Emacs: showing my award from the Free Software Foundation

Raw link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFyBWCl3Nj8

UPDATE 2022-09-04 09:17 +0300: Appended a section with the pictures I just managed to take.

In this video I show the award that the FSF gave me. It arrived in my mail a few days ago.


In March 2022 the Free Software Foundation gave me the “2021 Award for Outstanding New Free Software Contributor”. This was done in the context of the LibrePlanet 2022 conference, where I also delivered a speech. I was asked to record a brief clip for the awards’ ceremony, which I did: I won an award from the FSF for my contributions to Emacs

Excerpt of what I originally said:

So while this award is given to an individual, I think it actually is all about the community. How the community—how all those unsung heroes—have helped a given person achieve certain things. And this is because when I came to Emacs, when I switched to Emacs, when I joined this milieu two-and-a-half years ago I discovered everything I needed. There was high quality documentation, an excellent program in the face of GNU Emacs, lots of blogs and tutorials and everything and, of course, interactions with different people from where you always get to learn something new.

Read more about the awards on the FSF’s website.

Also watch my presentation: LibrePlanet 2022: Living in freedom with GNU Emacs

Special thanks

As I said in my original message, I would not have done anything if there was no community around Emacs. I learnt a lot from the contributions of other people and also benefited from their insights. I thanked all the “unsung heroes” and I wish to do so again.

Special thanks, once more, to the individuals who helped me either directly or indirectly in my first steps:

  • Daniel Mendler: The most enduring lesson I have learnt from Daniel is how to keep a package’s scope focused and how to be principled about it. Daniel has lots of useful packages for Emacs, all of which are of a high standard.

  • Manuel Uberti: Manuel helped me in the early days of the modus-themes development understand what packages are available out there and how people use them.

  • Nicolas de Jaeghere: Nicholas helped me understand Emacs Lisp macros better. This was critical for version 1.0.0 of the modus-themes and has proven useful ever since.

  • Omar Antolín Camarena: Omar also helped me with macros and lots of other concepts that pertain to coding in Elisp. Those insights helped me tinker with my configuration and continue learning through trial and error.


These are not high quality because I don’t have access to good hardware or some fancy studio. You will have to bear with me.

Just me

Protesilaos holding the FSF award

Atlas is curious

Protesilaos holding the FSF award with Atlas entering the frame

Side A

Side A of Protesilaos' FSF award

Side B

Side B of Protesilaos' FSF award