General commentary on life
Comments or discussions on how to approach complex life issues
- Re: Fear of AI technology, singularity, and transhumanism
- Re: are you a Stoic and what is your philosophy?
- Re: are you okay with AI bots training on your content?
- Re: Why live rather than die?
- Re: parasocial relationships, communication skills, fame, etc.
- Re: free will and suffering from uncertainty
- Re: loneliness and meaningful work
- De tormenta a tormenta, la sonrisa prevalece
- The small wins lead to the larger goal
- From storm to storm, the smile remains
- On exploration and the otherworldly darkness
- Searching for purpose in the changing seasons
- Live excerpt: comments on dogs and responsibility
- Live excerpt: comments on the Christian Bible, community, nature, spirituality
- Thoughts on a personality test I did
- The spirit under the moonlight
- Controlled discomfort
- Eponymity and honesty
- The start is half the way to the goal
- Re: Overwhelmed and Need Help with Organizing
- The wolf within
- On the continuum of rationality and mysticism
- Art and its narrative
- Re: Regarding success, sense of self-worth and finding a purpose
- Rewilding our conscience
- Scouts and acceptance
- Greece Euro 2004 reminiscences
- Building up confidence
- The music all around
- The joy of writing
- Re: Is thinking a good way to deal with boredom? And how to develop the ability of thinking?
- About knowledge, ignorance, and acceptance
- Dealing with hardship
- Living undisturbed (where the eagles fly)
- Accepting what is
- Hesitation and assurances
- Courage and the natural flow
- Grand purpose
- Graceful adaptation
- Open vistas
- Re: why and how do you journal?
- Austerity and consent
- Seeking validation
- Anonymity and community
- Comments on the apology of Socrates
- Consumption choices and software freedom in Silicon Valley
- Re: A question about organizing thoughts
- Of content creators and survivalists
- Comment on patience, inaction, and rationality
- Comment on Seneca's adoption of new parents and conversing with sages
- Comment on Jordan Peterson's EP 291 about “How to combat Hedonism”
- Re: On letting go [philosophy about acceptance]
- Re: How to play football as an introvert?
- Re: How to deal with smartphone addiction?
- Comment on the wise and the fool (wisdom of Solomon)
- Comment on Einstein's loneliness
- Why I do not use social media
- The Internet stranger
- Comment on not taking oneself too seriously
- Doing work or seeking attention?
- Comment on honesty, bad consequences, and practical reason
- Comparing oneself with others
- Re: How do I feel less alone?
- Comment on my concept of “prior notes”
- Introversion, relationships, and self-denial
- Why do I write?
- Dealing with depression
- On alcohol and sex
- On honesty and my creative process
- Re: books on Greek mythology?
- Re: what gender pronoun do you use?
- The philosophy of shaving off my long beard
- Re: dating advice?
- Practical advice on self-doubt
- Comments on the meaning of Yin-Yang
- Who can be a philosopher?
- Thoughts on masculinity
- About the purpose of life
- Re: What do you think about Peter Singer's animal rights movement?
- On hierarchy, heterarchy, and taxis
- Re: Hey prot, Why greek gods are represented as naked?
- On hubris and not tolerating abuse
- Re: suggestions to stay focused?
- Comment on whether I have ASD
- Thoughts on 'bad language'
- Further thoughts on the universe as simulation
- On ambitious goals, expectations, and false wants
- On specialisation, moderation, and difficult life choices
- On Cosmic transfiguration and the afterlife
- On relationships, expectations, and dehumanisation
- On wisdom guiding the action
- About the world as simulation
- Comments on universal logos and mystery
- On dog-related misconceptions
- On self-confidence and productivity
- Comment on learning English
- On defeatism and mental fortitude
- On nuance, grammar, and improving one's style
- On the role of philosophy in the modern world
- On picking a pronoun and avoiding indecision
- How (not) to be opinionated about art
- On the frame of mind for university and career choices
I often reply to emails and later think to myself: "hey, this
might be of interest to a wider audience". If you ever wish to
ask me a question or hold a discussion about general life issues
and have it published here without any identifying information,
please contact me.
The publication can include the names of the people involved, or
it can be anonymous with potentially personally identifying
information edited out of the text---whatever you prefer.