Prot's Dots For Debian
Complete guide to using my dotfiles on Debian 10 'buster'
Prior notice to using PDFD
The purpose of Prot’s Dots For Debian (PDFD) is to guide you through the process of replicating my custom desktop session on Debian 10 ‘buster’.
I have tried every step in this guide on real hardware, my Lenovo ThinkPad X220. The initial installation was done on Saturday 12 January 2019 using the latest netinstall iso for Debian 9 ‘stretch’ and retried on 2019-04-17 using the same method.
All code by Protesilaos Stavrou presented herein is available under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 3 or later.
The non-code parts of this book by Protesilaos Stavrou are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
The canonical link to “Prot’s Dots for Debian” is an extension of my website:
The following disclaimers apply to this work.
Excerpt from the GPLv3:
And this is from the CC BY-SA 4.0 License:
a. Unless otherwise separately undertaken by the Licensor, to the extent possible, the Licensor offers the Licensed Material as-is and as-available, and makes no representations or warranties of any kind concerning the Licensed Material, whether express, implied, statutory, or other. This includes, without limitation, warranties of title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, absence of latent or other defects, accuracy, or the presence or absence of errors, whether or not known or discoverable. Where disclaimers of warranties are not allowed in full or in part, this disclaimer may not apply to You. b. To the extent possible, in no event will the Licensor be liable to You on any legal theory (including, without limitation, negligence) or otherwise for any direct, special, indirect, incidental, consequential, punitive, exemplary, or other losses, costs, expenses, or damages arising out of this Public License or use of the Licensed Material, even if the Licensor has been advised of the possibility of such losses, costs, expenses, or damages. Where a limitation of liability is not allowed in full or in part, this limitation may not apply to You. c. The disclaimer of warranties and limitation of liability provided above shall be interpreted in a manner that, to the extent possible, most closely approximates an absolute disclaimer and waiver of all liability.
Introduction to Prot’s Dots for Debian
The purpose of this book is to help you reproduce my custom desktop session on Debian 10 ‘Buster’ (the current Debian “stable”). The set of configurations that make up my system shall hereinafter be referred to as “my dotfiles” or other notions that are described in context.
My dotfiles apply to a BSPWM session. That tiling window manager is the core package. Complementing it, are programs that draw a system panel at the top of the viewport, display desktop notifications, set the wallpaper, perform live theme changes to the terminals and graphical applications, and the like. The idea is to have a lightweight yet perfectly functional desktop environment by combining small, specialised tools.
A short description of my custom desktop session:
- Debian because I prefer longer-term predictability over novelty.
for fine-grained window management, with my custom scripts for added features.tmux
to make the terminal power user even more powerful (no plugins).vim
because I need an efficient text editor (no plugins).- True minimalism: no complex status lines, no fancy prompts, no decorative elements that add no functionality whatsoever.
- Carefully-defined font configurations to complement my hardware and satisfy my aesthetic preferences.
- Full integration of my Tempus themes for considerate colour contrast and easy live theme switching for the entire session.
- The superb Maté desktop environment as a fallback option and provider of some important programs and system-wide base configurations.
A book, not an
Some of PDFD’s chapters or sections thereof can, at times, be read as a shell script with extensive inline documentation. While I could have provided a script to automate the installation process, along with some basic guidelines on how to use it, I have opted to use this format instead. It is to ensure that no random user attempts to install something they do not fully understand, both in terms of its content and scope.
A book makes the installation process fully transparent to the user. You can read what I am doing, inspect the relevant files and, if needed, make changes on the spot.
By following the steps in Prot’s Dots For Debian (PDFD), you will develop an intimate understanding of my dotfiles, which will help you further customise the environment to your liking.
This is important and ultimately good for all parties involved, due to the highly personalised nature of dotfile management.
Prepare to adapt things to your liking
Please understand that my dotfiles have been designed with my use case in mind. There are bits and pieces you might find surplus to your requirements or outright unsuitable to your needs. Hopefully this manual will help you identify them at an early stage and address them accordingly.
By sharing my work, I do not purport to be an expert on the matter. I am just a regular user who has spent enough time documenting their practices. If you happen to identify areas in my setup that could be improved or altogether reworked, your contribution shall be taken into consideration.
Not for hipsters
The target audience for this book is the experienced GNU/Linux user who wants to run Debian 10 ‘buster’ as a desktop OS. PDFD may also appeal to existing BSPWM users of other distros who would like to test my custom desktop session in a virtual setup or cherry-pick features for use in their setup. Newbies are welcome as well, provided they are willing to learn and understand who this book is for.
You do not need to be a programmer to follow the instructions in PDFD—I am not one either. Though it is recommended you have at least some knowledge of shell scripting: it is required to make certain adaptations to programs such as the one that controls the system panel.
Why Debian and not some rolling-release distro?
Exactly because I do not need the latest version of every package ever released. I was an Arch Linux user for a good amount of time. While I did learn a lot and consider that distro my second favourite, I did not find any compelling reason to cling on to the rolling-release model for the entire operating system.
Perhaps paradoxically, Debian is exciting because it is predictable. It takes a very conservative stance towards introducing breaking changes. It does not chase new technology trends for innovation’s sake. Debian is reliable. Simple and super effective.
This is precisely what we need for the custom desktop session: a stable OS that we can expect to remain constant for at least another couple of years. Else we are trapped in a state of flux where we need to track every changelog out there in order to keep our custom desktop environment in good working condition.
If I were using a rolling-release distro, I would not be writing this book. Things change all the time and it is impossible to maintain documentation such as this: I do not want this to become some full-time occupation.
Here is a rule that is based on my experience: in an ever-changing OS, the broader the scope of customisations, the greater the chance of experiencing breakage or minor annoyances that require manual interventions.
For someone like myself, who tends to document the various types of functionality that affect my setup, with this book being a prime example, it simply is too much trouble to constantly update everything for whatever marginal benefit there is to be gained from a fresh package version.
Speaking of “fresh”, we should avoid thinking of packages in terms of groceries. That is a pernicious metaphor. Programs remain relevant for as long as they work and receive security fixes (where appropriate). The criterion for evaluating a program is not its recency or the hype around it, but its serviceability. “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. Programs that fall in that category do not become “stale” just because their last upstream release was a few months or years ago.
Stability means predictability and peace-of-mind. This is the constant against which one may develop habits to meet their computing requirements. Having a stable basis means that you ultimately treat customisations as a means to the end of a more efficient workflow. You do not care about incessant “ricing” per se; constantly tweaking things for the sake of fitting in with the cool kids. You are interested in a custom desktop session that behaves the way you intend. Every customisation, every minute refinement, every careful tweak, serves the purpose of minimising perceived friction, of shortening the distance between your mind and the machine. Nothing more, nothing less.
Installing Debian 10
To get Debian 10 ‘buster’ on our machine, we are going to use one of the
netinstall iso images. The official way is to follow the standard
method, which includes only free/libre software, or to use the
unconventional method which comes preconfigured with the contrib
package repos. The latter is intended for awkward hardware
setups that absolutely require certain non-free packages (firmware
drivers) to run the installer. Here are the corresponding links:
Short note about free software
Debian refers to the second iso as “unofficial”. Do not let that mislead you. It is still provided by the team responsible for the installer images. In this context, “unofficial” means that it does not fully conform with Debian’s Free Software Guidelines.
While understandable, this is a rather unconvincing attempt to maintain the line that Debian only ships with free/libre software. I can, thus, see why the Free Software Foundation or the GNU project1 do not include Debian in their list of approved distributions that do not sacrifice software freedom for convenience.2
Personally, I use Debian with a single non-free package that is necessary to enable my Wi-Fi card. Otherwise I could not run a free OS at all.
If you start with the unofficial method, you can still opt to run only free software by retroactively removing any “contrib” and “non-free” entries from the APT sources list. System administration of this sort is outside the scope of PDFD. I have, nonetheless, taken care to only recommend libre software in the pages of this book.
Writing the latest release iso
Politics aside, let us proceed with the installation. You need to verify your iso with information provided by Debian (from the pages you get the iso from). Once the checks are done, write the iso to a flash drive. I usually follow these steps after I insert the medium and open a new terminal:
# prints information about devices
sudo fdisk -l
# the flash drive I insterted is usually at /dev/sdb
# unmount the flash drive
umount /dev/sdb
# write to it
sudo dd if=/path/to/iso/file of=/dev/sdb
# eject the flash drive
sudo eject /dev/sdb
Please be extemely careful with the above commands, especially when
identifying the flash drive. Pay attention to the output of sudo fdisk
and make sure you correctly spot the writeable medium you intend to
use. Carelessness might result in data loss or other damages.
The installation process
Now on to get Debian on the machine. Insert the flash drive and power on the computer. You are given the choice of a simple graphical or textual interface, as well as advanced options. If in doubt, go with the graphical option. Once the installer starts, you will have to choose your language and keyboard settings, set your root user’s password, create a regular user, and the like.
At some point in the installation process, you will be asked to select your major system components. These include a Desktop Environment, an SSH server, a print server, and a web server. I always keep the first option checked, then using the space key to toggle on/off I add MATE, SSH server, remove the print server, and keep the standard system utilities.
The selection screen looks like this:
[x] Debian desktop environment
[ ] ... GNOME
[ ] ... Xfce
[ ] ... KDE Plasma
[ ] ... Cinnamon
[x] ... MATE
[ ] ... LXDE
[ ] ... LXQt
[ ] web server
[ ] print server
[x] SSH server
[x] standard system utilities
You can omit the SSH server if you have no use for it. Follow the remaining steps and after a while you will have successfully installed Debian on your machine. Congratulations!
Later in the book I explain why you should also choose MATE. For the time being, let us proceed to the next chapter of actually installing the core packages and configuring things accordingly.
Installing the core packages
Boot up your newly-installed Debian 10 ‘buster’. When you reach the display manager screen, enter your user credentials (user name and password). This will put you in a default MATE session (pronounced MA-te, from yerba maté). From here, we will be installing all the packages we need and doing the rest of the preparatory work.
Enable sudo
First things first: we need to grant superuser privileges to your user
account. This is necessary in order to use sudo
with the various
commands, rather than having to switch to the root user.
Open a terminal. For this initial step, you need to switch to the root account.
su -
While being root, make sure you update the package lists. Then install Vim and the package that enables “sudo”.
apt update && apt install vim sudo
Also install these core utilities, which are needed for getting and deploying my dotfiles.
apt install git stow
Once that is done, add your user account to the “sudo” group, replacing USER with your username.
adduser USER sudo
Reboot if you want to use the regular user, or continue as root. For the sake of this manual, I assume you rebooted, logged back in to the default MATE session and are now prepared to run all commands from your regular user but with escalated privileges, prepending “sudo” to all relevant commands.
Getting BSPWM and related core components
We start by installing:
- the window manager (
) as the irreducible factor of my custom desktop session, - the hotkey daemon (
) for handling custom key bindings that control BSPWM and other programs, - the standard terminal emulator
, - the
, which provide the simple screen locker (slock
) and the dynamic menu (dmenu
), - the program that manages the wallpaper and can display images (
), - the display compositor (
) for smoother transitions and no screen-tearing, - the notification daemon and concomitant library for sending desktop
notifications (
respectively), - the system bar (
) that is used by one of my scripts to draw a bespoke panel on the top of the viewport as well as its dependencies (xdo
), - and the secrets’ manager (
Run this:
sudo apt install bspwm sxhkd xterm suckless-tools feh compton dunst libnotify-bin lemonbar xdo acpi gnome-keyring
Note that slock
may be unintuitive at first, because it just turns the
screen dark without any further notice. You unlock it by typing in your
pass word (confirming with “Return”). The screen will keep switching to
a blue colour as you type. I am aware this is not the most
user-friendly design, at least not for first time users, but I decided
to keep it nonetheless: once you know about it, it works just fine. If
you find yourself disliking this tool, consider installing Debian
package i3lock
: it is a bit more intuitive and configurable (then you
need to apply changes to my script poweroptionsmenu
—refer to the
chapter about my local ~/bin).
To make sure dunst
works unencumbered, we better remove MATE’s own
notification daemon:
sudo apt remove mate-notification-daemon
For more on this set of packages, see the chapter about the basics of my BSPWM as well as the one about the top panel.
GTK icon theme
Now we get the GTK icon theme. I choose Papirus because it is very well crafted and actively developed.
sudo apt install papirus-icon-theme
Fixed and proportional fonts
We need outline/proportional typefaces for the various UI components and graphical applications, plus a fixed-size (bitmap) typeface for use in the system panel.
The outline fonts are:
sudo apt install fonts-firacode fonts-hack fonts-roboto fonts-dejavu fonts-dejavu-extra fonts-noto-color-emoji fonts-symbola
The bitmap font is Terminus. This is optional, though highly recommended:
sudo apt install xfonts-terminus
The typographic considerations are discussed in the chapter about the fonts and their configs.
Terminal tools
My user session makes heavy use of a terminal multiplexer (tmux
while I occasionally need to use Vim’s external register or graphical
application (vim-gtk3
sudo apt install tmux vim-gtk3
The use of these tools is documented in the chapter about my Tmux and Vim combo. Of relevance is the chapter about the default terminal setup.
General CLI tools
Then we need the RSS/Atom feed reader for the console (newsboat
) and
a simple utility to capture screenshots (scrot
sudo apt install newsboat scrot
Are you using a laptop or a screen with built-in brightness controls? You need this:
sudo apt install xbacklight
The music setup
For my music, I choose to use the Music Player Daemon and connect to it
with a client program (mpc
and/or ncmpcpp
). I also want MPD to
expose itself to applications that implement the MPRIS protocol
with python-mutagen
for album covers), in order to be able
to control it through other means than its own clients (playerctl
). To
this end, I install the following:
sudo apt install mpd mpc ncmpcpp mpdris2 python-mutagen playerctl
Detailed instructions about these are provided in the chapter about the Per-user MPD setup.
Extra packages for convenience and added functionality
I do not want my BSPWM session to be primitive. I just want it to be configurable and catered to my needs, while being light on system resources.
I therefore need a multimedia player that I can launch from the console,
which also streams online content (mpv
with youtube-dl
), a tool that
can edit/transform/convert images from the command line (imagemagick
a program to perform file transfers (rsync
), a graphical frontend to
my password manager (qtpass
, which pulls in pass
), a frontend for
PulseAudio (pavucontrol
), a very capable image viewer (sxiv
), and
a calculator for the console (apcalc
—the executable is calc
sudo apt install mpv youtube-dl imagemagick rsync qtpass pavucontrol sxiv apcalc
Thunderbird setup (optional, but recommended)
In the same spirit, I use Thunderbird as my primary email client (I also
use Mutt, which is not covered in this book due to its configuration
being highly dependent on the user). Thunderbird is a robust tool that
can easily filter spam, handle my CalDAV and CardDAV accounts, and cope
with large volumes of email traffic. The following command will get you
the email client, plus extensions for GPG encryption (enigmail
) and
calendaring (lightning
sudo apt install thunderbird enigmail lightning
While still on the topic of Thunderbird, I also install the following package for handling {Cal,Card}DAV services. I put it here on its own as you might have no need for it, unless your host also uses SOGo.
sudo apt install xul-ext-sogo-connector
For further language support, I also get these (the latter with
extension -el
is for the Greek language):
sudo apt install hunspell {a,hun}spell-el
Firefox setup (optional, but recommended)
The Extended Support Release of Firefox (firefox-esr
) is my web
browser of choice. This is shipped by Debian as the default option.
Users normally install whatever web extensions they may need via the
browser’s own interface. However, I have found that I prefer to let
handle things. The following packages are sufficient for my
use case:
sudo apt install webext-noscript webext-https-everywhere webext-ublock-origin webext-privacy-badger
These extensions are NoScript, HTTPS Everywhere, UBlock Origin, Privacy Badger.
To make the browser better suited to my needs, I also disable the Pocket bloatware, from inside Firefox’s interface.
- First type the address
and accept the warning message. - Then search for the entry
. - Double click to change it to false.
Then we need to address an age-old bug that affects dark GTK themes where Firefox may display dark text on a dark action element, like a search box.
- Visit
. - Do: left click on some empty space > select New > select String.
- Add this:
. - Its value should be
(the default GTK light theme).
Optional packages
Sometimes I need to edit photographs (darktable
), record audio
), and use a different web browser (epiphany-browser
# other packages
sudo apt install audacity darktable epiphany-browser
And here are some other console tools that might come in handy. vrms
displays information about non-free software on your system, while
prints details about your machine and distro.
sudo apt install vrms neofetch
I just ran vrms
and it tells me that I have 1 non-free package on my
ThinkPad X220 out of a total of 1727. ABSOLUTELY PROPRIETARY! The
offending package is firmware-iwlwifi
for making Wi-Fi work, else
I cannot access the Internet…
Optional: set up Flatpak with Flathub as its remote repo
I think that, when used in moderation and care, Flatpak is a compelling
proposition for a stable OS like Debian. Your system will remain rock
solid, while the Flatpak’ed applications will use their latest version,
while being confined to a sandboxed environment (in the near future
a tool like guix
may be the superior alternative).
To get started, install the core package:
sudo apt install flatpak
Now add Flathub as a remote package repository.
Note that you can have multiple remote repos. This is something that,
in my opinion, distros should provide themselves (would much rather
trust Debian’s curated list of flatpak
packages, but I digress).
flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub
For the record, Flatpak needs a running settings daemon to known which
theme to apply. It is why I use the mate-settings-daemon
in my BSPWM
session (more on that in the chapter about the basics of BSPWM).
Note that Flathub does not discriminate against non-free software. If you care about freedom, exercise caution. That granted, the only flatpaks I tend to use are libre:
flatpak install org.gnome.Podcasts org.gnome.clocks org.kde.kdenlive
Next steps
We are done installing software. Thanks for your patience! Let us proceed to the next chapter where we actually get the dotfiles and stow them in place.
Stay logged in to the current MATE session for the time being and keep reading.
Set up my dotfiles and base configs
You have installed all the necessary packages and are now ready to fetch the configurations and code that makes up my custom desktop session. It is assumed you are running the stock MATE session and have an open terminal.
The latest fixed release of my dots
The “Code for Prot’s Dots For Debian” (Code for PDFD == CPDFD) is the
repository that contains the latest fixed release of my dotfiles.
Such tagged releases are versions that I have tested extensively and am
confident that others can use. We shall be employing CPDFD, because my
dotfiles’ git
repository is an unstable environment, intended for
running tests and developing new features that eventually end up in
a fixed release.
CPDFD is hosted on GitLab’s own instance ( If you have an account there and have configured SSH access, you can clone the repo with the following command:
git clone ~/cpdfd
Otherwise, just clone over HTTPS:
git clone ~/cpdfd
Bear in mind that we clone the repo into the user’s home directory. The
rest of this manual will assume ~/cpdfd
as a constant.
For the record, my dotfiles are available here:
Primer to managing dotfiles with GNU Stow
You will not be copying anything manually. That is a recipe for disaster! Instead we leverage the power of symbolic links, aka “symlinks”, by using GNU Stow.
The way Stow works is to read the filesystem paths defined by a target
and create equivalent symlinks to them at the parent of the present
working directory (or a given destination). In practice, since cpdfd
is in your home directory, all symlinks will be extensions of
, else the ~
Let us take a closer look at what it means to give stow
a target. In
my dotfiles, I have a directory called “vim”. Its structure looks like
~/cpdfd $ tree -aF vim
├── .vim/
│ ├── colors/
│ │ ├── tempus_autumn.vim
│ │ ├── tempus_classic.vim
│ │ ├── tempus_dawn.vim
│ │ ├── tempus_day.vim
│ │ ├── tempus_dusk.vim
│ │ ├── tempus_fugit.vim
│ │ ├── tempus_future.vim
│ │ ├── tempus_night.vim
│ │ ├── tempus_past.vim
│ │ ├── tempus_rift.vim
│ │ ├── tempus_spring.vim
│ │ ├── tempus_summer.vim
│ │ ├── tempus_tempest.vim
│ │ ├── tempus_totus.vim
│ │ ├── tempus_warp.vim
│ │ └── tempus_winter.vim
│ └── spell/
│ ├── el.utf-8.spl
│ ├── el.utf-8.sug
│ ├── en.utf-8.add
│ └── en.utf-8.add.spl
└── .vimrc
3 directories, 21 files
It includes a .vimrc
file and a .vim
directory with more content.
So if you run stow vim
from within ~/cpdfd
all those paths will be
added to your home directory as symlinks. Here I also add the -v
option for a verbose output:
~/cpdfd $ stow -v vim
LINK: .vim => cpdfd/vim/.vim
LINK: .vimrc => cpdfd/vim/.vimrc
This means:
links to~/cpdfd/vim/.vim
links to~/cpdfd/vim/.vimrc
The contents of .vim
are accordingly expanded into:
From now on, we will be referring to the immediate subdirectories of
as “Stow Packages”, as per man stow
Using GNU Stow is essential because many of my Stow Packages contain
somewhat complex structures such as the one shown above. Plus, keeping
everything symlinked provides the benefit of controlling things with
. If you need to make changes or pull my latest fixed release, you
will be able to do so centrally at ~/cpdfd
About my Stow packages
Switch to my dotfiles:
cd ~/cpdfd
Now list only the directories that are relevant for stow
(they are always
written in lower case letters):
~/cpdfd $ ls --ignore='[A-Z]*'
bin bspwm colours compton dunst fontconfig gtk keyring music newsboat shell tmux vim xterm
Note though, that the directories that are named “NO-STOW-<name>” still contain useful configs. However, they need to be manually adapted to each use case.
Target them all at once (we pass the -v
flag so that you see where
everything is linked to—though you can always just browse through my
dotfiles’ contents):
stow -v bin bspwm colours compton dunst fontconfig gtk keyring music newsboat shell tmux vim xterm
If Stow throws and error and complains that some files already exist,
you must delete them, rename them, or otherwise move them to another
location. The common offenders are the default ~/.bashrc
which will block the Stow package called “shell”.
The rest of this book assumes that you have used GNU Stow on all the appropriate packages, otherwise things will not work as intended.
Now a few words about each Stow package:
contains my custom scripts. Some of these are an integral part of my custom desktop session. This topic is covered in the chapter about my local ~/bin.bspwm
includes the configuration files for the window manager (BSPWM) and the hotkey daemon (SXHKD). The former is where we define settings such as the width of the border that is drawn around windows, the ratio at which windows are split, and the like. The hotkey daemon stores all the custom key bindings we use to control the session. For more, read the chapter about the basics of my BSPWM.colours
is where my Tempus themes for the shell and X resources are located. These files are used by various scripts of mine and should never be edited manually. For more, read the chapter about the Tempus themes.compton
refers to the display compositor and has the relevant config file. We use this to avoid screen tearing, add some subtle shadows around windows and enable somewhat smoother transitions.dunst
includes configurations for the daemon that displays desktop notifications. These control the look and feel of the program.fontconfig
includes all of my custom font configurations. For the specifics, refer to the chapter about fonts.gtk
defines the settings for the graphical toolkit. It also adds ports of the Tempus Themes for the GTK3 Source View widget (used by text editors such as Gedit, Pluma, Mousepad) as well as the GTK4 equivalent (used by GNOME Builder).keyring
contains the files necessary for autostarting the GNOME Keyring, the tool that stores passwords and secrets. You can use this to store access to SSH keys and the
refers to the configuration files for the Music Player Daemon and its ncmpcpp client. Please note that you need to read the chapter about the music setup in order to make this work properly.newsboat
stores the files needed by the RSS/Atom reader of the same name. In order to use this program, you need to add some URLs that point to valid feeds. Read the chapter about
defines my Bash-related configurations, including aliases for common commands, the command line prompt, and various useful tweaks. Read the chapter about my shell setup.tmux
is about the terminal multiplexer used in my default terminal. Details are included in the chapter about my Tmux and Vim configurations.vim
is my editor of choice, which I use without any plugins or whimsical tweaks. As with the above Stow target, refer to the chapter about Tmux and Vim.xterm
contains all the necessary files for configuring the terminal emulator according to my preference.
Ready to go!
You are now ready to log in to BSPWM. Just to be sure, reboot your
system. When you reach the login screen, look for the drop-down menu on
the top-right corner of the screen, where desktop sessions are listed.
Select bspwm
and then proceed to add your username and password.
But before you actually log in, read the following chapter about the basics of my BSPWM, how to control it and move around, and the like.
Basics of my BSPWM
You used GNU Stow to place all my configurations in the right filesystem path and are now eager to start using the custom desktop session. Just hold on a little longer, while you read through this chapter. The rest of this book is mostly recommended reading but not absolutely essential.
Here we will inspect the underlying configurations and core files that control the Binary Space Partitioning Window Manager.
~/cpdfd $ tree -aF bspwm/
└── .config/
├── bspwm/
│ └── bspwmrc*
└── sxhkd/
├── cheatsheet_sxhkdrc.txt
├── sxhkdrc
└── sxhkdrc_bspc
3 directories, 4 files
Overview of bspwmrc
The nice thing about bspwmrc
is that it is an executable shell script.
It is thus possible to add conditional logic and other aspects of shell
scripting in order to exercise a more fine-grained control over the
desktop session.
Each setting is a bspc
command that can be run in a terminal at any
moment (bspwmrc
is a shell script). This is quite convenient: just
execute the command to get an idea of what it does. The options are
descriptive enough to offer a clear idea of what they pertain to. Here
is a snippet of code:
bspc config border_width 2 # outer border around nodes/windows
bspc config window_gap 4 # empty space between nodes
bspc config split_ratio 0.50 # the ratio of new:existing node
The file is divided in three sections, the description notwithstanding:
- Visual options for the window manager.
- Autostart programs at BSPWM launch.
- Per-host configurations.
1. Visual options
These define such things as the border that is drawn around windows, or the gap between them. They also govern the colours that are applied to the various states of the window border.
The colours are taken from my Tempus themes collection. The theme that is defined as the current default is Tempus Classic, which features warm hues on a dark background (the Tempus themes apply to the entire environment—see the chapter on the Tempus themes).
I will let you read the file for the specifics. Detailed comments are provided therein. Allow me to highlight a very opinionated setting that I have and which might be unsuitable for your use-case:
bspc config ignore_ewmh_focus true
This prevents applications from stealing focus. Set it to false
if it
is causing you trouble. Personally, I dislike focus stealing. It is
very intrusive and can disrupt my rhythm. One common scenario where
I do not want focus stealing is while running newsboat
: I go through
the feed list opening all interesting links in browser tabs (or use
in the console for multimedia). Once I am done, I close
: no need to go back and forth between it and whatever program
steals its focus each time I try to open a new item in the background.
Another thing to bear in mind concerning this section is the invocation
of my bspwm_external_rules
script. “External rules” is the set of
conditions that the window manager evaluates in order to treat certain
windows accordingly. For example, when should a window be spawned in
“floating” mode rather than the standard tiling one. My external rules
contain some more advanced tweaks that cover manual tiling operations
that are discussed in further detail in the chapter about the advanced
features of my BSPWM session.
2. Autostart
This section of the bspwmrc
is where we instruct the window manager to
run the programs that are essential to the desktop session. The most
important of them is sxhkd
, which is the hotkey daemon that stores all
our custom key bindings, including those that control BSPWM.
Some notable points:
- Each program leverages shell scripting, so as to be run only if it is indeed present on the system.
is the script that draws the panel at the top of the screen. This is my implementation oflemonbar
(read the chapter about the top panel).compton
is a display compositor, which is configured to add subtle shadows around windows, and the like. Its real necessity is to eliminate or at least minimise screen tearing.feh
is the tool that sets the wallpaper. I manually define a “{light,dark}.jpg” at~/Pictures/theme
. The last used file path is stored in~/.fehbg
(you can set any jpg file as a wallpaper using a command likefeh --bg-fill /path/to/jpg
sets the keyboard layout to US QWERTY and assigns the Compose key to the “Menu” button. Note though thatown_script_current_keyboard_layout
is designed to switch layouts between the default and Greek. To change this behaviour, you need to either editsxhkdrc
(find that script’s invocation) or adapt the script to your needs. Else, just remove it.- A settings daemon is also launched. If you have followed the
instructions in this manual, it should be
. We need such a tool for a couple of reasons: (1) to be able to change the theme of GTK applications, (2) to apply the same theme to Flatpak apps. As a bonus, the settings daemon allows for live theme switching (as discussed in the chapter about the Tempus themes). - The last two programs that are launched are
. These are for our music player, as documented in the chapter about the music setup.
3. Per-host configurations
Here I execute a single command: own_script_bspwm_per_host_configs
This contains some additional bspc
commands for defining the number of
desktops (workspaces) and their mapping to one or two monitors. The
default is to set one desktop (because of the “dynamic desktops”
functionality discussed in the chapter about the advanced features of my
BSPWM session):
bspc monitor -d 1
While these settings can be stored in bspwmrc
directly, I have decided
to keep them in their own file. It is a prime example of an external
script that configures BSPWM in a context-aware manner (and why having
as an executable is a powerful feature).
Bear in mind that own_script_bspwm_per_host_configs
is documented
extensively. If, however, you have no use for such functionality, just
define the workspaces directly inside BSPWM’s config file (see the bspc
command shown above).
Also note that own_script_laptop_dual_monitor
contains an xrandr
command that slightly adjusts the brightness and gamma channels of the
LVDS1 display. I have sanitised this behaviour by running a check
against the HOSTNAME
, to make sure this only runs on my laptop.
Still, it is important for you to know, as you might need to adapt
things to your liking.
Outlines of SXHKD
There are two config files, sxhkdrc
and sxhkdrc_bspc
, which are
meant to separate custom hotkeys between those that are specific to
BSPWM actions and others that are WM-independent.
Each of the SXHKD configs stores custom key bindings, internally known as “key chords”. There are two main types of patterns: the direct and the chained. To illustrate the difference:
# key chord
Super + <key>
# key chord chain
Super + <key> ; <key>
Sample of an actual direct key chord is:
# Session management (log out, lock, switch users, reboot, shutdown).
ctrl + alt + {Home,End,Delete}
This means that while holding down the Ctrl
and Alt
modifiers, you
can press either of Home
, End
, Delete
to invoke the command
(a script of mine for running common session
management operations, such as logging out, locking the screen,
Now this is a simplified version of an actual key chord chain:
super + e ; {p,t}
{ \
pkill -x melonpanel && melonpanel, \
tempusmenu, \
This pattern means that you first hold down Super
, then press e
then release Super
and press any of the keys defined to the right of
the semicolon ;
to invoke the corresponding command. To that end,
super + e ; t
will execute tempusmenu
All key chord chains are designed with mnemonics in mind:
- Everything that concerns the entire session, else “the environment”,
starts with
super + e ; <keys>
. - All graphical applications are launched with
super + g ; <keys>
. - All the command line programs you would normally run in a terminal are
super + x ; <keys>
. - To assign flags to nodes, we have
super + a ; <keys>
. - For splits between nodes we go with
super + s ; <keys>
. - There are a few more that are documented in the chapter about the
advanced features of my BSPWM session. They are
super + n ; <keys>
for node-related operations (mostly manual tiling and receptacles), andsuper + c : <keys>
(notice the colon sign) for the continuous input mode.
A note on the selection of keys for launching common programs:
super + g ; {1-3}
{ \
notify-send -i firefox "Run GUI program" "Launching Web Browser" && firefox-esr, \
notify-send -i system-file-manager "Run GUI program" "Launching File Manager" && caja, \
notify-send -i thunderbird "Run GUI program" "Launching Email Client" && thunderbird \
super + x ; {3-5}
mate-terminal --disable-factory -x {neomutt,newsboat,ncmpcpp}
You might wonder why I have not started numbering the CLIs from 1: because I want to remember that while launching programs I have the following mappings, regardless of whether they are graphical or textual:
- 1 == web browser
- 2 == file manager
- 3 == email client
- 4 == RSS/Atom reader
- 5 == music player
I have not found any CLI tools that I consider good enough for web
browsing and file management. Given that most websites are not designed
to work without javascript and CSS (or have poor HTML structure and/or
typography), I believe there will be no truly decent console-based web
browser. As for a file manager, I used to use ranger
but have
realised that I have no real need for it: I mostly manipulate files the
UNIX way.
The point is that you might find this indexing useful in case you choose to add your own programs.
Cheat sheet with common key bindings
To help you get started, I provide the cheatsheet_sxhkdrc.txt
. It
includes the most common key chords, accompanied by short descriptions
or explanations. Type super + F1
or super + Home
. This will launch
a floating terminal window that runs less
on the cheat sheet.
The first section of the cheat sheet covers the basics about key chords and key chord chains. It also notes that the main motions that correspond to the four cardinal directions are the same as with Vim: h, j, k, l keys for left, down, up, right respectively.
So go ahead and run super + F1
once you log in to the BSPWM session
for the first time. Below I present the entirety of the cheat sheet,
with a reminder that you must always look at the source code that
I strive to keep clean, readable, and well-documented:
List of common key bindings. All definitions are stored at:
The latter is for definitions that control the window manager. While
the former has WM-independent keys.
Last review 2019-07-01.
Explanation of the basics
The Super key, aka "mod4", is the one that most keyboards mark with the
Windows logo. While the key "Return" is also known as "Enter".
Motions are the same as Vim: h,j,k,l (left,down,up,right).
This is the general format of a key chord (aka key binding):
Super + <key>
And this is a key chord chain:
Super + <key> ; <key>
The keys "Super", "Alt", "Shift", "Ctrl" are known as "modifiers".
To run a key chord, hold down the modifier and press the key. Key chord
chains build on that principle: you type the key binding to the left of
the semicolon (;), release the modifier and then type the key (or key
chord) to the right of the semicolon.
In this document, the notation {h,j,k,l} means "any one among" the
comma-separated items. Whereas {1-4} denotes a range: 1,2,3,4.
Getting started
Super + Return |-Open a terminal running the "Default" tmux session
Super + Shift + Return |-Open a generic, yet fully-capable terminal (xterm)
Super + q |-Close focused window safely (apps might require confirmation)
Super + Shift + q |-Kill focused window (no confirmation whatsoever)
Ctrl + Alt + Delete |-Launch poweroptionsmenu, where you can choose to log out, reboot, etc.
Window motions
Super + {h,j,k,l} |-Move focus in the given direction == choose which window has attention
Super + Shift + {h,j,k,l} |-Swap focused node with the one in the given direction
Super + Ctrl + {h,j,k,l} |-Expand/contract tiled node in that direction, provided there is a split
Super + Alt + {h,j,k,l} |-Set preselection (manual tiling) for next window
|---Cancel presel by inputting same command again
Super + Alt + {1-9} |-Set the presel ratio, relative to the focused node
Super + Shift + <arrows> |-Move floating window
Alt + right click |-Drag floating window
Alt + left click |-Resize floating window from the nearest edge
Window and desktop actions
Super + Space |-Toggle between tiled and floating states
Super + m |-Toggle between tiled and monocle layout (monocle == maximised nodes)
Super + f |-Toggle focused window's full screen view
Alt + Tab |-Cycle through windows on the current desktop
Alt + Shift + Tab |-Cycle backwardly through windows on the current desktop
Desktop operations
Super + {0-9} |-Switch to the designated desktop (workspace)
Super + Shift + {0-9} |-Send focused node to the given desktop
|---Desktops are created/removed dynamically (my custom setup)
Super + Tab |-Cycle through desktops on the current monitor
Super + Shift + Tab |-Cycle backwardly through desktops on the current monitor
Super + r |-Rotate the node tree 90 degrees clockwise
Super + Shift + r |-Rotate the node tree 90 degrees counter-clockwise
Super + Alt + r |-Mirror/flip the node tree (top left becomes bottom right)
Super + s ; {b,e} |-Balance or equalise node splits (better try it to get an idea)
|---Balance works on the parent node. Equalise is for all nodes.
Super + Shift + {[,]} |-Incrementally decrease or increase the gaps between the tiled nodes
Super + Shift + {y,u,i,o} |-Change to gap presents {0,5,10,20}
Super + comma |-Switch focus to the next monitor (cycles through monitors)
Super + Shift + comma |-Switch focus to the previous monitor (cycles through monitors)
Launching programs
Super + d |-Run dmenu with access to all binaries in PATH
Super + Shift + d |-Run flatpakmenu with access to all flatpak apps
Super + g ; {1-3} |-Open graphical apps {firefox,caja,thunderbird}
Super + x ; {3-5} |-Run a terminal with {mutt,newsboat,ncmcpp}
Super + x ; 0 |-Launch a floating terminal running calc
Useful extras
Super + {F1,Home} |-Launch a floating window with this cheat sheet
Print |-Get a screenshot of the focused window saved to the ~/Desktop
Super + Print |-Get a screenshot of the entire viewport saved to the ~/Desktop
Super + p |-Run passmenu to copy a password stored with the UNIX tool "pass"
Super + x ; w |-Run a floating image browser, from where you can also set the wallpaper
Super + e ; c |-Toggle the display compotisor (do this if you have performance issues)
Super + e ; f |-Toggle BSPWM "focus mode", to remove gaps, the padding, the panel
Super + e ; t |-Run tempusmenu to select a Tempus theme for a live theme switch
|---The Tempus themes:
|---Some ports of the Tempus themes are distributed with my dotfiles
Further reading
Study the ~/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc and ~/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc_bspc.
They are extensively documented. You will find key chords for tasks not
included herein, such as multimedia keys, setting node flags, and more.
About the default terminal setup
My default terminal emulator is the standard for the X Window System and
probably the one with the fewest “gotchas”: xterm
. This has not
always been the case. Until fairly recently I was using my custom build
of the Simple Terminal, by suckless. Prior to that I was a urxvt
user. I have also worked extensively with {gnome,mate,xfce4}-terminal
(VTE-based) and others.
I only tried Xterm last, due to the baseless belief that it was legacy software, more or less. This was compounded by the misinformation that suckless spreads regarding the maintainability of Xterm. Read what the main Xterm developer, Thomas E. Dickey, has to say about its many look-alikes.
Such misconceptions were quickly cast aside once I started reading through the program’s manpage and then checked its upstream provider. Xterm is a very capable tool that continues to receive regular updates.
To be clear: no terminal is perfect. Choosing one is a matter of weighing the pros and cons. I find that Xterm meets the following criteria better than its alternatives:
- Is in the Debian repos. True for all other options. However, note
(Debian packagestterm
) only makes sense to use as a custom build, so it technically does not meet this criterion. Overall, Xterm is more suited to Debian than a custom build of the Suckless Terminal, because it does not depend on development packages and therefore is not going to have any issues over the long term (e.g. the upstream has build dependencies that are not available in Debian Stable). - Is highly configurable and easy to reproduce. In large part this is
true for all options though there are differences in degree and ways
of doing things:
uses the.Xresources
file, making it the most dotfile-friendly option. - Has good performance. My totally-non-scientific tests suggest that
only unpatched
has a slight edge over Xterm. But the unpatched tool lacks all sorts of features such as scroll-back functionality and cursor blinking, meaning that this is not a one-to-one comparison. At any rate, I think the use oftmux
renders this point largely irrelevant. - Is agnostic to the choice of desktop environment or toolkit. True
as well, though not for the VTE-based options. - Has good font-drawing capabilities. This is particularly important
when using
and other programs that draw borders. The VTE-based programs have no issues whatsoever. Xterm requires some careful font configurations, which I have taken care
can only cope well if it is extensively patched.urxvt
has weird issues with letter spacing.
If you find that xterm
does not fit your use case, I also have
a script that configures mate-terminal
to my liking, including colours
that match the rest of the session: own_script_mate_terminal_setup
If you still want to use something else, and are willing to do things
manually, I recommend my custom build of st
(has no upstream patches
and is configured to use my Tempus themes):
Be warned that only Xterm is integrated with my dotfiles to keep things maintainable.
The practical uses of Xterm
The many roles of xterm
are defined in my sxhkdrc
. In short:
- Serves as a container for
, the terminal multiplexer (see chapter about my Tmux and Vim setup) - Can be run on its own. Offers everything you expect from
a feature-complete, yet fairly lightweight terminal (though I strongly
encourage you to learn
). - Launches CLI tools (
) in a standalone tiled window. - Runs a console calculator in a standalone floating window.
- Displays the cheat sheet with the most common key chords in a standalone floating window.
With these granted, type super + F1
or super + Home
to get started
on my sxhkd
keys (as noted in the chapter about the basics of my
Why choose the MATE Desktop
You should already be up-and-running with the custom desktop session. But there is still much to learn from the rest of this book. Let us review the choice of MATE (Maté) as the default option for the desktop environment.
In the chapter about installing Debian 10 ‘buster’ on your machine, I suggested you select MATE as a core part of your new system. The installer’s major component selection should look like this:
[x] Debian desktop environment
[ ] ... GNOME
[ ] ... Xfce
[ ] ... KDE Plasma
[ ] ... Cinnamon
[x] ... MATE
[ ] ... LXDE
[ ] ... LXQt
[ ] web server
[ ] print server
[x] SSH server
[x] standard system utilities
You may be wondering why I recommend this step: is not the purpose of this manual to set up a custom BSPWM session? The reasons are basically these:
- You get all the Xorg and GTK dependencies in place. You need these anyhow for running a graphical session and some of the most common application software, such as Firefox and Thunderbird.
- You install some MATE programs that my custom desktop session makes
use of. These are
(file manager) andmate-settings-daemon
(touched upon in the chapter about the Tempus themes). - You have a robust fallback option in case you need to use the computer without BSPWM (e.g. multiple users on a single computer).
- Things like networking, the policy kit agent, and the xdg backend (matching programs to MIME types) are configured for you.
What about minimalism?
Minimalism is about striving to achieve a state of minimum viability, the least possible completeness, but not less. We still want something that works without any “gotchas” (edge cases where things do not perform at the desired standard).
Installing a fallback DE at the very outset makes things simpler, more predictable and maintainable over the entire life-cycle of the Debian system; a system that can span multiple releases of Debian’s “stable” distribution.
Do not be a nag about some Internet meme.
- Bloat is when you run a modified web browser as your text editor, or whatever the latest trend is with Electron-based applications and web apps.
- Bloat is when your favourite web page eats up 50% of my CPU.
- Bloat is Vim with a spaghetti code of plugins and concomitant settings that try to reinvent the wheel.
- Bloat is a much-vaunted ‘minimalist’ program like
with a hodgepodge of patches piled on top of it. - Bloat is every addition that actively detracts from the end goal of usability, such as fancy animations for every interaction, wanton use of transparency and blur effects, etc.
Free software is about choices. Best we keep our opinions to ourselves and do what we consider appropriate for our particular use case. Enough with the misbegotten elitism and the smugness that certain communities actively cultivate.
To my eyes, setting up Xorg is a task that falls outside the scope of dotfile management. Same with configuring the network stack and similar basic utilities. The moment we enter into that domain we start creating our own distro or bespoke sysadmin setup. Let Debian handle that, while we focus on stowing the dotfiles in place, so that we may get our desired workflow going.
Personally, I do not keep track of the package count to determine the ‘bloat’ installed on my machine. This is not a game where the user with the fewer packages wins. If a piece of software is genuinely useful and is known to be fairly stable and maintained, then I keep it.
Why specifically MATE and not “foo”?
MATE is the most complete GTK-based desktop environment after GNOME, without using the GNOME shell stack (in which case we should mention Cinnamon and Budgie). This is to be expected due to its heritage: it is the fork and subsequent continuation of the GNOME 2 code base.
MATE’s main apps are very competent tools. The file manager, Caja, is a good piece of software. The document viewer, Atril, gets the job done. Same with the image viewer, Eye of MATE. Meanwhile, the archive manager, Engrampa, will handle compressing or decompressing data without any problem.
Make no mistake: MATE is far from perfect. Otherwise it would be frivolous to set up a custom desktop session.
Compared to the other options provided by the Debian installer:
- MATE is ideal for a stable distro such as Debian 10 (same with Xfce). It is developed at a rather slow yet steady pace, perfectly complementing the stability and predictability of the underlying OS. Debian is a poor fit for tracking DEs like GNOME and KDE Plasma that are developed at a somewhat fast pace. For instance, the GNOME version in ‘buster’ (3.30) is already one release behind upstream and will be two by the end of summer 2019. The gap will continue to widen every six months, ceteris paribus. Similar story with KDE Plasma.
- MATE is fairly modular, much like Xfce. You can use its individual components without having to run the entire session. And unlike Xfce, MATE has already completed the migration to GTK3 (last checked on 2019-07-01).
- Unlike GNOME (GNOME 3), MATE is committed to preserving the traditional desktop metaphor instead of turning the desktop into an oversized phone UI. It also is less taxing on system resources.
- Compared to Xfce, MATE does not need to pull in packages from another DE in order to function properly. Whereas Xfce lacks its own archive manager, document viewer, calculator, among others.
- MATE is more lightweight than GNOME and at least on par with—if not lighter than—KDE Plasma, without losing out on any of the core functionality. For our use case, being light-yet-complete and self-contained is exactly what we are looking for.
My point is clear: MATE is the best GTK-based option we could go for.
Notes about my shell setup
I only use bash
as my CLI shell. It is ubiquitous. It works. And,
because I have no need for fancy extras or technology previews, my
shell’s setup has no plugins, external add-ons, or other obscure
extensions (same as with my Vim and Tmux, by the way).
~/cpdfd $ tree -aF shell
├── .bash_profile
├── .bashrc
├── .inputrc
├── .local/
│ └── share/
│ └── my_bash/
│ └── dircolors
├── .profile
└── .xsessionrc
There are a couple of files that are only read at startup: .xsessionrc
and .profile
. The former exists for the sole purpose of sourcing the
latter. In .profile
I have instructions to:
- Use my
. - Add
to thePATH
. - Launch the keyring (mostly for storing SSH credentials).
is also just a placeholder for sourcing the .bashrc
Meanwhile, .inputrc
provides some basic options for slightly modifying
the behaviour of the command line interpreter. These concern the (1)
reduction of key presses for tab completion, (2) textual and colourised
information about files and directories, (3) colours that enhance the
visuals of tab-completion’s feedback.
About the .bashrc
As is the norm with my dotfiles, the .bashrc
is heavily documented.
This is an overview of its headline options:
with the option to quit after reaching the end of a file and trying to read further below.- The
, while its GUI variant is theVISUAL
. - The default browser is whatever is defined by the MIME list (should be
). - The prompt is simple and super effective:
<filesystem path> $
by default or, if running via an SSH connection, it becomes slightly more informative with<user>@<host>: <filesystem path> $
. - Enable tab-completion when starting commands with
Then I have a comprehensive list of aliases, that you may or may not
like to keep in place. Run alias
from the command prompt to get the
full list and/or filter its output accordingly. Here is a sample:
~ $ alias | grep 'apt'
alias aac='sudo apt autoclean'
alias aar='sudo apt autoremove -V'
alias adl='apt download'
alias afu='sudo apt full-upgrade -V'
alias ai='sudo apt install'
alias air='sudo apt install --reinstall'
alias ali='apt list --installed'
alias alu='apt list --upgradable'
alias ama='sudo apt-mark auto'
alias amm='sudo apt-mark manual'
alias apc='sudo aptitude purge ~c'
alias ar='sudo apt remove -V'
alias ard='apt rdepends'
alias as='apt search'
alias ash='apt show'
alias au='sudo apt update'
alias aug='sudo apt upgrade -V'
alias aulu='sudo apt update && apt list --upgradable'
alias auu='sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -V'
alias auufu='sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -V && sudo apt full-upgrade -V'
The most opinionated aliases are those that change the default behaviour
of core utilities like cp
, mv
, rm
. They make their output verbose
and introduce a prompt for confirming user input where appropriate.
I believe these are sound defaults, as they protect you from accidents.
That granted, you can always run an unmodified command by prepending
a backslash \
. For example:
# This uses the alias for `cp`
~/cpdfd $ cp README test
'README' -> 'test'
~/cpdfd $
# This uses the original `cp`
~/cpdfd $ \cp README test
~/cpdfd $
Finally, there are a few functions:
to show some colours and formatting for the various parts of its
to list in a clean way the directory’s contents when entering it, including the hidden items, though not the implicit ones.backupthis()
can be run asbackupthis <file>
to create a copy of the target, with a time stamp as its extension and identifier.
That just about covers it. I wish you luck on your PATH; make sure to get HOME safe.
Notes about my Tmux and Vim
Both Tmux and Vim are essential to my workflow. It is thus pertinent to inform you about their respective configuration files so that you know what to expect. This is with the proviso that you already are familiar with these tools.
About my tmux setup
Let’s start with the terminal multiplexer. It is the first thing you
will interact with when you log into the session and type the key chord
super + return
~/cpdfd $ tree -aF tmux
└── .tmux.conf
0 directories, 1 file
Only its config is distributed with my dotfiles, which is another way of saying that I do not use any plugins whatsoever. What is provided by the program itself is more than enough.
To send commands to tmux
you must typically start by first pressing
its prefix key, which I have kept to the default of Ctrl + b
as it is
the one that causes no issues with other programs’ main functionality,
in the way I use them. To be clear, Ctrl + b
does interfere with
a couple of commands: (a) the command line motion for moving one
character backwards and (b) Vim’s full page back scroll.
So you press the prefix key, then release it and you can then either
access the command prompt by inputting the colon :
sign or typing one
of the many key sequences that are assigned to direct actions (see table
In the configuration file, modifier keys are shortened. So Ctrl + b
is written as C-b
, Alt
is A
. Note that Shift
is not used
directly, but is instead implied by the use of a capital letter (just to
be sure: Shift inserts the majuscule of the given letter).
Here are the main key bindings to get you started:
# Those that involve C-b (prefix)
# -------------------------------
<prefix> s # split current pane horizontally
<prefix> v # split current pane vertically
### these are similar to Vim's C-w {s,v}
<prefix> S # split the whole window horizontally
<prefix> V # split the whole window vertically
<prefix> x # kill current pane
<prefix> C-x # kill all panes except the current one
<prefix> r # reload the tmux conf
<prefix> m # mark active pane
<prefix> C-m # toggle maximise active pane
### the default is <prefix> z (too close to x)
<prefix> A-{1-5} # switch to one of the five layout presets
<prefix> E # evenly spread out active and adjacent panes
<prefix> c # create a new window (windows contain panes)
<prefix> b # break pane from current window
### default is <prefix> !
<prefix> J # the opposite of break-pane
<prefix> Tab # swap active pane with the previous one
<prefix> C-Tab # swap active pane with the marked one
<prefix> a # sync input across panes in the current window
# Keys without the prefix
# -----------------------
A-{h,j,k,l} # navigate panes in the given direction
A-S-{h,l} # move to left/right window
C-Space # enter copy-mode
### use Vim keys to scroll, select/copy text
Read .tmux.conf
for the entirety of my settings and custom key
bindings. That file is heavily documented, as is the norm with
practically every item in my dotfiles.
Now if you are thinking that you do not need a terminal multiplexer and
have no time to learn how to use one, I urge you to think again. This
is a great skill to master. It greatly improves the overall use of the
terminal. It is a skill that is highly portable. It will come in handy
in a variety of situations whereas, to be blunt, learning bspwm
not be particularly useful outside the narrow confines of a custom
desktop session.
Tmux is superior to a standard terminal because it offers unique capabilities:
- Persistent local/remote sessions (even if you close the terminal or log out). Once you use this, there is no going back.
- Advanced management of a large number of pseudo-terminals by leveraging window splitting (panes) like a tiling window manager, pane grouping per window (the equivalent of tabs/workspaces), and sessions (sessions hold windows, windows hold panes).
- Scriptability including the possibility to send key sequences to running applications (I use this to source my .vimrc when I perform a live theme change, as noted in the chapter about my Tempus themes).
About my Vim setup
That last piece of advice holds true for vim
as well. Spend some time
learning its basics. Over time you will become proficient at editing
And here is another piece of advice, before we delve into the specifics of my Vim setup: set a very high bar for the use of plugins or, as in my case, do not use plugins at all. Also avoid copy-pasting stuff without carefully considering the ramifications.
The more comfortable you are with the generic program, the higher the portability of your knowledge. Vim is meant to be used as the standard UNIX editor that is available in virtually every such machine out there. Straying too much from the defaults might impede your ability to work effectively under circumstances that are not under your immediate control.
Now on to my customisations.
~/cpdfd $ tree -aF vim
├── .vim/
│ ├── colors/
│ │ ├── tempus_autumn.vim
│ │ ├── tempus_classic.vim
│ │ ├── tempus_dawn.vim
│ │ ├── tempus_day.vim
│ │ ├── tempus_dusk.vim
│ │ ├── tempus_fugit.vim
│ │ ├── tempus_future.vim
│ │ ├── tempus_night.vim
│ │ ├── tempus_past.vim
│ │ ├── tempus_rift.vim
│ │ ├── tempus_spring.vim
│ │ ├── tempus_summer.vim
│ │ ├── tempus_tempest.vim
│ │ ├── tempus_totus.vim
│ │ ├── tempus_warp.vim
│ │ └── tempus_winter.vim
│ └── spell/
│ ├── el.utf-8.spl
│ ├── el.utf-8.sug
│ ├── en.utf-8.add
│ └── en.utf-8.add.spl
└── .vimrc
3 directories, 19 files
A quick rundown of my very short and simple .vimrc
- I stick to the default key bindings.
- I expect Vim to ask for confirmation when closing a modified buffer.
- I use tabs instead of spaces for indentation, setting the width of the
tab character to be equal to four spaces. I used to use spaces when
I first started using a text editor, because that was the default.
However, experience suggests that tabs are semantically more
appropriate for indentation. The tab key inserts its own character,
which can have an arbitrary width defined by the program that reads
it. In short, tabs are better for indentation, while spaces are
better for tabular layouts such as the
key table I presented above. - The text width is 72 blocks long. This is particularly important for
writing good
commit messages. And, becausegit
is designed with email in mind, this line length is ideal for sending plain text email, such as withmutt
. In general, this line length also makes sense for comment blocks in your code, because it makes them easier to read without having to rely on non-standard things like text-wrapping (so, for example, hittinggqip
will format inside the given paragraph, whilegq
does the same over the given selection). - Sentences in a paragraph start with two spaces after a period or full stop. This is better visually when typing in a monospaced font. The various parsers, e.g. Markdown to HTML, know how to convert that to a single space, just as they know how to turn hard line wraps between consecutive lines of text into uniform paragraphs (a blank line marks a new paragraph).
- Syntax highlighting is on and uses my Tempus themes. Do not edit this
part manually, as it will be changed when running
or itstempusmenu
interface (see chapter on Tempus themes).
Read the .vimrc
for an in-depth understanding of my customisations (it
is a straightforward, well-commented config).
Neither Tmux nor Vim is an OS
Now you may be wondering how it is possible to use Tmux and Vim without plugins and all the accoutrements of a modern workflow. The answer is rather simple: let Tmux+Vim be specialised tools and leave the rest to other programs.
Do you really need Vim’s sub-par approach to multiplexing (its own
approach to splits, buffers, tabs) when you can just be a tmux
What, you need more than that? Let me tell you about this nice program
called BSPWM… Why do you require a plugin to check git
inside Vim when you can just use the command line? Open a new tmux
split and type git status
, git log
, git diff
… You need to commit
only parts of a changed file? Know that git add --patch
is your
In the same spirit, use the core utilities like cd
, ls
, find
, cp
, mv
, rm
. Keep things simple and avoid feature creep.
Let the text editor edit text. Keep the multiplexer true to its
spirit of managing terminal sessions. If you truly need an extensible,
fully-customisable integrated development environment, then you should
seriously consider GNU Emacs (which is a Lisp interpreter that
implements a text editor among many others).
Of course, there are scenaria where a plugin makes a program better for the task at hand. My point is that you should be very picky about your choice of external functionality. GNU/Linux is a powerful OS (Emacs too!). You do not need to incorporate every kind of feature in the core tool. Perhaps there are other operating systems that make things difficult for the power user: if you are using one of those, then a pile of plugins is the least of your troubles.
As a closing remark, let me leave you with a joke I once heard about Emacs (a tool that I genuinely like and will eventually incorporate in my computing life): its name is an allusion to its design that involves active use of modifier keys… Escape, Meta, Alt, Control, Shift.
About the top panel
The panel that appears at the uppermost area of the viewport is drawn by
. This is a beautifully simple tool. On the face of it, all
it does is place an empty bar at either the top (default) or bottom of
the screen, while offering a syntax for formatting any output it may
display. It is up to the user to add content to it.
This is where my melonpanel
comes into play. It is a shell script
that fetches and parses some useful information about the system and the
running session, and lays it on the bar. Each snippet of info is
internally referred to as a “module” and has its own dedicated logic
inside the script.
The modules are the following:
- BSPWM report about the workspaces, nodes, their flags and state (see next section about it).
- Battery status and current capacity.
- Core temperature.
- Speaker volume strength and status.
- Keyboard indicators for alternate layout and caps lock.
- Date and time.
This is what a module looks like:
# Core temperature.
_temperature() {
command -v acpi > /dev/null || return 1
local therm_label therm_status
therm_status="$(acpi -t | awk -F '[[:space:]]+|,' '{ print $5 }')"
# Up to 59 degrees celcius keep text colour same as default. 60-79
# turn the colour red on normal background. Else turn the whole
# indicator red.
case "$therm_status" in
echo "$therm_label ${therm_status}°C"
echo "$therm_label %{F$color1}${therm_status}°C%{F-}"
echo "%{F$background}%{B$color1} $therm_label ${therm_status}°C %{B-}%{F-}"
How the modules are placed on the panel
All modules will grab some piece of text and clean it up so that it
looks nice on the panel. However, each individual module does not
output directly to the named pipe where the data is read from.
Instead, all modules are called from _modules()
, which I need to
explain a bit:
_modules() {
while true; do
echo "B" "$(_battery)"
echo "T" "$(_temperature)"
echo "D" "$(_datetime)"
echo "K" "$(_keyboard)"
echo "V" "$(_volume)"
sleep 1s
You will notice that each individual item echoes a majuscule and then
the output of the module it references. These capital letters are
important because they demarcate each set of data in the named pipe,
making it possible to put the right thing in the right place. We see
this in practice at _melonpanel()
, specifically this part:
while read -r line ; do
case $line in
# battery status
# temperature
# current date and time
# keyboard layout (en or gr)
# volume level
What this does is identify the part that contains the data of each module and assign a variable to it. The variables are then placed on the panel with the following:
_panel_layout() {
echo "%{l}$wm%{r}$key $bat $therm $vol $date "
Focus on the content of the echo
. The syntax %{l}
places things on
the left, while %{r}
aligns them to the right (this notation is
provided by lemonbar
—see its manpage).
I believe this pretty much covers the essentials of how melonpanel
designed. As with all my scripts, this too is heavily documented. So
do read it. That granted, I admit that lemonbar
is not the most
user-friendly, point-and-click program out there. But hey, neither is
BSPWM, Xterm, Tmux, Vim, etc.
The BSPWM module
On the left side of the panel lies the set of indicators that report on
the status of the window manager (based on the output of the command
bspc subscribe report
). This is what you see when starting the
session (note that I have taken care to use the appropriate spacing, so
that all typographic elements are evenly spread out):
[1] *
The numbers correspond to the names of the available desktops. Because I have implemented dynamic desktops (see chapter about the advanced features of my BSPWM), there is only one desktop on the panel. If you navigate to desktop number two, the module will be like this, if desktop 1 is empty:
[2] *
If desktop 1 is occupied, the module will be:
1^ [2] *
The desktop inside square brackets (and also drawn with a bold font) is the current one, while the caret sign denotes an occupied desktop.
Next to the desktop numbers there is at least one asterisk. If the desktop contains windows, then the asterisks are two:
- The first asterisk always indicates the layout of the desktop. If the
view is set to monocle, then the letter
will take the place of the asterisk. The layout cycles between tiled and monocle, but because the former is what we normally use, I have opted to hide theT
behind the asterisk and only display theM
. - The second asterisk contains information about the active window’s
flags. The flags I define in my
are: Sticky, Private, Locked, Marked (seeman bspc
for their meaning). When a flag for the current node is active, its initial letter is displayed on the panel. More than one flags can be activated at once.
If all indicators are toggled on at once, you will see something like this:
[1] 2^ * SPLM
Urgent and unfocused desktops are denoted by the column sign and are coloured red:
[1] 2# * *
On multi-head setups (e.g. dual monitor), the BSPWM report will divide desktops and their corresponding indicators per monitor. Combined with the above, we get the following:
[1] 2^ * L 4- 5# 6^ M SP
Notice how the indicators that display the *
(asterisk) are visible
for each set of desktops. Also look at the use of another typographic
marker next to desktop 4: the hyphen is for showing the focused
desktop on the unfocused monitor. The letter M
in this case concerns
desktop 4. Same with the node flags S
and P
. While L
applies to
the focused node in desktop 1 and the asterisk next to it informs us
that the layout is the default, i.e. tiled.
I believe all this will become easier to grasp once you start using the
system. For the record, this design bears close resemblance to the
status line of my tmux
Panel transparency
By default, the panel is opaque, though I have made it fairly trivial to
add a transparency effect to its background. The following is an
excerpt from the relevant melonpanel
_melonpanel < "$melonpanel_fifo" | lemonbar -u 1 -p -g "x${melonpanel_height}" \
-F "$foreground" -B "#ff${background:1}" -f "$fontmain" -f "$fontbold" -n "Melonpanel" &
Take a closer look at the segment of the command that controls the
background colour: -B "#ff${background:1}"
. I have designed it so
that you can tweak its alpha value, which is governed by the ff
This is hexadecimal notation and means that the alpha channel is set to
full, which translates to complete opacity. 00
is the opposite.
Try replacing ff
with aa
to get some subtle transparency, or with
for a more pronounced effect. Possible values for each digit are:
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, a, b, c, d, e, f. A running compositor is
required to enable transparency effects (I use compton
as already
mentioned in previous chapters).
As a rule of thumb, light themes will require a greater adjustment than dark themes to create a noticeable see-through style. The choice of wallpaper will also affect your perception of it.
For changes to be applied, reload the panel with the key chord chain
super + e ; p
(as explained in the chapter about the basics of my
BSPWM). Otherwise, you can always just use tempusmenu
to switch to
another Tempus theme (as discussed in the chapter about my themes), thus
forcing a panel reload.
Known issues
Sometimes, seemingly at random, the panel will not be hidden when
entering a window’s full screen view. The less-than-ideal workaround is
to reload melonpanel
with the key chord chain super + e ; p
. This
seems to be an upstream bug.
Another thing to bear in mind is that upstream lemonbar
does not
support proportional or outline fonts (e.g. the “DejaVu” family). It
can only display fixed-size, else bitmap, typefaces such as “Terminus”.
If you have followed the instructions in the chapter about installing
the core packages, you will have xfonts-terminus
available on your
system. This is an optional dependency, as the panel will fall back to
the fixed
typeface which comes pre-installed with Debian. I just
think that Terminus is more consistent and is better suited for such
a UI task (see ANNEX below for Lemonbar with proportional fonts).
Finally, you may notice that pgrep melonpanel
always lists two running
processes. This is because it is running _modules()
(mentioned above)
as well as bspc subscribe report
that displays desktop information and
the like. The report needs to be its own process because it has its own
synchronicity, controlled by the window manager itself (please let me
know if there is a way of merging every modules functionality into
a single process).
ANNEX for lemonbar-xft
I maintain a personal fork of lemonbar
with support for Xft (the
fontconfig library). This basically means running the panel using
proportional/outline fonts.
- I have a video where I talk about my fork.
- I also provide information on how I forked lemonbar-xft.
- And here is how to compile Lemonbar Xft on Debian 10 Buster.
I will not provide any further information herein. I do not encourage you to compile stuff from random sources or to create what is known as a “FrankenDebian”. I use this fork as part of my own system and am prepared to deal with any possible breakage. If you are not or do not trust my fork (you should not trust any random source), then stick with the package provided by Debian: it includes the upstream code that only uses bitmap fonts.
Fonts and their configs
Typography is essential to a good computing experience. I would even argue that type is the irreducible factor of a computer’s user interface. But let’s keep things in focus: good fonts are essential to a setup that strongly emphasises the use of a text terminal.
My opinionated font-related settings are stored in my dotfiles’
“fontconfig” directory (stow package). These take precedence over
system-wide defaults that are defined in /etc/fonts/
~/cpdfd $ tree -aF fontconfig/
└── .config/
└── fontconfig/
├── conf.d/
│ ├── 10-hinting-full.conf
│ ├── 10-sub-pixel-rgb.conf
│ ├── 11-lcdfilter-default.conf
│ ├── 20-unhint-small-hack.conf
│ ├── 45-generic.conf
│ ├── 45-latin.conf
│ ├── 50-enable-terminus.conf
│ ├── 60-generic.conf
│ ├── 60-latin.conf
│ ├── 80-condensed-large-dejavu.conf
│ └── README
└── fonts.conf
3 directories, 12 files
The fonts.conf
includes basic rules for adding emoji character support
to all generic font family definitions: serif, sans-serif, monospace.
Inside conf.d
we find the important rules (sorry, I do not really care
about emoji). Some file names will suggest what each rule is about.
For example, 50-enable-terminus.conf
overrides the default settings
that disable fixed-size typefaces (bitmap fonts).
The file 20-unhint-small-hack.conf
applies to the “Hack” typeface. It
concerns small point sizes. This rule serves mostly as an example, but
also because that family is my preferred choice of monospaced font. You
can copy and then edit the rule to match whatever typeface fails to
display properly at certain point sizes.
On the other end, 80-condensed-large-dejavu.conf
will substitute the
default DejaVu fonts for Serif and Sans with their condensed
equivalents. This makes either DejaVu variant better as a fallback font
for UI elements and long form texts, because it removes the rivers of
white space that run through its widely-spaced letter forms.
The file names that start with “45” attribute a generic family to each typeface. For example, I assign “Hack” to the “monospace” group.
While the “60-*” rules concern the priority of font selection. Here is a snippet of XML that I will explain:
<family>Noto Sans</family>
<family>Liberation Sans</family>
<family>DejaVu Sans</family>
When selecting the fontconfig alias “sans-serif” (or just “Sans”), the actual typeface is, in order of priority from top to bottom: Roboto, Noto Sans, Liberation Sans. If none of these are installed or available, then DejaVu Sans shall be used instead.
As already discussed in the chapter about installing core packages, these are the fonts I use and consider solid defaults:
sudo apt install fonts-firacode fonts-hack fonts-roboto fonts-dejavu fonts-dejavu-extra fonts-noto-color-emoji fonts-symbola xfonts-terminus
Note that fonts-symbola
is mostly required to display symbols in
terminals that have trouble with ambiguous characters.
Modifying the font configurations
My settings are tailored to my hardware and aesthetic preferences.
I strongly encourage you to spend some time inside my conf.d
to get
a sense of how things work. For more, run man fonts-conf
. Settings
provided by Debian, are stored at /usr/share/fontconfig/conf.d/
, while
the applicable rules are defined in /etc/fonts/conf.d/
Graphical applications read the configuration files that are specific to their toolkit. I only have GTK apps, so we get these files:
~/cpdfd $ tree -aF gtk
├── .config/
│ ├── gtk-3.0/
│ │ └── settings.ini
# Irrelevant files
├── .gtkrc-2.0
# More files that do not concern fonts
You only need to check .gtkrc-2.0
and the GTK3 settings.ini
. The
default typeface is the fontconfig alias “sans” at 10 point size. If
you have followed the instructions in the chapter about installing core
packages, “Sans” or “Sans-serif” should stand for “Roboto” (package is
The panel (top bar) only supports bitmap fonts, as explained in the
chapter about the top panel. It is configured to use Terminus
) else fall back to whatever the “fixed” typeface is.
The notification daemon—dunst
—uses “Sans-10”, in large part because
its configuration file is static and cannot run shell logic.
A sans-serif font is the safest default. Besides, notifications can
display a big chunk of text, where a monospaced font will make the
notification’s box expand out of proportion. We want them to be
All the above notwithstanding, you should know that not all applications out there will faithfully follow your rules. For example, Flatpak apps will use their own settings because they do not read from the user’s font configurations. Graphical tools that are launched with escalated privileges will read from the root user’s configs. And so on.
What makes a good choice of font
Some closing notes on the criteria that determine the choice of my default typefaces: Hack and Roboto.
- Good unicode coverage. Support extended latin and greek glyphs at minimum.
- Have at least two weights: regular and bold. Ideally, also support true italics, or at least oblique forms with some effort put into them, rather than some procedurally generated slanted variant of the regular letters.
- Be legible at small point sizes. Do not create rivers of white space that flow through the text at larger sizes.
- Have good typographic colour. In other words, do not have too thin letter forms. Typefaces that are too thin are harder to read, make colours less distinct from each other, while they tend to create a certain “halo effect” around letter forms when using them against a light backdrop.
- Do not have a very high x-height. I need to easily tell apart miniscules from majuscules.
- Do not rely too much on serifs and fine details. Such letters can become the standard when our displays have a pixel density that is at least as good as printed text. Until then, they can be hard to read in certain conditions.
- For monospaced fonts: all vaguely similar glyphs should be easy to
tell apart, such as
… - Be available in Debian’s
archives. Comply with Debian’s Free Software Guidelines.
All this can be summarised as “do not be frivolous; be frugal, be accessible, and get the job done”.
ANNEX on Xterm fonts
You will notice that I recommend installing fonts-firacode
. This is
the typeface I use inside my terminal emulator (Xterm), because it has
excellent support for box-drawing capabilities, which is particularly
important for tmux
Xterm has a very rare bug that you will only encounter if you use Greek letters and only with certain font and point size combinations. I have submitted a detailed report on the Greek pi (π) and box-drawing bug.
The bug notwithstanding, I have made sure that my .Xresources
the necessary settings that work around this problem. As such, “Hack”
and “DejaVu Sans Mono” will cope just fine with all typography-related
requirements inside of Xterm.
Per-user MPD setup
The Music Player Daemon is a program that stores information about your music collection. It manages metadata and playlists of currently queued songs or ones that are saved.
MPD uses a server/client model. To interface with it we need to use one
of the many available client programs. The simplest one is mpc
a console utility with basic functionality for querying the daemon’s
status, handling media controls, and the like. A more feature-rich
client is ncmpcpp
, which also runs in the console.
Basic configuration
MPD may be run as a system-wide server and can be controlled remotely as well. For my use case, all I need is a local, user-specific setup. This is what we will be doing.
Assuming you have followed the instructions in the chapter about installing the core packages, you should have these in place:
sudo apt install mpd mpc ncmpcpp mpdris2 python-mutagen playerctl
Then switch to the base of my dotfiles’ directory and proceed to create symlinks for the music-related programs:
~/cpdfd $ stow music
Now you need to run a series of commands to configure mpd
accordance with our per-user requirements. Start by disabling the
service, since we autostart mpd
from within the bspwm
sudo systemctl disable mpd
Now switch to the local config directory:
cd ~/.config/mpd
Create the directory where saved playlist data is stored:
mkdir playlists
Generate the files mpd
needs in order to run:
touch database log pid state sticker.sql
Configuration is done! You might need to reboot for changes to take effect.
Update the database
To update the mpd
database (assuming the presence of audio files at
) either run mpc update
in a terminal or type ncmpcpp
then press u
. If your music is in a different directory, edit the
relevant path in ~/.config/mpd/mpd.conf
Basics of ncmpcpp
The “Ncurses Console Media Player C++”. To start interfacing with this
excellent tool, simply type ncmpcpp
in a terminal, or use the key
chord chain super + x ; 5
(see the chapter about the basics of my
To play music, learn how to use ncmpcpp
by studying the corresponding
manpage. I typically switch to screen 4, by hitting 4
, then A
hit enter. This inserts an empty prompt which adds all available music
to the playlist. Then I toggle on repeat mode with r
, random playback
order with z
, and a 5 second cross-fade with x
If you do not like ncmpcpp
, I highly recommend cantata
, a graphical
MPD front end using the Qt toolkit which, however, does not integrate
well with my mostly GTK- and text- based environment (as such, Cantata
is not part of my custom desktop session).
Why we also need mpc
The comparatively simpler mpc
tool performs the role of a remote
control. We use it to assign key chords with which to control mpd
even when no client is running. In a similar fashion, mpc
a simple way of querying the status of the server for the sake of, say,
displaying information about the current song on the panel (see the
chapter about the top panel).
The MPRIS bridge
By default, mpd
does not behave like most up-to-date music players in
the GNU/Linux world. Put differently, it cannot be controlled by
dedicated media keys, nor interact with specialised tools that might be
offered by the desktop environment.
This kind of functionality is part of the MPRIS protocol. To make mpd
a good citizen, we have fetched the mpdris2
package as well as
a dedicated, console-based program for controlling MPRIS-aware
applications: playerctl
With these in place, the Music Player Daemon (and all other MPRIS-aware
media players, like the ever-popular vlc
) can be controlled using the
keyboard’s dedicated media keys. See man playerctl
for more demanding
types of interaction. The key chords are defined in my sxhkdrc
explained in the chapter about the basics of my BSPWM.
Peace of mind
MPD is great because while it is powerful and can cater to the needs of the most avid audiophile, it also works seamlessly once you set it up. I prefer it over its alternatives because it is very much laissez faire, to the point you almost forget it is even there.
When you log back in to the custom BSPWM session, mpd
will be up and
running, waiting for your input in a paused state (or stopped, in case
that was the last interaction with it).
You do not need to keep any window open, nor run some resource-hungry
web app just for the sake of playing audio from your local collection.
Use the keyboard’s dedicated key for play/pause or use the combination
super + down arrow
: music will start playing, while you get on with
your work (do not forget to see my sxhkdrc
for the relevant key
Quick guide to set up Newsboat
Part of my customisations concern newsboat
, a decent RSS/Atom reader
for the console. If you have never heard what an RSS or Atom feed is,
it is a data stream that is meant to be read by client programs, known
as “readers” or “feed readers”. Whenever the source that publishes the
feed makes a new entry (publishes something), the stream is populated
with the new content, which the reader can then fetch. This makes it
possible to keep track of multiple websites from a single interface.
Having all that in the terminal makes things even better.
~/cpdfd $ tree -aF newsboat/
└── .config/
└── newsboat/
├── config
├── queue
├── themes/
│ ├── tempus_theme_dark.theme
│ └── tempus_theme_light.theme
└── urls -> /path/to/my/symlink # not part of the dotfiles
3 directories, 5 files
All you need to get started is to first put things in place:
~/cpdfd $ stow -v newsboat
LINK: .config/newsboat => ../dotfiles/newsboat/.config/newsboat
Then to actually read some feeds, you must manually create a urls
file at ~/.config/newsboat/
with a single feed source per line, like
I personally exclude this file from the dotfiles because it might contain sensitive information.
If you want to filter feeds, you can add one or more tags to them, with a space demarcating each entry: "Distro" "Distro Community" "GNU Linux Distro"
Tags are used to aggregate content from multiple sources:
# A catch-all filter for unread items
"query:Unread Articles:unread = \"yes\""
# Some tag-specific filters
"query:GNU plus Linux:tags # \"Distro\""
"query:ARBITRARY NAME OF FILTER:tags # \"Tag\""
Once you launch the program, either from the command line or with the
key chord chain super + x ; 4
(see chapter on the basics of BSPWM) you
will start seeing news items pop up, grouped by source URL. From there
you can use Vi motions or the arrow keys to select the desired item and
either read it in place by hitting the Return
key (Enter
) or open it
in the browser by hitting o
is the default and what
I use).
The config file is fairly simple, with each setting usually describing what it does:
# General
# -------
show-read-articles no
show-read-feeds no
prepopulate-query-feeds no
feed-sort-order unreadarticlecount
show-keymap-hint yes
swap-title-and-hints no
text-width 72
save-path "~/Documents/archived-articles/rss"
browser /usr/bin/xdg-open %u
confirm-exit yes
display-article-progress yes
For more, see the source for the actual configurations. Also read the
manual with man newsboat
The Tempus themes
PRIOR NOTICE: all the scripts referenced herein are discussed in greater
detail in the chapter about my local ~/bin
All the colours you see are part of a project of mine called Tempus themes. These are colour schemes for Vim, terminal emulators and relevant tools. They consist of sixteen hues that correspond to the standard escape sequences for terminal colour definitions, in order from 0 to 15:
0-7: black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white
8-15: bright {black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white}
I have designed Tempus with the purpose of filling a perceived void in the theming space: that of accessible, functional, yet still presentable colour schemes. Tempus is designed to work well for as many users as possible, myself included.
In more technical terms, the Tempus themes are compliant at minimum with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) level AA for colour contrast between foreground and background values. This stands for a relative luminance ratio of 4.5:1. That ratio is but a threshold as some members of the collection conform with the even higher standard of 7:1 (WCAG AAA).
Accessibility is about good design
To dispel any misconceptions, “accessibility” is not only useful for a subset of users. Accessibility is another way of describing thoughtful design. It benefits everyone. Being forced to read light grey on a white background or green text on a red backdrop is a major failure, indicating a lack of forethought and empathy with the user.
For us who spend considerable amounts of time interfacing with a computer, a good contrast ratio is essential to a subconsciously pleasant session (just as with good typography, as discussed in the chapter about fonts). Whether you read, write, code, your eyes will appreciate the improved legibility of text on the screen.
Try this: miscalibrate your monitor and/or your font configurations to make text look blurry and irritating to the eye. Work in that environment for a while to realise how much more painful it is. Eye strain is real, so do yourself a service by prioritising legibility over whimsy.
If you are used to inaccessible colour combinations, you may find Tempus themes a bit too sharp at first. Give it some time: your eyes will adapt to the improved presentation. I know from experience, as I used to work with inaccessible themes. In fact, I had developed an entire collection of them: Prot16. Those were not designed with accessibility and functionality in mind. Some might even “look better” than the Tempus themes, but none works better.
The Tempus themes collection
As of this writing (2019-07-02) the Tempus themes collection consists of the following items (WCAG rating in parentheses):
# Light themes
dawn (AA)
day (AA)
fugit (AA)
past (AA)
totus (AAA)
# Dark themes
autumn (AA)
classic (AA)
dusk (AA)
future (AAA)
night (AAA)
rift (AA)
spring (AA)
summer (AA)
tempest (AAA)
warp (AA)
winter (AA)
The one you get by default is Tempus Classic, which is a dark theme with warm hues.
Tempus and my dotfiles
With the exception of GTK widget and icon themes, Tempus is applied
everywhere colours can be defined. Some notable examples are bspwm
, tmux
, newsboat
, neomutt
, dunst
, and my lemonbar
called melonpanel
. Even GTK-based text editors are covered, such as
(GNOME default), pluma
(MATE default), and gnome-builder
A shell script is responsible for changing themes across all those
applications: it is aptly named tempus
, which is a backronym
standing for “Themes Every Meticulous Person Ultimately Seeks” (in case
you do not know, “tempus” is a real word in Latin).
You can run tempus
directly from the terminal by adding a scheme’s
unique name as its argument. For example, to switch to the light theme
, you would do:
tempus day
A slightly more convenient way is to use tempusmenu
. This is
a dmenu
script that interfaces with the aforementioned command. It is
bound to a hotkey sequence for your convenience. To invoke
, type super + e ; t
(hold super
and press e
, then
release super
and just press t
—this is a key chord chain, as
discussed in the chapter about the basics of my BSPWM). A menu with all
available items will appear. Either type your choice and press enter or
use the arrow keys (or CLI/Emacs motions) and press enter.
My dotfiles are designed in such a way that the following changes will occur when performing a theme switch across the entire environment:
- All running terminals will “live reload” their colours using escape
sequences. Thanks to my
. Similarly, all running CLI programs likevim
will gracefully adjust to the theme change. - My default terminal emulator,
, will also write the new colour definitions to its configuration file (also see the chapter about the default terminal). - The terminal multiplexer (
) will be instructed to reload its configurations in order to parse the new colours. - The top panel (
) will be re-run and display the new colours. Same with the notification daemon (dunst
). - All running GTK applications, including Flatpaks, will convert to
a light or dark variant of their current theme, depending on whether
the selected Tempus theme is light or dark (assuming you followed the
instructions in the chapter about installing core packages). So if
you choose
, for example, which is dark text on a light background, the GTK themes will also be light, and vice versa. This is courtesy of a running settings daemon. If you have followed the instructions in the chapters about installing Debian 10 ‘buster’ and adding the core packages, this is themate-settings-daemon
. - The wallpaper will change accordingly, if you have defined images at
All this happens in the blink of an eye. If you care about the
specifics (or wish to contribute) you need to examine the script that
does the heavy lifting: tempus
In my opinion, this is a very neat feature. Having it bound to a key chord makes it even better. Now if you need any convincing of why you should ever be able to switch themes on the fly, try coding using a dark theme under direct sunlight…
Additional resources
The Tempus themes is a standalone project that happens to be integrated
with my dotfiles. There are a number of git
repos. The specialised
ones are specific to the program they reference:
- Tempus themes. The main content hub, which provides information about the project, screen shots, and offers all available ports in a central place.
- Tempus themes GTK3 Source View. For GTK-based text editors like Gedit, Pluma, Mousepad.
- Tempus themes GTK4 Source View. Only known implementation is for GNOME builder though other apps will follow once the migration to GTK4 gains momentum.
- Tempus themes Kitty.
- Tempus themes Konsole.
- Tempus themes ST.
- Tempus themes Tilix.
- Tempus themes URxvt.
- Tempus themes Vim.
- Tempus themes Xfce4-terminal.
- Tempus themes Xterm.
Also see the Tempus themes Generator: the tool that produces all these ports and the place where you could contribute new templates, code, ideas.
Known issues
The “live reloading” of all running instances of vim
is contingent on
(see chapter on my Tmux+Vim combo). If you are running the text
editor outside of the multiplexer’s control (e.g. a GUI), then the theme
switch requires manual intervention. Either exit Vim and enter again or
run :source ~/.vimrc
. To fix this, I would need a program that can
send key chords to running applications: this is possible within tmux
as can be seen in tmux_update_vim
. There is xdotool
, but my tests
did not yield promising results…
If you are using the mate-terminal
(recall that xterm
is my default
and recommended option) and try to open a new instance of it while the
theme switch is underway, it will likely retain its older colour scheme
in the database, even if it might catch the step where terminals are
live reloaded via escape sequences. In such a case the theme switch
needs to be performed anew or you must manually run
About my local ~/bin
An integral part my dotfiles is the bin
directory. It includes
various scripts that I have written for use in my custom desktop
session. Some of these are essential to various functions and
workflows. Others are convenient extras.
~/cpdfd $ tree -aF bin
├── bin/
│ ├── bspwm_dynamic_desktops*
│ ├── bspwm_external_rules*
│ ├── bspwm_focus_mode*
│ ├── bspwm_multifaceted_operation*
│ ├── bspwm_reorder_desktops*
│ ├── bspwm_smart_move*
│ ├── bspwm_smart_presel*
│ ├── clr*
│ ├── dotsmenu*
│ ├── flatpakmenu*
│ ├── gev*
│ ├── melonpanel*
│ ├── nbm*
│ ├── own_script_bspwm_node_resize*
│ ├── own_script_bspwm_per_host_configs*
│ ├── own_script_current_keyboard_layout*
│ ├── own_script_laptop_dual_monitor*
│ ├── own_script_local_build_tempus_themes*
│ ├── own_script_mate_setup*
│ ├── own_script_mate_terminal_setup*
│ ├── own_script_notify_send_mpc_status*
│ ├── own_script_print_colour_table*
│ ├── own_script_run_dmenu_xcolors*
│ ├── own_script_run_passmenu_xcolors*
│ ├── own_script_update_environment_theme*
│ ├── own_script_update_running_terminals*
│ ├── own_script_update_tmux_running_vim*
│ ├── passmenu*
│ ├── poweroptionsmenu*
│ ├── ptp*
│ ├── sbg*
│ ├── sbgmenu*
│ ├── stm*
│ ├── stmmenu*
│ ├── tempus*
│ ├── tempusmenu*
│ ├── tmr*
│ ├── tmux_update_vim*
│ ├── toggle_compton*
│ └── toggle_screenkey*
└── .local/
└── share/
3 directories, 41 files
Let’s first get out of the way the
. This file
contains the font definition that is used in my various dmenu
implementations. The code part:
if [ -n "$(fc-list 'dejavu sans condensed')" ]; then
my_font_family='DejaVu Sans Condensed'
Now a few words about the scripts, with the proviso that you can always learn more about each one by studying the source code:
- Scripts that start with “own_script” are labelled as such for a variety of reasons: (1) their function is ancillary to something else, (2) I might develop a better replacement, (3) avoid naming conflicts, (4) be descriptive about what each item is about.
- Scripts whose name begins with “bspwm_” implement various advanced functions for the window manager. These are documented in the chapter about the advanced features of my BSPWM.
- In principle, all items have inline documentation, except
which is provided by another source referenced therein. - While on the topic of
, this is admenu
interface for copying to the clipboard a password stored withpass
. Such an awesome feature! To put it succinctly, this is what sold me on both the power ofdmenu
and the idea of a dedicated password manager that works seamlessly with core UNIX utilities. - Many of these scripts are assigned to custom key bindings. Better
check my
to find out the relevant key chords (as explained in the chapter about the basics of my BSPWM). - The items
, andsbgmenu
cover various ways of setting the desktop backdrop. I guess it is better explained in this short video: My UNIX-y ways to wallpapers. - The
are tools for handling my task list, in accordance with my own methodology. They are complementary to each other. This short video of mine should be enough to get you started: UNIX way to task management. gev
must be run in the terminal to print a table with the status of allgit
repositories inside the user’s home directory. Better see this video: Demo of my Git’s Eye View.- The
commands are wrappers arounddmenu_run
respectively. They are meant to customise the looks to my liking, in order to keep things consistent. - If you have Flatpak applications on your system,
will provide a nice interface to launching them. melonpanel
is the script that draws the session’s panel. It is what provides content/information tolemonbar
for display on the screen. This is discussed at length in the chapter about the top panel.- Then there are a few items that are meant to integrate my themes into
the various parts of the running session (as explained in the chapter
about the Tempus themes):
is a front end to selecting the theme you want;tempus
does the actual work of applying the new theme across all supported programs; running terminals are re-coloured withown_script_update_running_terminals
; while the running Vim sessions inside of Tmux are re-styled with the use oftmux_update_vim
. poweroptionsmenu
provides an interface for logging out of the session, switching users, locking the screen (usingslock
), rebooting, and shutting down the system. Note thatslock
may have an unintuitive interface at first, since all it does is turn the screen dark—you need to type your pass word and hit “Return” to unlock it. The screen will switch to a blue colour each time you type.toggle_compton
will enable or disable the display compositor. A very useful feature under certain circumstances where runningcompton
is detrimental to the task at hand. For instance, I use this to shut down the compositor when I am screen casting.toggle_screenkey
is another on/off switch for the program it references.ptp
is a script that prints a table with the colour palette of the active Tempus theme. The table is “context-aware”, so that it displays information depending on the width of the running terminal.clr
calculates the contrast ratio between two colours. You run it by passing two arguments to it, each representing a colour that is written in valid hexadecimal RGB notation.tmr
is a very simple timer. Run it with a single argument that represents a valid unit of time in seconds, minutes, hours, such astmr 10m
. Once the time has elapsed, it will print a message informing you of the time it started and end. It will also ring an alarm for a few seconds.
Finally, it is worth pointing out that the quality of these scripts may vary considerably. The newer the script, the better it is. This is all part of a learning process as I am not a programmer by trade. Despite that, I hope my efforts on this front are enough to set you up and running on a custom desktop session centred around the Binary Space Partitioning Window Manager.
Advanced features of my BSPWM session
My dotfiles’ stow package called “bin” includes the following set of scripts that alter the behaviour of the window manager:
~/cpdfd $ tree -aF bin
├── bin/
│ ├── bspwm_dynamic_desktops*
│ ├── bspwm_external_rules*
│ ├── bspwm_focus_mode*
│ ├── bspwm_multifaceted_operation*
│ ├── bspwm_reorder_desktops*
│ ├── bspwm_smart_move*
│ ├── bspwm_smart_presel*
# Trimmed output
Here I explain what each item does and how it is implemented in my
system. All hotkeys mentioned herein are defined in my sxhkdrc_bspc
Dynamic desktops
By default, BSPWM uses a fixed number of desktops. A set is assigned to a monitor at startup. This is a perfectly usable design, especially for single-monitor setups. It can, however, be inefficient:
- You seldom need, say, ten desktops at all times. Your normal work
requires only three or four of them. So why keep the rest? And why
try to work around this by retroactively concealing them from the
report, the panel, etc.? - On multi-head setups, you might find it preferable to decouple desktops from monitors. You might, for instance, require five desktops on the larger monitor and only one on the smallest one. Again, why commit to a specific number at startup and try to adapt your workflow to it.
Dynamic desktops solve these potential issues. You start with a single desktop per monitor and go from there in accordance with your evolving requirements.
The script is designed to insert/remove desktops on a per monitor basis.
This means that its operations are always confined to the focused
monitor. As such, if you are on desktop 1 on monitor one, and switch to
desktop 2 (using super + {0-9}
), then desktop 2 will be placed on
monitor one as well. If you wanted to have it on monitor two, you would
need to bring focus to it first (cycle through monitors with the key
chord super + comma
Alternatively, you can spawn a desktop on the next monitor without
switching focus to it, by pressing super + ctrl + {0-9}
. Such
a desktop will hold a receptacle (discussed below).
Sending the focused window to a dynamically-created desktop is
straightforward: super + shift + {0-9}
. Again, this is limited to the
given monitor, while I have decided not to implement a direct action for
sending the focused window to a new desktop on the next monitor. There
is a trade-off between feature completeness and complexity.
In short, dynamic desktops should have a natural feel to them. You just
move around and they adapt accordingly. As a bonus, I have added
a “back-and-forth” behaviour, so if you input the same number of the
desktop twice while using super + {0-9}
, focus will move to the last
desktop and back again.
Dynamic desktops and the concomitant back-and-forth behaviour were
inspired by i3wm
Reorder desktops
This is a simple script that will reorder the desktops in numerical
order. You will probably have no use for this, because it is already
part of bspwm_dynamic_desktops
from where it was extracted. Still, it
is provided as a standalone utility in case you ever find yourself
manually performing the necessary bspc
actions that add/remove
Manual tiling (smart presel and external rules)
BSPWM automatically tiles windows in a spiral layout. Older windows move inwardly, while the newest one occupies the outermost part of the spiral (at the given level). However, the window manager also offers a couple of features for manually placing windows on the screen. Those are referred to as preselections and receptacles respectively.
A preselection is, by default, an area that is a fraction of the focused node. The preselection provides feedback on where the next window will be placed. When that event takes place, the focused window is split at the given ratio and focus switches to the new window.
In contradistinction, receptacles are empty frames that occupy an area of the screen, as per the tiling scheme, until they are expressly told to host a window, at which point they cease to exist. Think of them as placeholders for windows yet-to-be. To send an item to the position of the receptacle, we need to pass a specific command: the unscripted tiling method will not affect receptacles.
I have decided to carve a niche for each of these features and design
distinct courses of action around them. The two scripts involved in the
process are bspwm_smart_presel
and bspwm_external_rules
“Smart presel” contains logic to evaluate the following and lead to the relevant consequences:
- Is there a marked window (using the node flag “marked”, which is
assigned with
super + a ; m
)? If yes, then use the first that matches this criterion. Otherwise operate on the focused window. - Does a receptacle exist? If yes, use it to place the window in its stead. Else put the window in the position of the first matching preselection.
A preselection is given with super + alt + {h,j,k,l}
. It is cancelled
by inputting the same direction twice. To insert a receptacle, press
super + n ; r
. Remove it at any time with super + n ; super + r
(you can then resize nodes, adjust the split ratios etc. as mentioned in
the chapter on the basics of my BSPWM). If a preselection is available,
then a new receptacle will be placed there.
To place the marked or focused window in the position of the available
receptacle or preselection type super + n ; i
. The difference between
the two is revealed when performing such actions across desktops.
A receptacle will not call focus to itself, whereas a preselection will.
The assumption that underpins this design is that a receptacle can be placed in a desktop, then a program that has a rather slow startup time is launched (e.g. the web browser). The user is free to switch to another desktop in the meantime.
This way you can continue your work and get back to that slow application at a later point. Multi-head setups render this apparent. For example, you “pre-load” the smaller monitor, switch to the larger one, work there and the application will appear on the small monitor, taking the place of the receptacle. No interruptions, no things moving around. This is precise and deliberate.
Note that for such a scenario you do not need to press super + n ; i
because the external rules come into play, automatically placing the
next window in the position of the first available receptacle (or
preselection if no receptacle exists). You can, nonetheless, still use
super + n ; i
. Place a receptacle in a new desktop, switch to another
and then type that key sequence to insert the marked or focused window
At any rate, all this is a means of fleshing out BSPWM’s notions of manual tiling actions. You are free to tweak things to your liking.
Multifaceted operations (multi-node actions)
This is, dare I say, a beautifully simple script that facilitates window management over multiple selection paths. Its various actions are assigned to key chords and concern the following:
super + n ; super + shift + r
: kill all receptacles (as opposed to only remove the last one, withsuper + n ; super + r
).super + n ; super + q
: close all non-focused, non-marked windows on the focused desktop. This is an extension of the standard key for closing the focused window:super + q
with the added bonus of respecting the “marked” flag (it is assumed you are marking windows for a reason).super + n ; super + shift + q
: same as above, but kills them instead. For context, the key for killing just the focused window issuper + shift + q
.super + n ; l
: assign the “locked” flag to all windows in the present desktop. A locked window cannot be closed with any of the commands mentioned earlier (though it can be killed). Recall from the chapter on the basics of my BSPWM that to assign such a flag to the focused window, you presssuper + a ; l
(inputting twice toggles the behaviour).super + n ; shift + l
: remove the “locked” flag from all windows on the present desktop.super + n ; m
: summon all “marked” windows, regardless of where they are, to the present desktop. You can mark a window by passing to it that flag:super + a ; m
.super + n ; super + {0-9}
: bring all the windows of the given desktop (the given number) to the focused one. This is an extension of the basic key for focusing desktops:super + {0-9}
.super + n ; super + shift + {0-9}
: send the windows of the present desktop to the given one. This incorporates the dynamic desktops mentioned above, so inputting a number will just create that desktop on the focused monitor.
With those granted, I recommend you try learning things one command at a time. Otherwise you will most certainly mix up all the key chords and key chord chains. Start with the basics. You will then realise that the more advanced ones build on that foundation.
Smart move
You move focus around windows with super + {h,j,k,l}
. Additionally,
you swap the position between the focused window and the one in the
given direction with super + shift + {h,j,k,l}
. These are standard
actions that are provided out-of-the-box. Their two limitations are:
- They do not work with receptacles.
- You cannot remove a window from the automatic tiling scheme. You must instead switch places with an existing one.
So what I have decided to do is provide a wrapper around the standard commands for focusing and switching windows, but also account for receptacles.
If you input the keys that switch windows in a direction where no window exists, a receptacle will be spawned to occupy that place. Inputting the same direction again will move the focused window that is adjacent to the receptacle to the space occupied by the latter. At that point the receptacle will disappear.
This provides an intuitive way of moving a window to the position of an adjacent receptacle, rather than having to memorise a key chord chain (though that still has its use case for instances where you do not want to move a window adjacent to a receptacle).
Furthermore, this offers the upside of creating three column/row layouts by just moving things around. Consider this standard layout for three windows:
_____ _____
| | | B |
| A | |___|
| | | C |
|___| |___|
You can focus B or C and input super + shift + l
to insert
a receptacle to their right. Do so again to move the adjacent focused
window there, to get a three column layout. You can then even out the
proportions of the splits between the windows with super + s ; b
Try working with bspwm_smart_move
for a while. If you find that it
poses an impediment to your workflow you can find easy-to-follow
instructions inside sxhkdrc_bspc
Focus mode
This is a “distraction-free” environment that removes the top panel, window gaps, and any padding from the desktop. All you see is windows with overlapping borders between them. The idea is to remove all complementary elements and focus on the content of your work. For example, I often use this when I am doing long-form writing.
Toggle the focus mode with super + e ; f
Is BSPWM the best tiling window manager?
Short answer: it depends.
Long answer: You cannot possibly address such questions in abstract. Much hinges on the desired workflow and the needs each user has. One’s disposition must be accounted for: whether they want to experiment and script certain patterns of behaviour, and the like.
The purpose of this chapter, and this book at-large, is to make a point about the degree to which we can approximate a desktop environment by utilising disparate programs in a synergistic way.
BSPWM works perfectly fine without scripting anything. It does, nonetheless, offer that option, which opens up a range of possibilities for advanced window management.
Closing notes and additional resources
That is all from my side. Thank you for reading through the pages of Prot’s Dots for Debian (PDFD). You should now have a solid basis to build upon.
Remember: we customise our session to improve our workflow. Efficiency is all that matters. What gets upvoted in various fora for *NIX enthusiasts does not always work as well (e.g. low-contrast colour schemes, excessive transparency and wanton use of blur effects).
I leave you with some links, just for the sake of completeness:
- The canonical link to PDFD (part of my website).
- My website, where I publish all sorts of things apart from libre software stuff.
- Source files for Prot’s Dots For Debian:
- The Code for PDFD contains the latest fixed release of my dotfiles. It was our reference point throughout this book.
- My dotfiles is where I push regular changes to my custom desktop session. I include them in a “fixed release” when I feel they are ready for broader adoption.
- Tempus themes. This is just the main repo, which includes information about the entirety of the project, as noted in the chapter about the Tempus themes.
Annex on the multi-monitor setup
This annex is only meant to share with the public a modified version of a reply I sent via email to a fellow user. Changes are made to ensure compatibility with the rest of the book.
The purpose of annexes is to provide some extra information, with the proviso that the reader is also willing to put in the effort where necessary. They also are published for the longer-term maintainability of “Prot’s Dots For Debian” (PDFD): I can just link to them in case anyone else has a similar question/issue.
This chapter concerns the settings I have in place for allowing my custom desktop session to use a dual monitor setup. My main machine is a laptop (Thinkpad X220) to which I attach an external monitor via the VGA port.
The multi-monitor setup consists of three parts, which are documented in sequence. It is assumed that you have already followed earlier steps in this book to get my code/configs and put them in their right place.
Before we start, here is a short primer on xrandr
0. Basics of XrandR
The xrandr
utility helps us identify the available connected monitors,
or “outputs”, with the command xrandr -q
What I get from that:
xrandr -q
Screen 0: minimum 8 x 8, current 3286 x 1080, maximum 32767 x 32767
LVDS1 connected primary 1366x768+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 280mm x 160mm
1366x768 60.00*+
1360x768 59.96
1280x720 59.86 60.00 59.74
1024x768 60.00
1024x576 60.00 59.90 59.82
960x540 60.00 59.63 59.82
800x600 60.32 56.25
864x486 60.00 59.92 59.57
640x480 59.94
720x405 59.51 60.00 58.99
680x384 60.00
640x360 59.84 59.32 60.00
DP1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
DP2 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
DP3 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
HDMI1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
HDMI2 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
HDMI3 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
VGA1 connected 1920x1080+1366+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 480mm x 270mm
1920x1080 60.00*+
1680x1050 59.95
1600x900 60.00
1280x1024 75.02 60.02
1440x900 59.89
1280x800 59.81
1152x864 75.00
1280x720 60.00
1024x768 75.03 70.07 60.00
832x624 74.55
800x600 72.19 75.00 60.32 56.25
640x480 75.00 72.81 66.67 59.94
720x400 70.08
VIRTUAL1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
We can then limit the output to just those we are interested in:
xrandr -q | grep -w connected
LVDS1 connected primary 1366x768+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 280mm x 160mm
VGA1 connected 1920x1080+1366+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 480mm x 270mm
With this in mind, we proceed to my scripts.
1. Monitor layout for the X display server
We first need to tell the X server how we want our monitors to be drawn.
This concerns their geometry and relative positions. The script
dedicated to this task is own_script_laptop_dual_monitor
(refer to the
chapter about my local ~/bin). Let us then have a look into its main
This function accepts an argument that determines whether the laptop
screen will be designated as the “primary” one or not. It also
establishes the coordinates of the laptop’s built-in display. The
is the monitor’s dimensions (resolution), while --pos
to place the monitor at the upper left point of the notional space that
X assigns to the displays. The X×Y
coordinates are Width×Height
laptop_coordinates() {
if [ "$#" == 1 ]; then
xrandr --output LVDS1 --primary --mode 1366x768 --pos 0x0
xrandr --output LVDS1 --mode 1366x768 --pos 0x0
And this one below sets the coordinates and dimensions for the external
monitor. The laptop is specified as the primary display. Note the
of the external display, which has an X
axis that continues
right after the end of the laptop monitor. The Y
axis remains at 0
which means that the two monitors are aligned at the top horizontally
but not at the bottom, because the laptop’s is shorter.
multihead_coordinates() {
echo "Configuring LVDS1 + VGA1 XrandR coordinates"
# pass a single argument to activate the --primary option
laptop_coordinates 'primary'
# configure the external display on the VGA port
xrandr --output VGA1 --mode 1920x1080 --pos 1366x0
Then I have a very simple command to see if the VGA monitor is connected. If it is not, then this variable is empty:
my_laptop_external_monitor=$(xrandr --query | grep 'VGA1 connected')
Finally I run a check against this variable. I leave out some extra
commands here, for the sake of our topic. The elif
condition is there
for cases where I need to use the script outside BSPWM (e.g. to set up
LightDM—contact me if this is something you are interested in):
if [ -n "$my_laptop_external_monitor" ] && [ "$DESKTOP_SESSION" == 'bspwm' ]; then
elif [ -n "$my_laptop_external_monitor" ]; then
2. BSPWM multihead
The above will just prepare the dual monitors for the X display server.
We still need to configure BSPWM accordingly, otherwise we will not get
the desired results. I do this in a separate script, for the sake of
portability. This one is own_script_bspwm_per_host_configs
(it has a
few more commands that I omit for the sake of brevity and to remain on
First we check the number of monitors. Basically to confirm that an external display is on. This time we use BSPWM client program, just to be sure that it is running and finding the information it needs:
monitor_count="$(bspc query -M | wc -l)"
I then have a very simple command for single monitor setups. This just defines the workspaces/desktops on the first available monitor (i.e. the only one). Note that I only specify a single desktop because I use my custom script for dynamic desktops, which is documented in the chapter about the advanced features of my BSPWM.
bspwm_generic_workspaces() {
bspc monitor -d 1
Then I have settings for the workspaces/desktops and a few other things. I just include the desktops’ part to keep this article on point.
bspwm_laptop_dual_monitor() {
bspc monitor LVDS1 -d 1
bspc monitor VGA1 -d 8
So I place just a single desktop on each monitor. The actual numbers
have no real significance here. You can switch desktops with the
motions I document in the basics of my BSPWM (use super+NUM
or to
switch monitors while retaining their currently-focused desktop go with
I implement one desktop per monitor because I use my own “dynamic desktops” script. Otherwise you can have something like:
bspwm_laptop_dual_monitor() {
bspc monitor LVDS1 -d 1 2 3 4 5
bspc monitor VGA1 -d 6 7 8 9 0
In my experience the numbers need to be in sequence. You cannot have them alternate (LVDS has 1 3 5 /// VGA has 2 4 6).
At any rate, here is the excerpt of the final piece of the script. I put it first and explain it below:
# run the script that adds the appropriate `xrandr` settings
if [ "$(command -v own_script_laptop_dual_monitor 2> /dev/null)" ]; then
# Is an external monitor connected to my laptop?
if [ "$monitor_count" == 2 ]; then
echo "Monitor count is equal to 2"
echo "Defining per-monitor workspaces"
As you can see, it first runs the script I mentioned in the previous section. This is because I only autostart this one script at BSPWM launch (more on that below).
Then it simply configures the workspaces/desktops depending on whether there is an external monitor or not.
That is all to it. The final piece is to run this script when BSPWM
starts. So this is the very last line in my bspwmrc
_check own_script_bspwm_per_host_configs && own_script_bspwm_per_host_configs
The _check
function expands into command -v "$1" > /dev/null
the argument $1
is the name of the script/command to check against
(see the file to understand how I use this throughout it). The command
basically checks for the existence of the script before running it.
3. Panel settings (lemonbar)
Thus far everything should work except the system panel. As explained
in much greater detail in the chapter about the top panel, my script
that configures lemonbar
is called melonpanel
. This is a long
script. The part about monitors concerns the actual placement of the
panel on which all the “modules” are printed (information about
desktops, the date, sound volume, etc.). Here are the extracted parts:
laptop_external_monitor="$(xrandr --query | grep 'VGA1 connected')"
if [ -n "$laptop_external_monitor" ]; then
printf "%s%s\n" "%{Sf}$(_panel_layout)" "%{Sl}$(_panel_layout)"
printf "%s\n" "%{Sf}$(_panel_layout)"
Focus on the %{Sf}
and %{Sl}
constructs. This is lemonbar
for the first and second monitor respectively. Basically to place the
same panel on both of them.
Concluding notes
I understand this is a rather complex topic. Hopefully you now have a basis to work with. The way I would troubleshoot any problems is to make sure that the X server draws the screens correctly and that BSPWM places the right desktops on each monitor.
For example, say desktop 8 is on the external display, while desktop 1 is on the laptop. Switch to 8 and spawn a terminal emulator. Then switch to 1 and do the same. If you get terminals on both monitors, then your only problem is with the panel.
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