My forthcoming Emacs and philosophy talk at LibrePlanet 2022

LibrePlanet is an annual conference organised by the Free Software Foundation. The program for this year’s edition has been published: The event takes place between March 19-20, 2022. Judging from past conferences, all videos will be recorded.

I will talk for 35 minutes about Emacs and freedom in general. There will then be 10 minutes during which I will try to answer any comments from the audience. Here is the excerpt for my presentation:

An overview of how GNU Emacs allows us to live in freedom both in moral and practical terms, as seen from the perspective of a non-programmer. Specific use cases are generalized into philosophical insights such as the ethos of sharing know-how and the community aspect of freedom.

And my bio:

Protesilaos (aka “Prot”) is a philosopher with a background in the humanities. He used to work in politics, including as a parliamentary assistant at the European Parliament. He switched to free software in 2016 on the premise that it empowered the end user to operate the computer on their own terms. Since 2019, he is a power user of GNU Emacs. Prot is the author/maintainer of the modus-themes project: a pair of highly accessible themes which are built into Emacs. Prot is a tinkerer who has learnt how to program by using the free/libre tools at his disposal.

[ They also wanted a picture, but I have no smartphone/camera and could not find one to borrow… ]

“See you” there!