Manipulating colour values

Finding ways to produce colour blends programmatically

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While iterating on my Tempus themes project of accessible colour schemes for terminal emulators and text editors, I started conducting experiments for mixing colours. The goal is to derive a median value from two others. A couple of variants of red would produce a third one in between them. Same with two greens, yellows, and so on for all basic sixteen colours that constitute each theme’s palette.

Scripting things with Bash

Part of my experimentation was trying to figure out a way to do things using the shell. And I have found a way, only it is not straightforward…

To start with, to derive the median colour from two others, we follow this formula:

blend = ( (R1 + R2) / 2 ) ( (G1 + G2) / 2 ) ( (B1 + B2) / 2 )

This assumes that the colour is defined in RGB, i.e as a mixture of red, green, and blue channels. But what if we have been using hexadecimal notation? A HEX colour might include letters, whereas an RGB one will always be described with integers.

While there probably is a way to do arithmetic with base16 notation, I could not figure it out. As such, I settled on the roundabout way of converting HEX to RGB, doing the arithmetic, and then turning the blended colour into HEX.

To rebase a HEX to RGB (base16 to base10), we need to know how to break it up into its constituent red, green, blue channels. So a hexadecimal value such as 202427 would be abstracted to 20 (red channel), 24 (green channel) 27 (blue channel). Doing that in the shell:


col0=202427 # black variant

echo "${col0:0:2}" # prints first pair of characters (red)
echo "${col0:2:2}" # prints second pair of characters (green)
echo "${col0:4:2}" # prints third pair of characters (blue)

This gives us:


Now we need to convert each channel to decimal notation, which is what is used for RGB. Instead of doing the mathematics, we can use the printf built-in mechanism for converting base16 to base10. This is done with the %d specifier. To denote the presence of a hexadecimal number, we prepend 0x. More concretely, we use the substring extraction we saw earlier to operate on each of the colour’s three channels:

printf "%d,%d,%d" 0x${col0:0:2} 0x${col0:2:2} 0x${col0:4:2}

This command takes 0x20, 0x24, 0x27 in sequence and prints them in decimal notation as R,G,B. Let us put it all together and see what we get, while also introducing our other shade of black:

col0=202427 # black variant
col8=292b35 # bright black variant

col0rgb=$(printf "%d,%d,%d" 0x${col0:0:2} 0x${col0:2:2} 0x${col0:4:2})
col8rgb=$(printf "%d,%d,%d" 0x${col8:0:2} 0x${col8:2:2} 0x${col8:4:2})

echo "$col0rgb"
echo "$col8rgb"

Our new RGB colour is 32,36,39. Doing the same on the bright black variant 292b35, will give us 41,43,53.

Notice the presence of commas. Without them they would be not be valid RGB colours. However, for this particular task what we want is to ultimately blend the two and get a HEX out of them. No commas then:

col0rgbalt=$(printf "%d%d%d" 0x${col0:0:2} 0x${col0:2:2} 0x${col0:4:2})
col8rgbalt=$(printf "%d%d%d" 0x${col8:0:2} 0x${col8:2:2} 0x${col8:4:2})

With that done, here comes the ugly part of using the formula that derives the median value between the two. The code we will be using looks like this:

printf "%d" "$(( (${col0rgbalt:0:2} + ${col8rgbalt:0:2}) / 2 ))"

We need to do this for each of the RGB channels. So thrice:

printf "%d%d%d" "$(( (${col0rgbalt:0:2} + ${col8rgbalt:0:2}) / 2 ))" "$(( (${col0rgbalt:2:2} + ${col8rgbalt:2:2}) / 2 ))" "$(( (${col0rgbalt:4:2} + ${col8rgbalt:4:2}) / 2 ))"

col08rgb=$(printf "%d%d%d" "$(( (${col0rgbalt:0:2} + ${col8rgbalt:0:2}) / 2 ))" "$(( (${col0rgbalt:2:2} + ${col8rgbalt:2:2}) / 2 ))" "$(( (${col0rgbalt:4:2} + ${col8rgbalt:4:2}) / 2 ))")

echo "$col08rgb"

This gives us 363946, which in valid RGB would be 36,39,46. As we can tell, it is positioned in between 32,36,39 and 41,43,53. Great, almost done! Now convert that to base16, this time using the %x specifier, while omitting the 0x notation:

printf "%x%x%x" ${col08rgb:0:2} ${col08rgb:2:2} ${col08rgb:4:2}

Our new colour is 24272e, which once again is between 202427 and 282b35. Perfect!

Moving forward with our newfound knowledge

The Tempus Themes use a 16 colour palette that represents the standard one you would find on any GNU/Linux terminal emulator. The colours are, in order:

  • black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white
  • bright {black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white}

These are denoted numerically as:

  • 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
  • 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15

By creating a blend out of each regular and bright pair, we get an extra eight colours, bringing the total count to twenty four. Should we commit to that path though?

I remain undecided. Part of developing the Tempus Themes is to preserve a certain contrast ratio that conforms at minimum with the WCAG AA accessibility standard. This is the scientific guide to choosing colours. However, a theme is also a work of art. It needs to have a certain aesthetic to it, a recognisable look and feel. Deriving colours programmatically can detract from the appeal of the end product. We do not want that, as fascinating as the procedure may be.

So far, the exception to this hesitation of mine is to allow programmatic blending only from the background values of each theme. Basically a third colour that is designated internally as the “dimmed” background.

I still wish to make design decisions myself, while letting the computer handle the repetitive tasks.

The Tempus Themes are under active development

If you have not checked my project in a while, please have another look at the main git repo (each app-specific implementation has its own dedicated repository, see links in the README).

The latest template I added concerns the GTK4 Source View widget. Basically, this means that you can use the Tempus Themes in GNOME Builder.

Besides, these themes are also deeply incorporated in my dotfiles. I use them daily and always try to improve them further and/or port them to more applications (notwithstanding the comprehensive list currently on offer).

For the sake of completeness, the colours used in the examples above, are col0 and col8 from Tempus Winter.