Re: opinion on good Git commit messages?

What follows is my reply to a question about how I write Git commit messages for my dotfiles and other projects such as my packages for Emacs. I am sharing this with the express permission of my correspondent, without disclosing their identity.

What is your opinion on how to write good commit messages for dotfiles? I also have a dotfiles repo of my own and look at yours with inspiration, but I find that when it comes to my commit messages, I often over complicate the commit message even if the change is simple, I have taken inspiration from the way you write your commit messages. Before, I would write the full path to a file for example in the commit message, now I just write the name of the single file that was changed, and it is much simpler.

Also, before I didn’t know that there should be a short summary and then a blank line and a more detailed decription, I would write the entire message and description in one line which is a bit stupid lol.

I guess what I’m asking is, how to keep commit messages as simple as possible and not overcomplicate them.

[ Can I publish this on my website? I want to include the above quote from you followed by my reply. I will not mention your personal details. Publishing this makes it easier for me to reference it in the future in case I get the same question again. What do you think? ]

I follow these guidelines:

  • Write a commit summary that is maximum 50 characters long. This is not a hard requirement, but it’s good to have a target in mind.

  • Go beyond 50 characters if it makes sense. Guidelines are helpful when they put us in a certain frame of mind. They inhibit us when we take them as inviolable articles of faith. Don’t allow yourself to be held hostage by your own rules.

  • Leave an empty line between the commit summary and its description. I am not sure if this is an actual requirement of Git, though it really helps read commit logs as it establishes a clear separation between the summary and its description.

  • Make the summary informative. For example “Require the ‘compat’ library” tells you exactly what the change is about. Whereas something like “Fixes old versions” is ambiguous. Precision helps you figure out what you need to focus on. Be economical with your resources.

  • Use imperative language in the commit summary, such as “Do stuff” NOT “This change does stuff”. (The same is true for Emacs Lisp doc strings, by the way.) Think of your messages as instructions. Clear instructions have a higher chance of communicating intent and purpose.

  • Make commits thematically consistent. Only commit what is relevant to the change you are making. For example, don’t mix changes to typos in doc strings with critical bug fixes because that adds noise to the diff, making it harder to reason about the actual coding modifications. Keeping commits thematically consistent has the practical advantage of making conflict resolution easier (rebasing, merging another branch, …).

  • Write a description for the commit when you need to provide some background information. Don’t do it if the change speaks for itself. When in doubt, err on the side of verbosity: describe what you did as others (or future you) cannot read your mind. In terms of the context of the commit, I often link to a discussion or explain some other input that is relevant to the change yet not pertinent to the edited document, such as “Thanks to PERSON for telling me about ISSUE on the mailing list: LINK.” Those commit messages are useful when preparing release notes. I guess you have seen how detailed my documentation is on that front. The task of writing a change log is not relevant for private projects, but it still is a good habit to operate as if you are doing public work: you embed through continuous practice the aforementioned clarity and precision.

  • My opinion is that automated change logs deny you the unique opportunity to reflect on your latest changes. Use the release date as an impetus of a much-needed review. Doing so deepens your understanding of your project and its historical trajectory. Plus all the benefits of continuously practising your ability to elucidate thoughts with intent.

  • I prefix the file name to denote the scope of the change when that is helpful. Sometimes I use a generic description instead. For example “prot-emacs-git: add key bindings for project-dired” tells me exactly what I need to know when looking at a heterogeneous set. This only happens in my dotfiles though there are other scenaria where a scope prefix is useful. Other projects of mine do not have diverse file sets, so the scoping is redundant. Again, don’t be dogmatic: interpret your rules in accordance with practical reason.

Don’t be lazy. Consistency is key. Keep a high standard for your commit history: (i) it helps you with your retrospection or troubleshooting, (ii) it allows others to understand your project better, and (iii) it puts you in the mindset of being clear and deliberate on a daily/regular basis.