Iosevka Comfy version 0.3.0

Iosevka Comfy is a build of the Iosevka typeface with a rounded style and open shapes, adjusted metrics, and overrides for almost all individual glyphs in both roman (upright) and italic (slanted) variants. It is more vertically compact than the standard upstream configuration. Glyphs are rounder and have tailed ends or serifs only when those are required to both impose a predictable rhythm and keep characters distinct from each other.

The README file in the git repository covers all the technicalities.

While not specific to Emacs, Iosevka Comfy is an integral part of my Emacs experience: these are the only fonts I use as they complement my efforts to have highly legible interfaces that are consistent and devoid of exaggerations (per my modus-themes).

Below are the release notes.

  • Changed the β€˜a’ glyph from a single to a double storey design. The previous implementation had two problems: (1) it was not fully consistent with the overall rounded style of Iosevka Comfy, and (2) it could be mistaken for an β€˜o’.

    Damien Cassou wrote about the latter case in issue 2 over at the GitHub mirror:

    The report confirmed my suspicion that I had a misplaced sense of comfort in disambiguating the single storey β€˜a’ from β€˜o’ solely because of how we tend to read known words predictively instead of character-by-character. I was already testing this by substituting random β€˜a’ with β€˜o’ in long texts where I was still reading everything as if the typos were not there. Damien’s report was the final datum that provided the impetus for this change.

  • Revised the β€˜b’ and β€˜d’ glyphs to exhibit the roundedness found in other relevant glyphs. Before they had a sturdier look which broke the established patterns of Iosevka Comfy, albeit ever so slightly. The inconsistency was noticeable at larger point sizes.

    The new rounded shapes look virtually the same as their predecessors at small point sizes. At larger sizes though, they retain the desirable characteristics of the typeface.

  • Removed the tail from the β€˜u’ glyph and enforced roundedness. This aligns its design with β€˜a’ but also with other characters like β€˜n’. Again, the intent is to achieve inter-character consistency, where appropriate.

  • Updated the documentation to reflect the aforementioned.

  • Produced new screenshots to showcase the current state of the project.