Emacs: denote version 0.3.0

Denote is a simple note-taking tool. It is based on the idea that notes should follow a predictable and descriptive file-naming scheme. The file name must offer a clear indication of what the note is about, without reference to any other metadata. Denote basically streamlines the creation of such files while providing facilities to link between them.

Below are the release notes.

  • Fixed how references are analysed to produce the backlinks’ buffer. This should resolve the issue that some users faced where the backlinks would not be produced.

    The previous implementation would not yield the appropriate results if (i) the value of the user option denote-directory was a “project” per the built-in project.el and (ii) the link to the given entry was from a subdirectory. In short, the references were sometimes returned as relative file paths, whereas they should always be absolute. Thanks to Jean-Philippe Gagné Guay for the feedback in issue 42 over at the GitHub mirror: https://github.com/protesilaos/denote/pull/42.

    [ Jean-Philippe has assigned copyright to the Free Software Foundation. It is a prerequisite for contributing to core Emacs and/or any package distributed via the official GNU ELPA. ]

  • Addressed a regression in the function denote-directory (this is the function that normalises the variable of the same name) which prevented it from returning an expanded file path. This too contributed to problems with the backlinking facility. Thanks to Jean-Philippe GagnĂ© Guay for the contribution in pull request 44 over at the GitHub mirror: https://github.com/protesilaos/denote/pull/44.

    Also thanks to user pRot0ta1p for the relevant feedback in issue 43 (also on the mirror): https://github.com/protesilaos/denote/issues/43. More thanks to Alfredo Borrás, Benjamin Kästner, and Sven Seebeck for their comments in a related thread on the mailing list: https://lists.sr.ht/~protesilaos/denote/%3CCA73E705-1194-4324-9962-70708C4C72E5%40zoho.eu%3E. These discussions showed we had a problem, which we managed to identify.

  • Introduced the user option denote-prompts (read its doc string or the relevant entry in the manual). It governs how the standard denote command for creating new notes will behave in interactive usage. By default, denote prompts for a title and keywords. With denote-prompts, the command can also ask for a file type (per denote-file-type), subdirectory of the denote-directory, and a specific date+time. Prompts occur in the order they are specified. Furthermore, the denote-prompts can be set to values which do not include the title and keywords. This means that the resulting file names can be any of those permutations:


    Recall that Denote’s standard file-naming scheme is defined as follows (read the manual for the details):


    For our purposes, Denote will work perfectly fine for linking and backlinking, even if file names do not include the TITLE and KEYWORDS fields. However, the user is advised to consider the implications on usability: notes without a descriptive title and/or useful keywords may be hard to filter and practically impossible to manage at scale. File names without such information should at least be added to subdirectories which themselves have a descriptive name.

    At any rate, Denote does not have strong opinions about one’s workflow. The standard file name is the culmination of years of experience.

    Consider the denote-prompts the affirmative answer to the question “Can keywords be optional?” as posed by Jack Baty on the mailing list: https://lists.sr.ht/~protesilaos/denote/%3C8D392BC3-980A-4E5B-9480-D6A00BE8279F%40baty.net%3E.

    Thanks to Jean-Philippe Gagné Guay for the original contribution in commit 9b981a2. It was originally part of a pull request, but due to some internal changes I had to merge it as a patch and technically the web UI did not count the PR as “merged” (though it was in terms of substance).

  • Refactored the denote command to (i) accommodate the new user option denote-prompts via its interactive specification and (ii) be more flexible when called from Lisp. The latter scenario is for advanced users or, generally, those who can maintain some custom code in their configuration. A case in point is one of the examples we show in the manual for a programmatic way to create notes that automatically get the journal tag:

    (defun my-denote-journal ()
      "Create an entry tagged 'journal', while prompting for a title."

    Notice that the '("journal") is a list of strings even for a single keyword. Whereas before a single one was a plain string. This is a breaking change.

    Please consult the doc string of the denote command for the technicalities.

  • Refashioned the interactive convenience functions of denote-type, denote-date, denote-subdirectory to leverage the denote-prompts user option while calling denote interactively. In practical terms, they no longer accept any arguments when called from Lisp. Users who need a programmatic approach are advised to either call denote directly, or check how these commands let bind the denote-prompts to carry out their operations. The doc string of each command explains how it works. Or evaluate this to check the manual:

    (info "(denote) Convenience commands for note creation")

    Else visit: https://protesilaos.com/emacs/denote#h:887bdced-9686-4e80-906f-789e407f2e8f

  • Documented how the user option denote-directory can accept a local value. This is pertinent to scenaria where the user needs to maintain separate directories of notes. By “separate” we mean sets of notes that do not communicate with each other, cannot create links between them, etc. The manual delves into the technicalities. If you have the Info entry installed, evaluate:

    (info "(denote) Maintain separate directories for notes")

    Else visit: https://protesilaos.com/emacs/denote#h:15719799-a5ff-4e9a-9f10-4ca03ef8f6c5.

    Thanks to user “Summer Emacs” for starting the discussion on the mailing list, and Benjamin Kästner for their participation: https://lists.sr.ht/~protesilaos/denote/%3Cm25yk5e856.fsf@gmail.com%3E.

  • Added an entry to the manual’s Frequently Asked Questions about a failed search for backlinks. It includes sample code that users of Windows can apply, if necessary. (The error is not Denote’s fault.) Thanks to Benjamin Kästner for the patch, which is below the ~15 line threshold and thus does not require copyright assignment to the Free Software Foundation: https://lists.sr.ht/~protesilaos/denote/%3Cce117b14-55cf-622e-6cd8-0af698091ae3%40gmail.com%3E.

  • Removed duplicate entries from the list of file paths that the xref library returns for the purposes of backlinking. Thanks to Jean-Philippe GagnĂ© Guay for the contribution in pull request 44 on the GitHub mirror: https://github.com/protesilaos/denote/issues/44.

  • Applied an appropriate face to the backlinks’ button to mitigate an error. Thanks to Jean-Philippe GagnĂ© Guay for the contribution in pull request 45 on the GitHub mirror and for later testing a subsequent tweak: https://github.com/protesilaos/denote/issues/45.

  • Simplfied all the faces we define to make them work with all themes. The previous colours were consistent with the modus-themes: https://protesilaos.com/emacs/modus-themes.

  • Refined how strings are sluggified under all circumstances. Before, a nil value for the user option denote-allow-multi-word-keywords would have the adverse effect of joining all the strings in the title field of the file name. The intent always was to do that only for multi-word keywords, not the title. This change was part of a hotfix, formalised as version 0.2.1 a day after the release of 0.2.0.

  • Made the fontification rules more robust, while avoiding any false positives. This was done over a series of commits as it had implications for the file name permutations that were mentioned earlier. Thanks to Jean-Philippe GagnĂ© Guay for the patches and/or discussion about the merits of each change and concomitant considerations:
  • Rewrote all relevant entries in the manual to reflect all the user-facing aspects of the aforementioned.

  • Discussed a use-case of rewriting old journal entries as Denote-style files. As of this writing, we do not support migration of files in bulk. It might happen at some point, though it is no mean task. Thanks to Summer Emacs and Alan Schmitt for their participation: https://lists.sr.ht/~protesilaos/denote/%3Cm27d4mbktj.fsf%40gmail.com%3E.

    An aside here as this topic was brought up: my packages are open to users of all skill levels and is why I maintain a mailing list as well as mirrors of the official git repository on SourceHut. Do not hesitate to ask a question. If, for whatever reason, those communication channels are not appropriate, you are welcome to contact me in private: https://protesilaos.com/contact.

Thanks again to Jean-Philippe Gagné Guay for the numerous contributions. Please read the commit log for the minutia, as this change log entry omitted some of the finer yet important details.