Emacs: Denote version 3.1.0

Denote aims to be a simple-to-use, focused-in-scope, and effective note-taking and file-naming tool for Emacs.

Denote is based on the idea that files should follow a predictable and descriptive file-naming scheme. The file name must offer a clear indication of what the contents are about, without reference to any other metadata. Denote basically streamlines the creation of such files or file names while providing facilities to link between them (where those files are editable).

Denote’s file-naming scheme is not limited to “notes”. It can be used for all types of file, including those that are not editable in Emacs, such as videos. Naming files in a constistent way makes their filtering and retrieval considerably easier. Denote provides relevant facilities to rename files, regardless of file type.

Below are the release notes.

Version 3.1.0 on 2024-09-04

Denote is stable and reliable though we keep adding minor refinements to it. Remember that many—if not all—of these are intended for experienced users who have developed their own workflow and want to adapt Denote to its particularities. We may call them “power users”.

New users do not need to know about every single feature. A basic configuration is enough and is why the original video I did about Denote (from even before I published version 0.1.0) is still relevant. For example:

;; Start with something like this.
(use-package denote
  :ensure t
  (("C-c n n" . denote)
   ("C-c n r" . denote-rename-file)
   ("C-c n i" . denote-link) ; "insert" mnemonic
   ("C-c n b" . denote-backlinks))
  (setq denote-directory (expand-file-name "~/Documents/notes/")))

And here is the same idea with a little bit more convenience:

;; Another basic setup with a little more to it.
(use-package denote
  :ensure t
  :hook (dired-mode . denote-dired-mode)
  (("C-c n n" . denote)
   ("C-c n r" . denote-rename-file)
   ("C-c n l" . denote-link)
   ("C-c n b" . denote-backlinks))
  (setq denote-directory (expand-file-name "~/Documents/notes/"))

  ;; Automatically rename Denote buffers when opening them so that
  ;; instead of their long file name they have a literal "[D]"
  ;; followed by the file's title.  Read the doc string of
  ;; `denote-rename-buffer-format' for how to modify this.
  (denote-rename-buffer-mode 1))

The denote-sort-dired command is more configurable

The denote-sort-dired command asks for a literal string or regular expression and then produces a fully fledged Dired listing of matching files in the denote-directory. Combined with the efficient Denote file-naming scheme, this is a killer feature to collect your relevant files in a consolidated view and have the full power of Dired available.

By default denote-sort-dired prompts for the file name component to sort by and then asks whether to reverse the sorting or not. Users who want a more streamlined experience can configure the user option denote-sort-dired-extra-prompts.

It is possible to skip the prompts altogether and use the default values for (i) which component to sort by and (ii) whether to reverse the sort. To this end, users can have something like this in their configuration:

;; Do not issue any extra prompts.  Always sort by the `title' file
;; name component and never do a reverse sort.
(setq denote-sort-dired-extra-prompts nil)
(setq denote-sort-dired-default-sort-component 'title)
(setq denote-sort-dired-default-reverse-sort nil)

For me, Dired is one of the best things about Emacs and I like how it combines so nicely with Denote file names (this is the cornerstone of Denote, after all).

The denote-sort-dired sorting functions are customisable

Power users may want to control how the sorting works and what it is matching on a per file-name-component basis. The user options are these:

  • denote-sort-title-comparison-function.
  • denote-sort-keywords-comparison-function.
  • denote-sort-signature-comparison-function.

One use-case is to match specific patterns inside of file names, such as Luhmann-style signatures. I wrote about this in the manual as well as on my blog (with screenshots): https://protesilaos.com/codelog/2024-08-01-emacs-denote-luhmann-signature-sort/.

Thanks to Riccardo Giannitrapani for discussing this with me and helping me understand the use-case better. This was done via a private channel and I am sharing it with permission.

Show the date of each linked file in Org dynamic blocks

All our Org dynamic blocks that produce links to files now read the parameter :include-date. When it is set to t, the listed files will include their corresponding date inside of parentheses after the file’s title.

Thanks to Sergio Rey for describing this idea to me. This was done via a private channel and the information is shared with permission.

Exclude specific directories from Org dynamic blocks

The optional Org dynamic blocks we define let users collect links to other files (and more) in a quick and effective way. Each block accepts parameters which control its output, such as how to sort files.

All our dynamic blocks now accept the :excluded-dirs-regexp. This is a regular expression which is matched against directory file system paths. Matching directories and their files are not included in the data handled by the dynamic block.

Note that we have the user option denote-excluded-punctuation-regexp which defines a global preference along the same lines.

I did a video about this feature: https://protesilaos.com/codelog/2024-07-30-emacs-denote-exclude-dirs-org-blocks/.

Thanks to Claudio Migliorelli for discussing this idea with me. It was done via a private channel and this information is shared with permission.

New dynamic block to insert files as headings

We already had an Org dynamic block that would insert file contents. Though that one inserts files as they are, optionally without their front matter. However, users may have a workflow where they want to eventually copy some of the block’s output into the main file they are editing, at which point it is easier for the entire inserted file to appear as a series of headings. The #+title of the inserted file becomes a top-level heading and every other heading is pushed deeper one level.

To this end, we provide the Org dynamic block known as denote-files-as-headings. Insert it with the command denote-org-extras-dblock-insert-files-as-headings or select it with the minibuffer after calling Org’s own command org-dynamic-block-insert-dblock.

The top-level headings (those that were the #+title) can optionally link back to the original file. Though please read the manual for all the parameters this dynamic block takes.

The dynamic block for backlinks can be about the current heading only

The Org dynamic block for backlinks can now read the optional :this-heading-only parameter. When it is set to t, the block will only include links that point to the specific heading inside of the current file. Otherwise, backlinks are about the whole file.

To insert such a dynamic block, use the command denote-org-extras-dblock-insert-backlinks.

Toggle the detailed view in backlinks buffers

By default, the buffer produced by the command denote-backlinks has a compact view of showing the file names linking to the current file. With the user option denote-backlinks-show-context set to a non-nil value, the backlinks buffer produces a detailed listing of matching results, where the links are shown in their original context.

Users can now choose to have this on-demand by calling the command denote-backlinks-toggle-context which switches between the detailed and compact views.

This blog post I wrote about it include screenshots: https://protesilaos.com/codelog/2024-07-25-emacs-denote-backlinks-context-toggle/.

Templates can have a function that returns a string

The denote-templates variable allows the user to specify one or more named templates which can then be inserted during the creation of a new note. One way to be prompted for a template among those specified is to modify the denote-prompts user option and then use the regular denote command. Another way is to use the command denote-template (alias denote-create-note-with-template), which will prompt for the template to use.

Templates ordinarily have a string as their value, though now their value can also be the symbol of a function. This function takes no arguments and is expected to return a string. Denote takes care to insert that below the front matter of the new note.

So it can look like this:

(setq denote-templates
      `((report . "* Some heading\n\n* Another heading") ; A string with newline characters
        (blog . my-denote-template-function-for-blog) ; the symbol of a function that will return a string
        (memo . ,(concat "* Some heading" ; expand this `concat' into a string
                         "* Another heading"

Thanks to skissue (Ad) for the contribution in pull request 398: https://github.com/protesilaos/denote/pull/398. The change is small, meaning that its author does not need to assign copyright to the Free Software Foundation.

Also thanks to Jean-Philippe Gagné Guay for extending this to denote-org-capture. Done in pull request 399: https://github.com/protesilaos/denote/pull/399. Jean-Philippe is a long-time contributor who has assigned copyright to the Free Software Foundation.

The denote-rename-buffer-mode can now show if a file has backlinks

This global minor mode takes care to rename the buffers of Denote files to a pattern that is easier for users to read. As with everything, it is highly configurable. The default value now includes an indicator that shows if the current file has backlinks (other files linking to it).

The exact characters used in this indicator are specified in the new user option denote-rename-buffer-backlinks-indicator. The default value is "<-->", which hopefully communicates the idea of a link (but, yeah, symbolism is hard). Users may want to modify this to add some fancier Unicode character.

Thanks to Ashton Wiersdorf for the original contribution in pull request 392: https://github.com/protesilaos/denote/pull/392. Ashton has assigned copyright to the Free Software Foundation.

The denote-rename-buffer-format has changed

In the same theme as above, the user option denote-rename-buffer-format has a new default value. Before, it would only show the title of the file. Now it shows the aforementioned denote-rename-buffer-backlinks-indicator, if there are backlinks, plus the title, plus a literal "[D]" prefix. The prefix should make it easier to spot Denote files in a buffer listing.

Read the documentation of denote-rename-buffer-format for how to tweak this to your liking.

New user option denote-kill-buffers

This controls whether and when Denote should automatically kill any buffer it generates while creating a new note or renaming an existing file. The manual describes the details.

By default, Denote does not kill any buffers to give users the chance to review what is on display and confirm any changes or revert them accordingly.

Thanks to Jean-Philippe Gagné Guay for the contribution in pull request 426: https://github.com/protesilaos/denote/pull/426. This is related to issues 273 and 413, so also thanks to Vineet C. Kulkarni and mentalisttraceur for their participation and/or questions.

The denote-journal-extras-new-or-existing-entry handles any filename component order

Version 3.0.0 of Denote introduced a new option to rearrange the file name components. All Denote commands should respect it. We did, however, have a problem with the command denote-journal-extras-new-or-existing-entry which was not recognising the date properly.

Thanks to Jakub Szczerbowski for the contribution in pull request 395: https://github.com/protesilaos/denote/pull/395. The change is small, meaning that Jakub does not need to assign copyright to the Free Software Foundation.

While I am documenting this here, users should already have the fix as I published a minor release for it in July (in fact, there were 8 minor releases in the aftermath of the 3.0.0 release, which addressed several small issues).

The denote-rename-file-using-front-matter recognises the file-at-point in Dired

This makes it consistent with how denote-rename-file works. I am implemented this in response to issue 401 where Alp Eren Kose assumed it was the default behaviour: https://github.com/protesilaos/denote/issues/401.

I think it makes sense to have it this way to avoid such confusion. Still, it seems easier to edit the file and call denote-rename-file-using-front-matter directly, rather do an intermediate step through Dired.

The denote-rename-file-using-front-matter does not ask to rewrite front matter

The workflow for this command is that the user modifies the front matter, invokes the command, and Denote takes care to rename the file accordingly. We had a regression were this would happen as expected, but Denote would still prompt if it was okay to update the front matter. That made no sense.

As with the change mentioned above, this was also fixed in a minor release so that users would not have to wait all this time.

The denote-add-links and denote-find-link commands always works inside a silo

This was always the intended behaviour, though there was an issue with the implementation that prevented the directory-local value from being read.

Thanks to yetanotherfossman for reporting the problem with denote-add-links in issue 386 and to Kolmas for doing the same for denote-find-link:

Also thanks to Jean-Philippe Gagné Guay for following up with a change to the code that should address the underlying problem with temporary buffers. This was done in pull request 419: https://github.com/protesilaos/denote/pull/419.

Denote commands should work in more special Org buffers

A case we already handled was org-capture buffers. Another one is the buffer produced by the command org-tree-to-indirect-buffer.

Thanks to coherentstate for bringing this matter to my attention in issue 418: https://github.com/protesilaos/denote/issues/418.

Also thanks to skissue for noting another edge case that prevented denote-rename-buffer-mode from doing the right thing. This was reported in issue 393: https://github.com/protesilaos/denote/issues/393.

Denote will not create a CUSTOM_ID via org-capture if not necessary

If the org-capture template does not include one of the specifiers which produce a link, then we take care to not include a CUSTOM_ID in the properties of the current heading. We do this to make it possible to link directly to a heading inside of a file (a feature that is documented in the manual).

Before, we were creating the CUSTOM_ID unconditionally, which was not the desired behaviour. Thanks to Jonas Großekathöfer for bringing this matter to my attention in issue 404: https://github.com/protesilaos/denote/issues/404.

The prompt for selecting a silo has the appropriate metadata

All the Denote minibuffer prompts have the appropriate completion metadata to integrate with core Emacs functionalities and with third-party packages that leverage them. One such case pertains to the completion category our prompts report. This is used by a package such as embark to infer the set of relevant actions to perform or by the marginalia package to produce the appropriate annotations.

Users will now notice a difference while using commands such as denote-silo-extras-create-note if they have marginalia-mode enabled: all completion candidates will have file-related annotations.

This is a small change which goes to show how the little things contribute to a more refined experience.

New name for option that controls where backlinks buffers are displayed

The user option is now called denote-backlinks-display-buffer-action. The old name denote-link-backlinks-display-buffer-action is an alias for it and will thus work the same way. Though you are encouraged to rename it in your configuration as I will eventually remove those obsolete symbols from the Denote code base.

The revert-buffer should do the right thing in backlinks buffers

I made several tweaks to the underlying code to ensure that reverting a backlinks buffer will always reuse the original parameters that generated it. Backlinks buffers are produced by the denote-backlinks command, among others.

Lots of new entries in the manual with custom code

The manual of Denote is a rich resource of knowledge for how to use this package and how to extend it with custom code. I have written the following entries to further help you improve your productivity:

  • A custom denote-region that references the source
  • Custom sluggification to remove non-ASCII characters
  • Sort signatures that include Luhmann-style sequences
  • Why are some Org links opening outside Emacs?

More functions for developers or advanced users

The following functions are now public, meaning that they are safe to be used in the code of other packages or incorporated in user configurations:

  • denote-identifier-p.

  • denote-get-identifier-at-point. I am implementing this in response to a question by Alan Schmitt in issue 400: https://github.com/protesilaos/denote/issues/400.

  • denote-org-extras-outline-prompt.

  • denote-silo-extras-directory-prompt.

Consult their respective doc strings for the technicalities.

Note that the Elisp convention is that private functions (intended for use only inside the package) have a double dash (--) in their name. In principle, these are undocumented and can change at any moment without any notice. I do try to avoid such cases and even add warnings when I make changes to them. Still, you should not use private functions without understanding the risks involved.


New release cycle starts in mid-September

I have many ideas for how to further refine Denote. Maybe you do too. Though we must all wait a couple of weeks in case someone reports a bug. This way, it is easy to fix it and publish a new minor version. Otherwise, we may have to bundle the fix with some in-development feature that we have not fully tested yet.

Git commits

This is just an overview of the Git commits, though remember that there is more that goes into a project, such as the reporting of inconsistencies, discussion of new ideas, etc.. Thanks to everybody involved!

~/Git/Projects/denote $ git shortlog 3.0.0..3.1.0 --summary --numbered
   104	Protesilaos Stavrou
     7	Jean-Philippe Gagné Guay
     3	Ashton Wiersdorf
     1	Ad
     1	Jakub Szczerbowski
     1	bryanrinders