Emacs: file and Dired basics
Raw link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_4pLN0gXGI
Video overview of file navigation in Emacs. There are lots of
powerful commands to find files, open directories, and perform
operations on the contents of the filesystem. Technically, I talk
about find-file
, dired
and its numerous accoutrements, the
minibuffer and its histories, file permissions, keyboard macros, and
Same basic configurations based on what I mentioned in the video:
;; Install the `vertico' package to get a vertical view of the
;; minibuffer. Vertico is optimised for performance and is also
;; highly configurable. Here is my minimal setup:
(setq vertico-resize nil)
(vertico-mode 1)
;; Install the `marginalia' package. This will display useful
;; annotations next to entries in the minibuffer. For example, when
;; using M-x it will show a brief description of the command as well
;; as the keybinding associated with it (if any).
(marginalia-mode 1)
;; When you first call `find-file' (C-x C-f by default), you do not
;; need to clear the existing file path before adding the new one.
;; Just start typing the whole path and Emacs will "shadow" the
;; current one. For example, you are at ~/Documents/notes/file.txt
;; and you want to go to ~/.emacs.d/init.el: type the latter directly
;; and Emacs will take you there.
(file-name-shadow-mode 1)
;; This works with `file-name-shadow-mode' enabled. When you are in
;; a sub-directory and use, say, `find-file' to go to your home '~/'
;; or root '/' directory, Vertico will clear the old path to keep
;; only your current input.
(add-hook 'rfn-eshadow-update-overlay-hook #'vertico-directory-tidy)
;; Do not outright delete files. Move them to the system trash
;; instead. The `trashed' package can act on them in a Dired-like
;; fashion. I use it and can recommend it to either restore (R) or
;; permanently delete (D) the files.
(setq delete-by-moving-to-trash t)
;; When there are two Dired buffers side-by-side make Emacs
;; automatically suggest the other one as the target of copy or rename
;; operations. Remember that you can always use M-p and M-n in the
;; minibuffer to cycle through the history, regardless of what this
;; does. (The "dwim" stands for "Do What I Mean".)
(setq dired-dwim-target t)
;; Automatically hide the detailed listing when visiting a Dired
;; buffer. This can always be toggled on/off by calling the
;; `dired-hide-details-mode' interactively with M-x or its keybindings
;; (the left parenthesis by default).
(add-hook 'dired-mode-hook #'dired-hide-details-mode)
;; Teach Dired to use a specific external program with either the
;; `dired-do-shell-command' or `dired-do-async-shell-command' command
;; (with the default keys, those are bound to `!' `&', respectively).
;; The first string is a pattern match against file names. The
;; remaining strings are external programs that Dired will provide as
;; suggestions. Of course, you can always type an arbitrary program
;; despite these defaults.
(setq dired-guess-shell-alist-user
'(("\\.\\(png\\|jpe?g\\|tiff\\)" "feh" "xdg-open")
("\\.\\(mp[34]\\|m4a\\|ogg\\|flac\\|webm\\|mkv\\)" "mpv" "xdg-open")
(".*" "xdg-open")))