Demo of my Git's Eye View

Check the status of multiple repos

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In this screen cast I showcase my latest script, called “Git’s Eye View”, else GEV. This is a simple script I wrote for getting an overview of the status of all git-controlled repositories inside a given directory.

When running gev, a two-column list is drawn, with the status code on the left and the file system path of the git-controlled repo on the right. The status codes are:

  • 0 == no changes
  • 1 == unstaged changes
  • 2 == staged, but not committed
  • 3 == untracked files

GEV is part of my dotfiles. Within the next month or so, I will publish a book on how to reproduce my custom desktop session on Debian 10 Buster. An announcement will be made in the news section. The book will be available in the books section under the same copyleft terms as all my work on this website.