On self-improvement

Raw link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJOoBWcFdio

In this entry, I scaled a mountain to make a philosophical point pertinent to the titular topic. This talk is a bit less than an hour long. The main ideas:

  • We sometimes think of self-improvement only as a means to an ulterior goal, such as money, fame, sex.
  • Use the example of climbing to the top of the mountain in hope of finding those “rewards”.
  • Elaborate on the connection between the transactional view of self-improvement and the concept of entitlement. The latter was also covered in my previous talk about loss, entitlement, and presence.
  • Explain that self-importance is okay but how it can go awry. A relevant theme was covered in my talk about On self-importance and elitism.
  • Discuss how philosophy helps us overcome the self-centric view. We do not expect rewards.
  • Talk about expectations and entitlement, with a view to how they can make a person turn their disappointment into a weapon that is used against others.
  • Remark how philosophy helps us remain calm and not go to extremes.