The slow-paced experience (and mountain tour)

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In this ~42-minute video I comment on the topic of doing things with intent and presence. I also switch to the rear camera of my phone to provide a first-person perspective of my hike.

Some of the highlights:

  • The slow-paced experience is juxtaposed with and contrasted to the fast-paced life we have. The rhythms of the workplace, the news cycle, the pace of social media keep stimulating us but we are not a participant in their world.
  • It is too fast. We are disempowered because what we do is a mile long but only a millimetre thick. There is no depth to it, as we are forced to shift our attention to something else.
  • Story about me not listening to background music anymore. I also wrote a journal entry on the matter about the “music all around”:
  • Why I wanted to do things with intent, to be more intentful with my choices. To be a participant instead of a spectator in my subjective reality; to feel that I am doing something that has meaning for me, even if it does not matter in the grand scheme of things.
  • Instead of trying to multi-task, I focus on what I have given my attention to. I do it with intent and commitment.
  • How I want my sensations to be consistent with my immediate environment. Paying attention to things makes me feel I am a member of my world.
  • Other relatable stories about events that made me think critically of the fast-paced life I was living.
  • How the slow-paced experience allows me to do things without feeling burdened by them.