New publications (in case you missed them)

Summer reading on EU politics and beyond

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I have not posted anything on this blog for about a month. The reason is that I have been busy with other things. I should resume regular blogging towards the end of this month or the beginning of September.

In the meantime, you might be interested in some of my recent publications in the books section of this website.

The first is the Dialogues on EU politics, published on July 1, 2017. This book will appeal to advanced students of European affairs, citizens with a keen interest in the European Union, and even professionals working in the field who are looking for new ideas or perspectives on the integration process. The Dialogues examines a number of key issues with a broader reach than day-to-day politics. It is easy to read and understand, as it uses a dialogical format to forward the arguments.

The second is the Notes on the modes of Scepticism, published on July 28, 2017. This is a work on philosophy that I recommend to any scientist and to whoever is interested in thinking critically. The Notes develops three arguments for withholding ultimate judgement over a state of affairs. Each argument or mode is grounded in either of the three domains of the empirical, epistemological, and metaphysical. The intention is to develop in outline form a holistic framework for sceptical reasoning.

The third is also a work on philosophy: Prolegomena to a study of Metaethics, published on August 11, 2017. The Prolegomena examine the foundations of ethical judgements, the abstract structure of any moral theory. By studying metaethics we are in a position to better evaluate both the content of an ethical proposition as well as the system within which it appears. We can, for instance, question whether the notion of the individual who exercises free will is consistent with observations about nature. Or we may be able to develop a broader conception of moral agency that transcends the individual human, extending into the other animal species, the environment in general, and even potential beings such as future generations of humankind. This paper is for anyone with an interest in studying the prior assumptions of ethical theories as well as for any citizen who is not satisfied with the moral outlook of the status quo.

I hope you find at least one of these useful and enjoy reading it over the rest of the summer. Tune back in towards the end of August or beginning of September for my new blog posts on EU politics.