Modus themes (Emacs): major review of "nuanced" colours

The following is intended to be read inside of an org-mode buffer, so I provide the text verbatim for you to read locally.

The short version of this report is that the “nuanced” backgrounds have undergone a thoroughgoing review. Now they are more consistent and better suited to their intended role, which is to provide a subtle coloured backdrop on which all existing foreground values can be used without prejudice to the overarching accessibility objective of the themes (namely, a contrast ratio that is >= 7:1, which corresponds to the highest standard of its kind: WCAG AAA).

UPDATE 2020-07-16: Commit 3306e4bd7 further refines the relevant colours. The tweaks are subtle, so the tables in this report are edited accordingly, without further references.

#+TITLE: Modus themes: major review of "nuanced" palette subset
#+AUTHOR: Protesilaos Stavrou

* Scope of the review

The palette of each of the Modus themes (Modus Operandi, Modus Vivendi)
contains a subset of accent values that are meant to provide "nuanced"
colouration where appropriate.

Prior to the present review, the "nuanced" colours were inconsistent
and, at times, failed to fulfil their intended role.

The changes documented herein are three-fold:

+ Make all "nuanced" backgrounds more pronounced.
+ Disambiguate and normalise certain "nuanced" foregrounds.
+ Ensure consistency of relevant luminance ratios between all "nuanced"

* Tools for measuring relative luminance and previewing colours

This is the formula for the subsequent calculations.  A resulting value
that is >= 7 means that the colour combination is highly accessible and
receives a AAA rating in the WCAG standard (what the Modus themes must
always conform with):

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
;; Code is courtesy of Omar Antolín Camarena:
(defun wcag (hex)
  (apply #'+
          (lambda (k x)
            (* k (if (<= x 0.03928)
                     (/ x 12.92)
                   (expt (/ (+ x 0.055) 1.055) 2.4))))
          '(0.2126 0.7152 0.0722)
          (color-name-to-rgb hex))))

(defun clr (c1 c2)
  (let ((ct (/ (+ (wcag c1) 0.05)
               (+ (wcag c2) 0.05))))
    (max ct (/ ct))))

Use =rainbow-mode= to preview the colour values presented below.

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package rainbow-mode
  :commands rainbow-mode
  (setq rainbow-ansi-colors nil)
  (setq rainbow-x-colors nil))

* Tables: contrast ratios of foreground colours against "nuanced" backgrounds

The following tables compare all colour values that are intended for
foreground text in a regular buffer against all "nuanced" backgrounds.
The top row has the following (in this order): =red-nuanced=,
=green-nuanced=, =yellow-nuanced=, =blue-nuanced=, =magenta-nuanced=,

The inclusion of the main background values (=bg-main=, =bg-dim=, =bg-alt=) is
only meant to confirm that the "nuanced" backgrounds are close enough to
the base background values and to confirm their newfound consistency
(their ratios are the same in the "new" tables, but not in the "old"

** Modus Operandi (new vs old)

Pay attention to the different values in the top row and in the
=*-nuanced= set in column 1.

#+NAME: Modus Operandi new
| Colour name             |         | #fff1f0 | #ecf7ed | #fff3da | #f3f3ff | #fdf0ff | #ebf6fa |
| red                     | #a60000 |    7.28 |    7.28 |    7.28 |    7.28 |    7.28 |    7.28 |
| red-alt                 | #972500 |    7.40 |    7.40 |    7.40 |    7.39 |    7.40 |    7.40 |
| red-alt-other           | #a0132f |    7.26 |    7.26 |    7.26 |    7.26 |    7.26 |    7.26 |
| green                   | #005e00 |    7.34 |    7.34 |    7.34 |    7.33 |    7.34 |    7.34 |
| green-alt               | #315b00 |    7.27 |    7.27 |    7.26 |    7.26 |    7.26 |    7.27 |
| green-alt-other         | #145c33 |    7.32 |    7.32 |    7.32 |    7.31 |    7.32 |    7.32 |
| yellow                  | #813e00 |    7.28 |    7.28 |    7.28 |    7.27 |    7.28 |    7.28 |
| yellow-alt              | #70480f |    7.28 |    7.28 |    7.28 |    7.27 |    7.28 |    7.28 |
| yellow-alt-other        | #863927 |    7.26 |    7.26 |    7.26 |    7.26 |    7.26 |    7.27 |
| blue                    | #0030a6 |    9.67 |    9.68 |    9.67 |    9.67 |    9.67 |    9.68 |
| blue-alt                | #223fbf |    7.54 |    7.54 |    7.54 |    7.54 |    7.54 |    7.54 |
| blue-alt-other          | #0000bb |   11.12 |   11.12 |   11.11 |   11.11 |   11.11 |   11.12 |
| magenta                 | #721045 |   10.18 |   10.18 |   10.18 |   10.17 |   10.18 |   10.18 |
| magenta-alt             | #8f0075 |    7.87 |    7.87 |    7.87 |    7.87 |    7.87 |    7.87 |
| magenta-alt-other       | #5317ac |    9.15 |    9.15 |    9.15 |    9.14 |    9.15 |    9.15 |
| cyan                    | #00538b |    7.31 |    7.32 |    7.31 |    7.31 |    7.31 |    7.32 |
| cyan-alt                | #30517f |    7.32 |    7.32 |    7.31 |    7.31 |    7.31 |    7.32 |
| cyan-alt-other          | #005a5f |    7.27 |    7.27 |    7.26 |    7.26 |    7.26 |    7.27 |
| red-faint               | #7f1010 |    9.62 |    9.62 |    9.62 |    9.61 |    9.62 |    9.62 |
| green-faint             | #104410 |   10.28 |   10.29 |   10.28 |   10.28 |   10.28 |   10.29 |
| yellow-faint            | #5f4400 |    8.25 |    8.25 |    8.25 |    8.25 |    8.25 |    8.25 |
| blue-faint              | #002f88 |   10.83 |   10.84 |   10.83 |   10.83 |   10.83 |   10.84 |
| magenta-faint           | #752f50 |    8.38 |    8.38 |    8.37 |    8.37 |    8.37 |    8.38 |
| cyan-faint              | #12506f |    7.95 |    7.95 |    7.94 |    7.94 |    7.94 |    7.95 |
| red-alt-faint           | #702f00 |    9.11 |    9.11 |    9.11 |    9.10 |    9.11 |    9.11 |
| green-alt-faint         | #30440f |    9.74 |    9.74 |    9.74 |    9.74 |    9.74 |    9.75 |
| yellow-alt-faint        | #5d5000 |    7.31 |    7.31 |    7.30 |    7.30 |    7.30 |    7.31 |
| blue-alt-faint          | #003f78 |    9.63 |    9.63 |    9.63 |    9.62 |    9.63 |    9.63 |
| magenta-alt-faint       | #702565 |    8.92 |    8.92 |    8.91 |    8.91 |    8.91 |    8.92 |
| cyan-alt-faint          | #354f6f |    7.64 |    7.64 |    7.64 |    7.63 |    7.64 |    7.64 |
| red-alt-other-faint     | #7f002f |    9.82 |    9.82 |    9.82 |    9.82 |    9.82 |    9.83 |
| green-alt-other-faint   | #0f443f |    9.95 |    9.95 |    9.95 |    9.94 |    9.95 |    9.95 |
| yellow-alt-other-faint  | #5e3a20 |    9.08 |    9.08 |    9.08 |    9.07 |    9.08 |    9.08 |
| blue-alt-other-faint    | #1f2f6f |   11.27 |   11.27 |   11.26 |   11.26 |   11.26 |   11.27 |
| magenta-alt-other-faint | #5f3f7f |    7.62 |    7.63 |    7.62 |    7.62 |    7.62 |    7.63 |
| cyan-alt-other-faint    | #2e584f |    7.27 |    7.27 |    7.27 |    7.27 |    7.27 |    7.27 |
| red-nuanced             | #5f0000 |   12.84 |   12.84 |   12.84 |   12.83 |   12.84 |   12.85 |
| green-nuanced           | #004000 |   11.01 |   11.02 |   11.01 |   11.00 |   11.01 |   11.02 |
| yellow-nuanced          | #3f3000 |   11.68 |   11.68 |   11.68 |   11.67 |   11.68 |   11.69 |
| blue-nuanced            | #201f55 |   13.75 |   13.75 |   13.74 |   13.74 |   13.74 |   13.75 |
| magenta-nuanced         | #541f4f |   11.32 |   11.33 |   11.32 |   11.31 |   11.32 |   11.33 |
| cyan-nuanced            | #0f3360 |   11.48 |   11.48 |   11.48 |   11.47 |   11.48 |   11.48 |
| fg-special-cold         | #093060 |   11.91 |   11.91 |   11.90 |   11.90 |   11.90 |   11.91 |
| fg-special-mild         | #184034 |   10.48 |   10.48 |   10.48 |   10.47 |   10.48 |   10.48 |
| fg-special-warm         | #5d3026 |    9.96 |    9.96 |    9.96 |    9.95 |    9.96 |    9.97 |
| fg-special-calm         | #61284f |    9.92 |    9.92 |    9.92 |    9.91 |    9.92 |    9.92 |
| fg-main                 | #000000 |   19.09 |   19.09 |   19.08 |   19.08 |   19.08 |   19.10 |
| fg-dim                  | #282828 |   13.40 |   13.40 |   13.40 |   13.39 |   13.40 |   13.41 |
| fg-alt                  | #505050 |    7.33 |    7.33 |    7.33 |    7.32 |    7.33 |    7.33 |
| bg-main                 | #ffffff |    1.10 |    1.10 |    1.10 |    1.10 |    1.10 |    1.10 |
| bg-dim                  | #f8f8f8 |    1.04 |    1.04 |    1.04 |    1.04 |    1.04 |    1.04 |
| bg-alt                  | #f0f0f0 |    1.04 |    1.04 |    1.04 |    1.04 |    1.04 |    1.04 |
#+TBLFM: $3='(clr $2 @1$3);%0.2f::$4='(clr $2 @1$4);%0.2f::$5='(clr $2 @1$5);%0.2f::$6='(clr $2 @1$6);%0.2f::$7='(clr $2 @1$7);%0.2f::$8='(clr $2 @1$8);%0.2f

#+NAME: Modus Operandi old
| Colour name             |         | #fef2f2 | #f4faf4 | #fcf6f1 | #f4f4ff | #fff4fc | #f0f6fa |
| red                     | #a60000 |    7.32 |    7.56 |    7.47 |    7.34 |    7.48 |    7.35 |
| red-alt                 | #972500 |    7.44 |    7.68 |    7.59 |    7.45 |    7.59 |    7.47 |
| red-alt-other           | #a0132f |    7.30 |    7.54 |    7.45 |    7.32 |    7.45 |    7.33 |
| green                   | #005e00 |    7.38 |    7.62 |    7.53 |    7.39 |    7.53 |    7.41 |
| green-alt               | #315b00 |    7.31 |    7.55 |    7.46 |    7.32 |    7.46 |    7.33 |
| green-alt-other         | #145c33 |    7.36 |    7.60 |    7.51 |    7.37 |    7.51 |    7.39 |
| yellow                  | #813e00 |    7.32 |    7.56 |    7.47 |    7.33 |    7.47 |    7.35 |
| yellow-alt              | #70480f |    7.32 |    7.56 |    7.47 |    7.33 |    7.47 |    7.35 |
| yellow-alt-other        | #863927 |    7.30 |    7.54 |    7.45 |    7.32 |    7.46 |    7.33 |
| blue                    | #0030a6 |    9.73 |   10.05 |    9.93 |    9.74 |    9.93 |    9.76 |
| blue-alt                | #223fbf |    7.58 |    7.83 |    7.74 |    7.60 |    7.74 |    7.61 |
| blue-alt-other          | #0000bb |   11.18 |   11.54 |   11.41 |   11.20 |   11.41 |   11.22 |
| magenta                 | #721045 |   10.24 |   10.57 |   10.45 |   10.25 |   10.45 |   10.27 |
| magenta-alt             | #8f0075 |    7.92 |    8.18 |    8.08 |    7.93 |    8.08 |    7.95 |
| magenta-alt-other       | #5317ac |    9.20 |    9.50 |    9.39 |    9.22 |    9.39 |    9.24 |
| cyan                    | #00538b |    7.35 |    7.60 |    7.51 |    7.37 |    7.51 |    7.38 |
| cyan-alt                | #30517f |    7.36 |    7.60 |    7.51 |    7.37 |    7.51 |    7.38 |
| cyan-alt-other          | #005a5f |    7.31 |    7.55 |    7.46 |    7.32 |    7.46 |    7.33 |
| red-faint               | #7f1010 |    9.68 |    9.99 |    9.87 |    9.69 |    9.88 |    9.71 |
| green-faint             | #104410 |   10.34 |   10.68 |   10.55 |   10.36 |   10.56 |   10.38 |
| yellow-faint            | #5f4400 |    8.30 |    8.57 |    8.47 |    8.31 |    8.47 |    8.33 |
| blue-faint              | #002f88 |   10.89 |   11.25 |   11.12 |   10.91 |   11.12 |   10.93 |
| magenta-faint           | #752f50 |    8.42 |    8.70 |    8.60 |    8.44 |    8.60 |    8.46 |
| cyan-faint              | #12506f |    7.99 |    8.25 |    8.15 |    8.00 |    8.16 |    8.02 |
| red-alt-faint           | #702f00 |    9.16 |    9.46 |    9.35 |    9.18 |    9.35 |    9.19 |
| green-alt-faint         | #30440f |    9.80 |   10.12 |   10.00 |    9.81 |   10.00 |    9.83 |
| yellow-alt-faint        | #5d5000 |    7.35 |    7.59 |    7.50 |    7.36 |    7.50 |    7.37 |
| blue-alt-faint          | #003f78 |    9.68 |   10.00 |    9.88 |    9.70 |    9.89 |    9.72 |
| magenta-alt-faint       | #702565 |    8.96 |    9.26 |    9.15 |    8.98 |    9.15 |    9.00 |
| cyan-alt-faint          | #354f6f |    7.68 |    7.93 |    7.84 |    7.69 |    7.84 |    7.71 |
| red-alt-other-faint     | #7f002f |    9.88 |   10.20 |   10.08 |    9.90 |   10.08 |    9.91 |
| green-alt-other-faint   | #0f443f |   10.00 |   10.33 |   10.21 |   10.02 |   10.21 |   10.04 |
| yellow-alt-other-faint  | #5e3a20 |    9.13 |    9.43 |    9.32 |    9.15 |    9.32 |    9.17 |
| blue-alt-other-faint    | #1f2f6f |   11.33 |   11.70 |   11.56 |   11.35 |   11.57 |   11.37 |
| magenta-alt-other-faint | #5f3f7f |    7.67 |    7.92 |    7.82 |    7.68 |    7.83 |    7.69 |
| cyan-alt-other-faint    | #2e584f |    7.31 |    7.55 |    7.46 |    7.33 |    7.47 |    7.34 |
| red-nuanced             | #4d0006 |   14.56 |   15.04 |   14.86 |   14.59 |   14.87 |   14.62 |
| green-nuanced           | #003000 |   13.49 |   13.94 |   13.77 |   13.52 |   13.77 |   13.54 |
| yellow-nuanced          | #3a2a00 |   12.70 |   13.12 |   12.97 |   12.73 |   12.97 |   12.75 |
| blue-nuanced            | #001170 |   14.61 |   15.09 |   14.91 |   14.63 |   14.91 |   14.66 |
| magenta-nuanced         | #381050 |   14.14 |   14.60 |   14.43 |   14.16 |   14.43 |   14.19 |
| cyan-nuanced            | #003434 |   12.46 |   12.87 |   12.72 |   12.48 |   12.72 |   12.51 |
| fg-special-cold         | #093060 |   11.97 |   12.37 |   12.22 |   11.99 |   12.22 |   12.02 |
| fg-special-mild         | #184034 |   10.54 |   10.88 |   10.75 |   10.56 |   10.76 |   10.58 |
| fg-special-warm         | #5d3026 |   10.02 |   10.35 |   10.22 |   10.04 |   10.23 |   10.06 |
| fg-special-calm         | #61284f |    9.97 |   10.30 |   10.18 |    9.99 |   10.18 |   10.01 |
| fg-main                 | #000000 |   19.20 |   19.83 |   19.59 |   19.23 |   19.60 |   19.27 |
| fg-dim                  | #282828 |   13.48 |   13.92 |   13.75 |   13.50 |   13.76 |   13.53 |
| fg-alt                  | #505050 |    7.37 |    7.61 |    7.52 |    7.38 |    7.52 |    7.40 |
| bg-main                 | #ffffff |    1.09 |    1.06 |    1.07 |    1.09 |    1.07 |    1.09 |
| bg-dim                  | #f8f8f8 |    1.03 |    1.00 |    1.01 |    1.03 |    1.01 |    1.03 |
| bg-alt                  | #f0f0f0 |    1.04 |    1.08 |    1.06 |    1.04 |    1.06 |    1.05 |
#+TBLFM: $3='(clr $2 @1$3);%0.2f::$4='(clr $2 @1$4);%0.2f::$5='(clr $2 @1$5);%0.2f::$6='(clr $2 @1$6);%0.2f::$7='(clr $2 @1$7);%0.2f::$8='(clr $2 @1$8);%0.2f

** Modus Vivendi (new vs old)

Remembers that different values are used in the following two tables in
the top row and in the =*-nuanced= set of column 1.

#+NAME: Modus Vivendi new
| Colour name             |         | #2c0614 | #001904 | #221000 | #0f0e39 | #230631 | #041529 |
| red                     | #ff8059 |    7.42 |    7.44 |    7.43 |    7.43 |    7.43 |    7.41 |
| red-alt                 | #f4923b |    7.89 |    7.91 |    7.90 |    7.90 |    7.90 |    7.88 |
| red-alt-other           | #ff9977 |    8.81 |    8.83 |    8.82 |    8.82 |    8.82 |    8.80 |
| green                   | #44bc44 |    7.45 |    7.47 |    7.46 |    7.46 |    7.46 |    7.45 |
| green-alt               | #80d200 |    9.74 |    9.76 |    9.75 |    9.75 |    9.75 |    9.73 |
| green-alt-other         | #00cd68 |    8.69 |    8.71 |    8.70 |    8.70 |    8.70 |    8.68 |
| yellow                  | #eecc00 |   11.61 |   11.63 |   11.62 |   11.62 |   11.62 |   11.60 |
| yellow-alt              | #cfdf30 |   12.47 |   12.49 |   12.48 |   12.48 |   12.48 |   12.45 |
| yellow-alt-other        | #f0ce43 |   11.91 |   11.93 |   11.92 |   11.92 |   11.92 |   11.90 |
| blue                    | #29aeff |    7.52 |    7.53 |    7.52 |    7.52 |    7.53 |    7.51 |
| blue-alt                | #72a4ff |    7.41 |    7.42 |    7.42 |    7.42 |    7.42 |    7.40 |
| blue-alt-other          | #00bdfa |    8.45 |    8.47 |    8.46 |    8.46 |    8.46 |    8.44 |
| magenta                 | #feacd0 |   10.52 |   10.54 |   10.53 |   10.53 |   10.53 |   10.51 |
| magenta-alt             | #f78fe7 |    8.78 |    8.80 |    8.79 |    8.79 |    8.79 |    8.77 |
| magenta-alt-other       | #b6a0ff |    8.28 |    8.29 |    8.28 |    8.28 |    8.29 |    8.27 |
| cyan                    | #00d3d0 |    9.82 |    9.84 |    9.83 |    9.83 |    9.83 |    9.81 |
| cyan-alt                | #4ae8fc |   12.46 |   12.48 |   12.47 |   12.47 |   12.47 |   12.44 |
| cyan-alt-other          | #6ae4b9 |   11.73 |   11.76 |   11.74 |   11.74 |   11.74 |   11.72 |
| red-faint               | #ffa0a0 |    9.44 |    9.46 |    9.45 |    9.44 |    9.45 |    9.43 |
| green-faint             | #88cf88 |    9.91 |    9.93 |    9.92 |    9.92 |    9.92 |    9.90 |
| yellow-faint            | #d2b580 |    9.33 |    9.35 |    9.33 |    9.33 |    9.34 |    9.32 |
| blue-faint              | #92baff |    9.35 |    9.37 |    9.36 |    9.36 |    9.36 |    9.34 |
| magenta-faint           | #e0b2d6 |   10.07 |   10.09 |   10.08 |   10.08 |   10.08 |   10.06 |
| cyan-faint              | #a0bfdf |    9.63 |    9.65 |    9.64 |    9.64 |    9.64 |    9.62 |
| red-alt-faint           | #f5aa80 |    9.57 |    9.59 |    9.58 |    9.58 |    9.58 |    9.56 |
| green-alt-faint         | #a8cf88 |   10.45 |   10.47 |   10.46 |   10.46 |   10.46 |   10.44 |
| yellow-alt-faint        | #cabf77 |    9.82 |    9.84 |    9.83 |    9.83 |    9.83 |    9.81 |
| blue-alt-faint          | #a4b0ff |    8.95 |    8.97 |    8.96 |    8.96 |    8.96 |    8.94 |
| magenta-alt-faint       | #ef9fe4 |    9.40 |    9.42 |    9.41 |    9.41 |    9.41 |    9.39 |
| cyan-alt-faint          | #90c4ed |    9.89 |    9.91 |    9.90 |    9.90 |    9.90 |    9.88 |
| red-alt-other-faint     | #ff9fbf |    9.59 |    9.61 |    9.60 |    9.60 |    9.60 |    9.58 |
| green-alt-other-faint   | #88cfaf |   10.14 |   10.16 |   10.15 |   10.15 |   10.15 |   10.13 |
| yellow-alt-other-faint  | #d0ba95 |    9.74 |    9.76 |    9.75 |    9.75 |    9.76 |    9.73 |
| blue-alt-other-faint    | #8fc5ff |   10.15 |   10.17 |   10.16 |   10.15 |   10.16 |   10.13 |
| magenta-alt-other-faint | #d0b4ff |   10.19 |   10.22 |   10.20 |   10.20 |   10.21 |   10.18 |
| cyan-alt-other-faint    | #a4d0bb |   10.77 |   10.80 |   10.79 |   10.78 |   10.79 |   10.76 |
| red-nuanced             | #ffcccc |   12.91 |   12.94 |   12.92 |   12.92 |   12.93 |   12.90 |
| green-nuanced           | #b8e2b8 |   12.78 |   12.81 |   12.79 |   12.79 |   12.79 |   12.76 |
| yellow-nuanced          | #dfdfb0 |   13.40 |   13.43 |   13.41 |   13.41 |   13.42 |   13.39 |
| blue-nuanced            | #bfd9ff |   12.76 |   12.78 |   12.77 |   12.77 |   12.77 |   12.74 |
| magenta-nuanced         | #e5cfef |   12.69 |   12.71 |   12.70 |   12.70 |   12.70 |   12.67 |
| cyan-nuanced            | #a8e5e5 |   13.12 |   13.15 |   13.14 |   13.14 |   13.14 |   13.11 |
| fg-special-cold         | #c6eaff |   14.53 |   14.56 |   14.55 |   14.55 |   14.55 |   14.52 |
| fg-special-mild         | #bfebe0 |   14.15 |   14.18 |   14.16 |   14.16 |   14.17 |   14.13 |
| fg-special-warm         | #f8dec0 |   14.17 |   14.20 |   14.18 |   14.18 |   14.19 |   14.16 |
| fg-special-calm         | #fbd6f4 |   14.02 |   14.05 |   14.03 |   14.03 |   14.04 |   14.00 |
| fg-main                 | #ffffff |   18.37 |   18.41 |   18.39 |   18.39 |   18.39 |   18.35 |
| fg-dim                  | #e0e6f0 |   14.65 |   14.68 |   14.66 |   14.66 |   14.67 |   14.63 |
| fg-alt                  | #a8a8a8 |    7.72 |    7.74 |    7.73 |    7.73 |    7.73 |    7.72 |
| bg-main                 | #000000 |    1.14 |    1.14 |    1.14 |    1.14 |    1.14 |    1.14 |
| bg-dim                  | #110b11 |    1.06 |    1.06 |    1.06 |    1.06 |    1.06 |    1.06 |
| bg-alt                  | #181a20 |    1.06 |    1.06 |    1.06 |    1.06 |    1.06 |    1.06 |
#+TBLFM: $3='(clr $2 @1$3);%0.2f::$4='(clr $2 @1$4);%0.2f::$5='(clr $2 @1$5);%0.2f::$6='(clr $2 @1$6);%0.2f::$7='(clr $2 @1$7);%0.2f::$8='(clr $2 @1$8);%0.2f

#+NAME: Modus Vivendi old
| Colour name             |         | #180505 | #061206 | #18140a | #070722 | #160616 | #091620 |
| red                     | #ff8059 |    7.98 |    7.73 |    7.42 |    7.98 |    7.92 |    7.40 |
| red-alt                 | #f4923b |    8.49 |    8.22 |    7.89 |    8.49 |    8.42 |    7.86 |
| red-alt-other           | #ff9977 |    9.48 |    9.18 |    8.81 |    9.48 |    9.40 |    8.78 |
| green                   | #44bc44 |    8.02 |    7.77 |    7.45 |    8.02 |    7.95 |    7.43 |
| green-alt               | #80d200 |   10.48 |   10.15 |    9.74 |   10.48 |   10.39 |    9.71 |
| green-alt-other         | #00cd68 |    9.35 |    9.06 |    8.69 |    9.35 |    9.27 |    8.66 |
| yellow                  | #eecc00 |   12.49 |   12.10 |   11.61 |   12.49 |   12.38 |   11.57 |
| yellow-alt              | #cfdf30 |   13.41 |   12.99 |   12.46 |   13.41 |   13.30 |   12.42 |
| yellow-alt-other        | #f0ce43 |   12.81 |   12.41 |   11.91 |   12.81 |   12.70 |   11.87 |
| blue                    | #29aeff |    8.09 |    7.83 |    7.52 |    8.09 |    8.02 |    7.49 |
| blue-alt                | #72a4ff |    7.97 |    7.72 |    7.41 |    7.97 |    7.90 |    7.38 |
| blue-alt-other          | #00bdfa |    9.09 |    8.81 |    8.45 |    9.09 |    9.01 |    8.42 |
| magenta                 | #feacd0 |   11.32 |   10.96 |   10.52 |   11.32 |   11.22 |   10.48 |
| magenta-alt             | #f78fe7 |    9.45 |    9.15 |    8.78 |    9.45 |    9.37 |    8.75 |
| magenta-alt-other       | #b6a0ff |    8.90 |    8.63 |    8.28 |    8.90 |    8.83 |    8.25 |
| cyan                    | #00d3d0 |   10.57 |   10.24 |    9.82 |   10.57 |   10.48 |    9.79 |
| cyan-alt                | #4ae8fc |   13.40 |   12.98 |   12.45 |   13.40 |   13.29 |   12.41 |
| cyan-alt-other          | #6ae4b9 |   12.62 |   12.23 |   11.73 |   12.62 |   12.51 |   11.69 |
| red-faint               | #ffa0a0 |   10.15 |    9.83 |    9.44 |   10.15 |   10.07 |    9.40 |
| green-faint             | #88cf88 |   10.66 |   10.33 |    9.91 |   10.66 |   10.57 |    9.87 |
| yellow-faint            | #d2b580 |   10.03 |    9.72 |    9.33 |   10.03 |    9.95 |    9.29 |
| blue-faint              | #92baff |   10.06 |    9.75 |    9.35 |   10.06 |    9.97 |    9.32 |
| magenta-faint           | #e0b2d6 |   10.83 |   10.49 |   10.07 |   10.83 |   10.74 |   10.03 |
| cyan-faint              | #a0bfdf |   10.36 |   10.04 |    9.63 |   10.36 |   10.28 |    9.60 |
| red-alt-faint           | #f5aa80 |   10.30 |    9.98 |    9.57 |   10.30 |   10.21 |    9.54 |
| green-alt-faint         | #a8cf88 |   11.24 |   10.89 |   10.45 |   11.24 |   11.15 |   10.41 |
| yellow-alt-faint        | #cabf77 |   10.57 |   10.24 |    9.82 |   10.57 |   10.48 |    9.79 |
| blue-alt-faint          | #a4b0ff |    9.63 |    9.33 |    8.95 |    9.63 |    9.55 |    8.92 |
| magenta-alt-faint       | #ef9fe4 |   10.12 |    9.80 |    9.40 |   10.12 |   10.03 |    9.37 |
| cyan-alt-faint          | #90c4ed |   10.64 |   10.31 |    9.89 |   10.64 |   10.55 |    9.85 |
| red-alt-other-faint     | #ff9fbf |   10.32 |   10.00 |    9.59 |   10.32 |   10.23 |    9.56 |
| green-alt-other-faint   | #88cfaf |   10.91 |   10.57 |   10.14 |   10.91 |   10.82 |   10.10 |
| yellow-alt-other-faint  | #d0ba95 |   10.48 |   10.16 |    9.74 |   10.48 |   10.39 |    9.71 |
| blue-alt-other-faint    | #8fc5ff |   10.91 |   10.57 |   10.14 |   10.92 |   10.82 |   10.11 |
| magenta-alt-other-faint | #d0b4ff |   10.97 |   10.62 |   10.19 |   10.97 |   10.87 |   10.16 |
| cyan-alt-other-faint    | #a4d0bb |   11.59 |   11.23 |   10.77 |   11.59 |   11.49 |   10.74 |
| red-nuanced             | #ffcccc |   13.89 |   13.46 |   12.91 |   13.89 |   13.77 |   12.87 |
| green-nuanced           | #b0f0b0 |   15.00 |   14.53 |   13.94 |   15.00 |   14.87 |   13.89 |
| yellow-nuanced          | #e0e0bb |   14.63 |   14.18 |   13.60 |   14.63 |   14.51 |   13.55 |
| blue-nuanced            | #ccccff |   12.84 |   12.44 |   11.94 |   12.85 |   12.73 |   11.90 |
| magenta-nuanced         | #eeccee |   13.65 |   13.23 |   12.69 |   13.65 |   13.54 |   12.65 |
| cyan-nuanced            | #aaeeee |   15.22 |   14.74 |   14.15 |   15.22 |   15.09 |   14.10 |
| fg-special-cold         | #c6eaff |   15.63 |   15.15 |   14.53 |   15.64 |   15.50 |   14.48 |
| fg-special-mild         | #bfebe0 |   15.22 |   14.75 |   14.15 |   15.22 |   15.09 |   14.10 |
| fg-special-warm         | #f8dec0 |   15.24 |   14.77 |   14.17 |   15.25 |   15.12 |   14.12 |
| fg-special-calm         | #fbd6f4 |   15.08 |   14.61 |   14.02 |   15.08 |   14.95 |   13.97 |
| fg-main                 | #ffffff |   19.76 |   19.14 |   18.37 |   19.76 |   19.59 |   18.30 |
| fg-dim                  | #e0e6f0 |   15.76 |   15.27 |   14.65 |   15.76 |   15.63 |   14.60 |
| fg-alt                  | #a8a8a8 |    8.31 |    8.05 |    7.72 |    8.31 |    8.24 |    7.70 |
| bg-main                 | #000000 |    1.06 |    1.10 |    1.14 |    1.06 |    1.07 |    1.15 |
| bg-dim                  | #110b11 |    1.02 |    1.02 |    1.06 |    1.02 |    1.01 |    1.06 |
| bg-alt                  | #181a20 |    1.14 |    1.10 |    1.06 |    1.14 |    1.13 |    1.05 |
#+TBLFM: $3='(clr $2 @1$3);%0.2f::$4='(clr $2 @1$4);%0.2f::$5='(clr $2 @1$5);%0.2f::$6='(clr $2 @1$6);%0.2f::$7='(clr $2 @1$7);%0.2f::$8='(clr $2 @1$8);%0.2f