Emacs: 'spacious-padding' covers more User Interface elements

My spacious-padding package adds more space around windows and frames. Starting from today, and as part of its current development version (0.2.0-dev), it also applies to the mode-line, header-line, and tab-bar-mode. But why am I even writing when I can just post pictures of my modus-themes with their default settings instead?

GNU Emacs with default spacing and modus-operandi theme

GNU Emacs with spacious-padding-mode and modus-operandi theme

GNU Emacs with default spacing and modus-vivendi theme

GNU Emacs with spacious-padding-mode and modus-vivendi theme

Remember to tweak it

The user option spacious-padding-widths controls the amount of spacing applied to each element. Here is a sample, using the defaults:

(setq spacious-padding-widths
      '( :internal-border-width 15
         :header-line-width 4
         :mode-line-width 6
         :tab-width 4
         :right-divider-width 30
         :scroll-bar-width 8))

And then enable the mode:

(spacious-padding-mode 1)

Coming soon

I am still testing this. It looks great so far (the modus-themes used to provide an option for mode-line padding some time ago). If you can give it a try, please do.

I expect to publish version 0.2.0 before the end of this week or, at latest, before the end of November.