How I build Emacs on Arch Linux

As I get this question periodically, it is best to record my approach here. That way I can provide a link instead of writing a full reply each time.

On Arch we can build custom packages cleanly by writing a PKGBUILD. This is a shell script that fetches the source and prepares it for installation. In the case of Emacs, we do not need to write the entire script ourselves: the community-driven Arch User Repository (AUR) already includes the emacs-git package.

As we likely want to customise certain aspects of the build, emacs-git should not be installed as-is (and generally one ought to always inspect what they install from the AUR). Instead, we must fetch the PGBUILD source, edit it, and build the package from there. This requires the base-devel package group. The resulting output is a regular package as far as the pacman is concerned.

We get the build script:

git clone path/to/emacs-git-aur

Then we change to the emacs-git-aur directory and visit the PKGBUILD file. It is properly annotated so one must read all the comments carefully to understand what each variable pertains to.

As of this writing, I am experimenting (again) with the PGTK build and am running various Wayland DEs/compositors, including GNOME 42, so I made this change:

 PKGBUILD | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
index a084fc0..0430a5b 100644
@@ -45,9 +45,9 @@ GPM=              # Mouse support in Linux console using gpmd.
 NOTKIT=           # Use no toolkit widgets. Like B&W Twm (001d sk00l).
                   # Bitmap fonts only, 1337!

-PGTK=             # Use native GTK3 build. Supports Wayland, yay!
+PGTK="YES"        # Use native GTK3 build. Supports Wayland, yay!

-GTK3="YES"        # GTK3 old windowing interface.
+GTK3=             # GTK3 old windowing interface.

 LUCID=            # Use the lucid, a.k.a athena, toolkit. Like XEmacs, sorta.

I already want native compilation, which the script already enables, so the above diff is enough. The next step is to build the package outright ($ refers to regular user privileges):

/path/to/emacs-git-aur $ makepkg -siC

Remember to check makepkg --help to understand what those flags do. Basically, the -C is not necessary here, but I added it just to be sure (it is required for clean builds).

As a final step, makepkg will prompt to install the package and ask to escalate privileges. In case we miss that part, we do not need to restart the whole process. The easier way is to check the directory we are in for a file named emacs-git- or something like that and run the following (# denotes superuser privileges):

/path/to/emacs-git-aur # pacman -U emacs-git-

The first build will take a long time, especially with native compilation enabled, but subsequent ones shall be faster (I wrote this blog post while waiting for it).

Rebuilding a package automatically fetches the updates. All we ever need is to re-run makepkg -si (occasionally with -C included). However, as time goes by, we might also have to check the PKGBUILD for updates, such as when new build options are added upstream. No problem! We just git pull from the source we cloned earlier (the Again, the rest is all about scrutinising the PKGBUILD and running makepkg.

My unsophisticated approach to multiple builds of Emacs

The above are enough for my own usage. As I maintain lots of package for Emacs, I need to keep Emacs 27 and 28 around to test things. Rather than install the different binaries and handle the separate .desktop entries, I do the poor programmer’s trick of building but not installing anything.

We download the tarball from a GNU mirror as explained on the official Emacs website. For this example I am using emacs-26.3.tar.xz. We unpack it into a target directory and switch to it. The INSTALL file which found at the root of that directory provides all the information we need.

Assuming all the dependencies are satisfied, these shell invocations are enough:

path/to/emacs-26.3 $ ./configure
path/to/emacs-26.3 $ make

Normally we would install the build artefacts, but since this executable is only needed for testing purposes, we can stop at the make step (plus, a generic make install does not produce a valid package for pacman).

After make, the emacs executable is inside the src directory. If we ever need to run it, we do:

path/to/emacs-26.3/src $ ./emacs

And because this is for testing purposes, the addition of the -Q flag is the norm:

path/to/emacs-26.3/src $ ./emacs -Q

Learning about the Emacs build options

The above is a streamlined experienced that I have been using for more than a year now on a regular basis. I have never had a need to delve into the minutia. If, however, one wants to do that then the authoritative sources are the INSTALL and INSTALL.REPO files in the Emacs repository:

git clone

The former is for tarballs, such as the above example with Emacs 26 while the latter is for tracking the development version.

For example, the INSTALL.REPO tells you how to list all the build instructions and relevant environment variables once the configure script has been produced:

path/to/emacs.git $ ./configure --help

Read the sources for the details. Good luck!