Comment on Unix versus Emacs

Be mindful of dogmatism and try to avoid it

I receive messages from time to time asking me to share my views on the topic of whether Emacs can fit into a Unix-centric workflow. One such email arrived in my inbox yesterday. I replied to it and asked whether I could publish the answer on my website, while omitting all private information.

My commentary is reproduced below. In block quotes (indented paragraphs) are the statements I am replying to.

For the past 2-3 months I having using Emacs as my “Integrated Environment” but unlike my vim days I am struggling to recommend it to someone or convince myself ‘Emacs » vim+cli-tools’.

For ex:

  • Why use vim? -> To edit text efficiently.
  • Why use TWM? -> You can manage TUI with ease.
  • Why use Emacs? -> For integrity? For lisp? For Emacs-like-bindings?

I think Vim and Emacs are quite similar in several key areas: interactive, extensible, scriptable, and featureful out-of-the-box or with third-party extensions. The differences are matters of approach, perspective, and degree or concern issues of a secondary nature and/or ancillary utility.

The fact that Vim and Unix are talked about in the same breadth suggests to me that we—the general “we”—are treating terms somewhat cavalierly. If one wants to remain faithful to Unix, then why are they making a special exception for Vim, instead of using vi, ed, or just sed? Those other programs are truer to the Unix ethos of small specialised tools.

For example, newer versions of Vim come with the :term command that spawns a built-in terminal. And we still pretend that Vim partakes of the Unixy quality while Emacs does not.

To be clear, I am not arguing that Vim should not have such a feature. It is useful and am sure a lot of people like it, especially in light of NeoVim gaining ground in the community. I am just pointing out an inconsistency in the thesis of those who extol the Unix virtues while still peddling Vim as a paragon of minimalism.

My main concern with Emacs is “we are trying to redo everything in elisp or we are trying to run a elisp WM” which is quite different from what I have learned.


I think no one needs to switch to Emacs. If what you already have covers your needs, then there is absolutely no reason to redo everything and refashion it as its Elisp equivalent.

With regard to Luke’s video, I feel that he is making an assessment on the premise of indirect or incomplete information. Again, no one has to switch to Emacs. Though if you are the kind of person who wants to speak their mind from a position of knowledge, you need to stop being opinionated and vociferous about something you have not given a fair chance to and tried in earnest. To put it differently, start using Emacs from scratch, go through the manual, tinker with Elisp, work full time with it for ~6 months and then tell us what you think. “But I do not want to!” Well, I repeat that you do not have to.

This is how I converted to Emacs in the summer of 2019. Started with an empty init file, without any prior experience in Lisp (and I am not a programmer anyway), and with no false expectations of wanting Emacs to become my powerhouse of productivity from day one. The first days were very difficult. Fast forward to present time and am happy to have made such an investment: there is no going back.

The whole “switching to Emacs” theme is something I discussed at length one year ago (watch All about switching to Emacs (2019-12-20)). Also, I agree that Org being ‘cool’—whatever that means—is not a compelling reason to try it: I am not much of an Org user myself. In a more recent video I talked about the concept of “favourite package” in the Emacs milieu (watch Why Emacs itself is my “favourite Emacs package” (2020-10-21)).

This video [of Luke] really provide some good reasons why to invest on ‘coreutils’ to build a small, maintainable and decentralized system rather than investing on a giant mutable system.

Prior to switching to Emacs, I was using BSPWM+Vim+Tmux+CLI for years. My Vim had no plugins at all. For email I had mutt, newsboat for feeds, ncmpcpp+mpd for music, lemonbar for a system panel
 Everything was done in accordance with this notion of “small, maintainable and decentralized” programs that are loosely tied together into a computing environment.

The main problem with such a framework is that there is no layer of integration between those tools. When you actually start piecing together a system you are introducing complexity on a case-by-case, ad hoc manner, because you now need to write extra code that connects the otherwise disparate tools. Can you make your ncmpcpp interface with newsboat? Would you like to be able to capture the contents of a mutt email and produce a note or to-do task out of them?

You can of course tie all those together. Though you will oftentimes have to use Vimscript for Vim, some other syntax for mutt, newsboat, ncmpcpp+mpd, yet another for the suckless programs, another still for Lemonbar, Polybar or whatever, and so on.

Not only are configuration or scripting languages/paradigms different, discoverability is also inconsistent. Vim has on-line help. Others have man pages, suckless expects you to read some incomplete README which constitutes a misunderstanding of minimalism and/or study the source code. Again, these are discrepancies that you need to circumvent, while rationalising them ex post facto as virtues of peerless Unix engineering.

Side note: I define minimalism as minimum necessary completeness. Incomplete documentation fails the completeness test. For a more theoretical take, read my Notes on simplicity (2019-06-22).

So the “small and decentralised” stops being as “maintainable” as you would like to think of it in abstract. Those issues accumulate and culminate in an inconsistent user experience. Say you have some nice theme for Vim. Now you need to write another theme for newsboat, mutt, ncmcpp, dmenu, lemonbar
 You get the point.

I am a firm believer in the Unix philosophy, though I do not interpret it as a dogma but as a set of guidelines whose scope of application is strictly confined to a given paradigm of interaction. When the constitution of the case changes, so must the reasoning about it, else there is no correspondence between the theory and the reality it is supposed to apply to. Unix works well when you are dealing with text streams. It leaves something to be desired when you need interactivity and consistency across a wide range of applications.

For some more abstract writings, read:

Rather than talking in abstract I will now jump straight to my question: “Why I should add a layer of complexity on my system rather than using existing tools(coreutils, pipes, 

I believe your question already assumes the answer you expect. If you frame Emacs as “complexity” and, by extension, as being a priori surplus to requirements, then it follows that you do not want it, for that would be frivolous.

If, on the other hand, you take a critical look at the emergent system of several Unixy tools in unison, like my BSPWM setup from yesteryear, then you must think of things in a new light: “what is missing from my coreutils, pipes, and friends?”. Then you can start searching for ways to ameliorate the issues I outlined above, namely, to achieve a greater level of consistency and integration between otherwise standalone applications. How you go about it is your prerogative.

I treat Emacs as a layer of interactivity on top of Unix. For example, I wanted to refactor some things in my website’s code base. I ran an rg/grep command to put the results in a buffer. Then I edited that buffer and saved my changes. Voila! A ~1000 matches rewritten in a matter of seconds, all while I could do things interactively and use the full power of Emacs’ editing capabilities. Yes, I could probably do the same with grep, sed, or whatnot, but I would still be missing that ease of use, indeed the safety, of performing such sweeping changes from the comfort of Emacs.

Which brings me to the final point: is anyone going to give me hacker points for relying only on grep and sed? Do I want to turn my computing environment into a tokenistic affair; a symbolism that captures my vanity and pretences on social standing? Do I want to become an avatar of social expectations, seeking to extract as much “nerd credibility” out of my fellows’ ideas about me? Or do I want to get work done and do so while benefiting from a comprehensive, integrated, singular experience? I just want the latter and am unapologetic about it.

This is not to claim that only Emacs can perform such tasks. Maybe Vim or some other program can do those as well. Good! Use whatever feels right for you. My position is more nuanced: we should avoid the pitfalls that come with ideology and ideocentric perspectives on states of affairs. Are you working exclusively with text streams? Then write a one-liner on the command line that pipes some output to sed and you are good to go. Do you need interactivity? Then forget about Unix pipes and use the right tool for the job. Whether that is Emacs, Vim, or whatever is another discussion altogether; one that I do not find particularly interesting and fecund.

In conclusion, I am of the opinion that propitious enthusiasm is all too often the source of self-righteousness and misguided attempts at evangelism. We witness such a recurring theme happen with Unix, Arch Linux, Emacs, and more. Some user discovers a new cool workflow and now they want to convert their peers to it. This hints at the kind of thinking that treats the world in simplistic, binary terms: Unix is simple VS Emacs is complex; Arch Linux is for hackers VS Ubuntu is for simpletons
 Those are stereotypes that rest on misunderstandings about the intent and the purpose of each of those paradigms, their context-specific pros and cons, as well as the potentially numerous reasons one may have to opt for a given choice.

To my mind, the exuberant disciple is prone to dogmatism because they read the rules as the single source of authority, while the teacher who has long studied and internalised those topics knows the extent of their application—their limitations, that is—and, above all, understands when they should be circumvented and how.