler    | #35afbf |    7.45 |    6.17 |    5.33 |    6.90 |
+| cyan-faint     | #8aa0df |    7.58 |    6.28 |    5.42 |    7.02 |
 #+TBLFM: $3='(Λ $2 @1$3);%.2f :: $4='(Λ $2 @1$4);%.2f :: $5='(Λ $2 @1$5);%.2f :: $6='(Λ $2 @1$6);%.2f

 ** Special colours against the modeline
@@ -920,6 +920,6 @@ ** Distance and contrast between main backgrounds
 # bg-main / bg-dim, bg-main / bg-alt
 | #0f0b15 | distance | contrast |
-| #161926 |     1745 |     1.11 |
-| #202234 |     5558 |     1.24 |
+| #1d2030 |     4330 |     1.21 |
+| #292b3d |    10225 |     1.40 |
 #+TBLFM: $2='(Δ $1 @1$1) :: $3='(Λ $1 @1$1);%.2f
diff --git a/ef-autumn-theme.el b/ef-autumn-theme.el
index e4b6e02..e82e363 100644
--- a/ef-autumn-theme.el
+++ b/ef-autumn-theme.el
@@ -43,13 +43,13 @@ (eval-and-compile
     '(;; Basic tones
       (bg-main     "#0f0e06")
       (fg-main     "#cfbcba")
-      (bg-dim      "#1f1b19")
+      (bg-dim      "#262422")
       (fg-dim      "#887c8a")
-      (bg-alt      "#36322f")
+      (bg-alt      "#342e2a")
       (fg-alt      "#70a89f")

-      (bg-active   "#46423f")
-      (bg-inactive "#14130a")
+      (bg-active   "#443e3a")
+      (bg-inactive "#17150f")

       ;; Basic hues for foreground values
       (red             "#ef656a")
diff --git a/ef-dark-theme.el b/ef-dark-theme.el
index 15c85a8..043553b 100644
--- a/ef-dark-theme.el
+++ b/ef-dark-theme.el
@@ -43,13 +43,13 @@ (eval-and-compile
     '(;; Basic tones
       (bg-main     "#000000")
       (fg-main     "#d0d0d0")
-      (bg-dim      "#1a1a1a")
+      (bg-dim      "#232323")
       (fg-dim      "#857f8f")
-      (bg-alt      "#2b2b2b")
+      (bg-alt      "#2e2e2e")
       (fg-alt      "#89afef")

-      (bg-active   "#3b3b3b")
-      (bg-inactive "#0c0c0c")
+      (bg-active   "#3d3d3d")
+      (bg-inactive "#101010")

       ;; Basic hues for foreground values
       (red             "#ef6560")
diff --git a/ef-deuteranopia-dark-theme.el b/ef-deuteranopia-dark-theme.el
index 084b11c..238d696 100644
--- a/ef-deuteranopia-dark-theme.el
+++ b/ef-deuteranopia-dark-theme.el
@@ -46,13 +46,13 @@ (eval-and-compile
     '(;; Basic tones
       (bg-main     "#000a1f")
       (fg-main     "#ddddee")
-      (bg-dim      "#0f1c2d")
+      (bg-dim      "#1a2332")
       (fg-dim      "#7f8797")
-      (bg-alt      "#19263a")
+      (bg-alt      "#2c2c3f")
       (fg-alt      "#90afef")

-      (bg-active   "#30354f")
-      (bg-inactive "#071225")
+      (bg-active   "#3c3c4f")
+      (bg-inactive "#101625")

       ;; Basic hues for foreground values
       (red             "#cf8560")
diff --git a/ef-duo-dark-theme.el b/ef-duo-dark-theme.el
index bbb25be..fcda486 100644
--- a/ef-duo-dark-theme.el
+++ b/ef-duo-dark-theme.el
@@ -46,13 +46,13 @@ (eval-and-compile
     '(;; Basic tones
       (bg-main     "#070019")
       (fg-main     "#d0d0d0")
-      (bg-dim      "#1c1926")
+      (bg-dim      "#211c2b")
       (fg-dim      "#857f8f")
-      (bg-alt      "#262230")
+      (bg-alt      "#2c2836")
       (fg-alt      "#89afef")

-      (bg-active   "#363240")
-      (bg-inactive "#140e1c")
+      (bg-active   "#3c3846")
+      (bg-inactive "#181322")

       ;; Basic hues for foreground values
       (red             "#ef656a")
diff --git a/ef-night-theme.el b/ef-night-theme.el
index f54689c..91a98b6 100644
--- a/ef-night-theme.el
+++ b/ef-night-theme.el
@@ -43,13 +43,13 @@ (eval-and-compile
     '(;; Basic tones
       (bg-main     "#000e17")
       (fg-main     "#afbcbf")
-      (bg-dim      "#0f1b29")
+      (bg-dim      "#18242f")
       (fg-dim      "#70819f")
-      (bg-alt      "#1a2a2f")
+      (bg-alt      "#262e36")
       (fg-alt      "#b0a0a0")

-      (bg-active   "#28353f")
-      (bg-inactive "#0f121f")
+      (bg-active   "#363e46")
+      (bg-inactive "#121522")

       ;; Basic hues for foreground values
       (red             "#ef656a")
diff --git a/ef-trio-dark-theme.el b/ef-trio-dark-theme.el
index aaa4eba..8e00d68 100644
--- a/ef-trio-dark-theme.el
+++ b/ef-trio-dark-theme.el
@@ -43,13 +43,13 @@ (eval-and-compile
     '(;; Basic tones
       (bg-main      "#160f0f")
       (fg-main      "#d8cfd5")
-      (bg-dim       "#251a23")
+      (bg-dim       "#2b2328")
       (fg-dim       "#908890")
-      (bg-alt       "#33252d")
+      (bg-alt       "#3a2b35")
       (fg-alt       "#afdacf")

-      (bg-active    "#43353d")
-      (bg-inactive  "#1c1416")
+      (bg-active    "#4a3b45")
+      (bg-inactive  "#1f171a")

       ;; Basic hues for foreground values
       (red             "#f48359")
diff --git a/ef-winter-theme.el b/ef-winter-theme.el
index e552471..02451c5 100644
--- a/ef-winter-theme.el
+++ b/ef-winter-theme.el
@@ -43,13 +43,13 @@ (eval-and-compile
     '(;; Basic tones
       (bg-main      "#0f0b15")
       (fg-main      "#b8c6d5")
-      (bg-dim       "#161926")
+      (bg-dim       "#1d2030")
       (fg-dim       "#807c9f")
-      (bg-alt       "#202234")
+      (bg-alt       "#292b3d")
       (fg-alt       "#bf8f8f")

-      (bg-active    "#353554")
-      (bg-inactive  "#14121a")
+      (bg-active    "#393b4d")
+      (bg-inactive  "#18151d")

       ;; Basic hues for foreground values
       (red             "#f47359")