Emacs: dired-preview version 0.3.0

This is a simple package to automatically preview in a side window the file at point in Dired buffers. Preview windows are closed when they are no longer relevant, while preview buffers are killed if they have not been used for other purposes beside previewing. The package provides several customisation options to control its behaviour.

Below are the release notes

Version 0.3.0 on 2024-09-16

This version brings some nice new features and makes small refinements to the code base.

Run commands in the preview window

The dired-preview-mode-map is active when dired-preview-mode is enabled. Here are all the keys and corresponding commands it provides right now:

Key binding Command
C-c C-c dired-preview-hexl-toggle
C-c C-d dired-preview-page-down
C-c C-f dired-preview-find-file
C-c C-o dired-preview-open-dwim
C-c C-u dired-preview-page-up

With the exception of dired-preview-hexl-toggle, these are all new commands.

My most used command among those is dired-preview-open-dwim, which has a Do-What-I-Mean behaviour: If the file name matches dired-preview-media-extensions-regexp, dired-preview-ignored-extensions-regexp, or dired-preview-image-extensions-regexp, then it opens it externally. Otherwise, it visits the file in an Emacs buffer. Note that here we include the dired-preview-image-extensions-regexp because while Emacs can visit those in a buffer, it does not offer as much functionality as other apps that specialise in handling image files.

[ Emacs uses the system default for those files when opening them externally. ]

Advanced users can rely on the dired-preview-with-window macro

Use this in your custom functions to run some code with the preview window as the selected window. For example, here is a simple one from our code base:

(defun dired-preview-page-down ()
  "Move a page down in the preview window.
This technically runs `scroll-up-command'."
    (call-interactively 'scroll-up-command)))

Remember to add them to the dired-preview-mode-map.

Placeholder window prevents preview jumpiness

Wtih dired-preview-ignored-extensions-regexp we can exclude certain files from being previewed. This is useful because, for example, Emacs cannot display those files or do something useful with their contents, or we just want to hide them (e.g. to omit GPG-encrypted files from the preview).

In the past, dired-preview-mode would pop up a preview window for a file that could be previewed and would then hide that window for anything matching dired-preview-ignored-extensions-regexp. As a result, windows would jump in and out of the frame layout. This could be disorienting.

We now provide the user option dired-preview-ignored-show-ignored-placeholders which shows a placeholder window when trying to preview an ignored file. So as we move up and down the Dired buffer, the preview window stays in place regardless if we are on an ignored file or not.

The default value of dired-preview-ignored-show-ignored-placeholders is t because I think this is the better behaviour. Though users can set it to nil to retain the old functionality.

Thanks to Álvaro Ramírez (xenodium) for the contribution. This was done in pull request 15: https://github.com/protesilaos/dired-preview/pull/15.

The change is within the permissible limit of ~15 lines, meaning that Álvaro does not need to assign copyright to the Free Software Foundation.

The dired-preview-display-action-alist replaces dired-preview-display-action-alist-function

The old symbol is an alias for the new one and users will be notified accordingly while updating.

This user option is for advanced users who want to customise where and how display-buffer places the preview window. Before, we were accepting only the symbol of a function that would return an appropriate action alist. Now we accept either a function’s symbol or an action alist directly.

Examples of both:

;; Use a function that returns an action alist:
(setq dired-preview-display-action-alist #'dired-preview-display-action-alist-dwim)

;; Use an action alist directly:
(setq dired-preview-display-action-alist
        (side . bottom)
        (window-height . 0.2)
        (preserve-size . (t . t))))

Check our dired-preview-display-action-alist-dwim for inspiration if you want to have a function that returns an action alist based on, say, the width of the frame.

Preview of the next file works when marking for deletion

When we mark a file for deletion, Dired moves the point to the next line. Before, this would not trigger a preview of the updated file-at-point. Now it should work as expected.

Technically, we check if the last command is among those stored in the variable dired-preview-trigger-commands. If you think there are more commands we need to include there, just let me know.

The dired-preview-ignored-extensions-regexp can be nil

This was always the intention, but the relevant code was not accounting for that scenario. It should work now as intended.